What if History has been turned Upside Down?


Registered Senior Member
morpheus: "What if everything they ever told you..."

Vid says egypt's pyramids is 10,000 years old. But the best part of the video I am not going to spoil. I am saying I'm the type of person who turns off a video after 3 seconds. But this video I have to say is a video I did not shut off after 3 seconds, I actually watched it to the end.

I want to hear scientists and historians opinion on if this video is possibly the true truth.

Further more I want to take it a step further than the video. The hypothesis I came to after the video is this. Now keep in mind this is my theory, the video doesn't even go this far, but it seems like it all leads to this.
Aliens. Maybe.
"Dont Click This Spoiler Till You Watched The Video, the Video does not say this, but I do, so dont judge the vid if you disagree with this spoiler, since the video does not say this but I do."
I am not watching a 22 minute video!
More likely Egyptians.
The reason I suspect aliens, is because I think humans would have been too savage and primitive to invent this tech on their own. In some way the technology described today is in someways more advanced than what we have now. In terms of evolution we seem to be more mentally advanced than we were 10,000 years ago so I don't see how the ancients could have made the tech on their own.
I just saw a video last night on the pyramids, http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/lost-secrets-of-the-pyramids. The technology wasn't all that advanced. What's more impressive was the social structures needed.
Social structures do not impress me.

What impressed me was this video, which said that Pyramids might have been used as energy distributors via the cloud ie. a Tesla invention that he never made successful.
And it goes into detail Why they can be used as energy generators.

My hope is that some expert on this kind of technology could either confirm or deny the possibility.
What impressed me was this video, which said that Pyramids might have been used as energy distributors via the cloud ie. a Tesla invention that he never made successful.
You seem determined to replace simple reality with woo. Woo does not impress me.
Again waiting for an engineer or electrician to actually refute this or debate the science of it.
You have it backwards. It isn't up to the engineers, etc. to refute every woo merchant. It's up to the woo merchants to refute the simple, natural explanation before they replace it with woo. Unfortunately, there are always gullible woo-buyers.
You have it backwards. It isn't up to the engineers, etc. to refute every woo merchant. It's up to the woo merchants to refute the simple, natural explanation before they replace it with woo. Unfortunately, there are always gullible woo-buyers.
The video editor proposed an alternate hypothesis. This is not an absolute proof but a hypothesis. Such is the nature of history. You can't usually prove history only make your best guess. She provided a refutation at the beginning of why the pyramid may have an alternate history.

You act as if this is a court room trial. If an engineer or electrician has an interest in anthropology or history they will watch the video. If not they will pass it by. If someone doesn't have the patience to watch a 20 min video then they problaby dont have the patience to sit and refute the video scientifically. Their loss, ultimately.
You act as if this is a court room trial.
Actually, science is much more rigorous than a courtroom trial.

If an engineer or electrician has an interest in anthropology or history they will watch the video.
I thought you said the video was about science a la Tesla. You said you weren't interested in social structures, e.g. anthropology and history.

Maybe you should tell us in your own words what the video suggests - and why that explanation is better than a bunch of guys just building a pyramid.
Actually, science is much more rigorous than a courtroom trial.
Your version of science, instilled in you by pop culture memes and methods.

Science is simply the scientific method and truth.
Either her claims in the video are true or false. Either a scientist decides to prove them true or false, or rants and raves about who ought to take the first turn in a turn-based game of chess. The first is science the second is pop-culture instilled ideas of scientific etiquette.

I thought you said the video was about science a la Tesla. You said you weren't interested in social structures, e.g. anthropology and history.

Maybe you should tell us in your own words what the video suggests - and why that explanation is better than a bunch of guys just building a pyramid.
Either watch the video or dont.

But dont tell me you know the video is fake when you havent even watched it.
But dont tell me you know the video is fake when you havent even watched it.
I'm saying that what you've said about the video makes it sound like woo nonsense.

The question remains: Why do we need an "alternative" explanation when we already have a simple one?
I'm saying that what you've said about the video makes it sound like woo nonsense.

The question remains: Why do we need an "alternative" explanation when we already have a simple one?
It was my personal remark that aliens may be real.

The video never said anything about aliens and I put a disclaimer making sure noone would misinterpret my remarks as to believe the video was about aliens.

As far as your question, if the video is accurate about Egyptians using electricity it would revolutionize everything and history and change our entire knowledge of our own existence.
As far as your question, if the video is accurate about Egyptians using electricity it would revolutionize everything and history and change our entire knowledge of our own existence.
But why speculate about what if the Egyptians had electricity? If there was some reason to think they had electricity, then it would make sense to try to figure out what they did with it. But if you're just speculating, you might as well speculate what if Napoleon's hat was a Bluetooth device.
But why speculate about what if the Egyptians had electricity? If there was some reason to think they had electricity, then it would make sense to try to figure out what they did with it. But if you're just speculating, you might as well speculate what if Napoleon's hat was a Bluetooth device.
No because there is no anecdotal evidence to associate Napoleon's hat with bluetooth technology, whereas there is much anectodal evidence to support the egyptians had electricity.

Unless of an engineer would of course to fundamentally disprove some of the claims listed in the video.