What if History has been turned Upside Down?

The pyramids, in some cases, were covered in white marble. The marble is still in Egypt, it was integrated into mosques when the Arabs destroyed Egyptian culture. Nothing mystical about it.
Its just, now I have to watch the video twice, while y'all won't even watch the video once.

In a minute I am about to edit my original post and post a briefing of the video.

EDIT: cant edit it, so I will post it here.

1. She claims the pyramid was not likely used for a tomb for several reasons: No mummies, no ornate decorations, and also the entrance to the tomb is not sealed, but instead has a door. She says that according to what we know about ancient Egypt, tombs ought to be sealed. She states that it is unusual that a tomb would have a deep angled passageway that is so absurdly deep.

2. She then says that the Egyptian pyramids were covered in a casing that works as an insulator, this is historically proven that the casings were indeed real.

3. She mentions the pyramids contain many specific conducting materials, such as granite which contains quartz compound, and dolomite which has pressure based conductivity.

4. She provides ancient artifacts, that prove ancients that were nearby egypt had use of electricity, as proven on mythbusters with lemon juice.

5. There is more stuff, but you have to watch the video, she provides pictures and diagrams of how the pyramid worked.
Well, that does a lot more to spark my interest than a mere link to the video.

I still haven't watched, but might get to it later. Comments at this stage:

1. The Great Pyramid is unusual. Recently, evidence of a previously-unknown void was discovered in the pyramid, above the level of the King's chamber. It is estimated to be as large as the Grand Gallery leading to the King's chamber. It could be a corridor or an additional chamber. Either way, it is sealed and it doesn't appear to have been broken into since the pyramid was constructed.

On the other hand, it is possible that the pyramid was constructed, but then not used in the end by Khufu, for unknown reasons.

2. The "casing" was white limestone, and it was there to make the pyramid look impressive.

3. Are these conducting materials in the form of raw minerals, or in some form as would be useful in an electrical device?

4. Sounds like ancient batteries, of which there are a few examples. There is no evidence that I am aware of that suggests that the ancient Egyptians used electricity systematically for anything.
I'm sure that there are artifacts from that era and local that are from oil lamps. If there was electricity there would be no need for oil lamps.
I'm sure that there are artifacts from that era and local that are from oil lamps. If there was electricity there would be no need for oil lamps.
There are no indications of conduits to run power lines, nothing of infrastructure at all.

This is what was found:


And Eric von Dickhead came up with this:


At least the ancient aliens thing has kept him from stealing any more money from the Boy Scouts.
There are no indications of conduits to run power lines, nothing of infrastructure at all.

This is what was found:


And Eric von Dickhead came up with this:


At least the ancient aliens thing has kept him from stealing any more money from the Boy Scouts.
Are you sure that the first picture isn't of an ancient electronic circuit board? Maybe from an ancient radio?
1. So why would they build a bunch of "usual" pyramids that looked exactly like the Power Plant but were used as tombs?
No idea actually.

James R said:
1. The Great Pyramid is unusual. Recently, evidence of a previously-unknown void was discovered in the pyramid, above the level of the King's chamber. It is estimated to be as large as the Grand Gallery leading to the King's chamber. It could be a corridor or an additional chamber. Either way, it is sealed and it doesn't appear to have been broken into since the pyramid was constructed.
This could be crucial to our understanding of the pyramids. However I fear special interests may steal artifacts from the chamber and cover it up.

There are no indications of conduits to run power lines, nothing of infrastructure at all.
It was something along the lines of, the pyramid itself was the power line, channeling energy into the gold dome of the pyramid which transferred the ambient energy to the sky, ala. Tesla's attempted Sky Energy device, which he later destroyed possibly out of frustration, possibly out of fearing it could be used as a weapon.
I watched some of the video. Basically, it's pseudoscience.

The makers take some facts about the pyramid, combine it with some junk science about electricity, throw in some rubbish about "telluric fields" and Tesla and other favorite topics of the pseudoscience crowd, to tell a fantasy story. The number of times the word "speculation" is used in the video is a massive hint. Also, the findings of professional Egyptologists are dismissed without comment, or else painted as ridiculous.

What little science there is in the video contains basic errors. To take just one example, the video briefly discusses how a capacitor works, but it seems to think that it's the magnetic field of a capacitor that is important.

There's also lots of nonsense thrown in about where the pyramid is specially located on Earth, and how there are supposedly no records of the construction of the pyramids, with other blatantly silly claims, such as that the pyramids are at least twice as old as the age that all the real experts accept.

In short, the video is pseudoscientific woo, and it isn't worth watching.
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Well, that does a lot more to spark my interest than a mere link to the video.

I still haven't watched, but might get to it later. Comments at this stage:
I watched some of the video. Basically, it's pseudoscience.

The makers take some facts about the pyramid, combine it with some junk science about electricity, throw in some rubbish about "telluric fields" and Tesla and other favorite topics of the pseudoscience crowd, to tell a fantasy story. The number of times the word "speculation" is used in the video is a massive hint. Also, the findings of professional Egyptologists are dismissed without comment, or else painted as ridiculous.

What little science there is in the video contains basic errors. To take just one example, the video briefly discusses how a capacitor works, but it seems to think that it's the magnetic field of a capacitor that is important.

There's also lots of nonsense thrown in about where the pyramid is specially located on Earth, and how there are supposedly no records of the construction of the pyramids, with other blatantly silly claims, such as that the pyramids are at least twice as old as the age that all the real experts accept.

In short, the video is pseudoscientific woo, and it isn't worth watching.
Alrighty, so I guess the video about pyramids is fake.
Have you ever tried to work with stone?
The stuff is damned heavy and hard to carve.(and that's just little pieces)
One wonders
Why build megalithic structures with multi-ton carved blocks of stone?
Why go through all that effort?
Imagine doing all that work with muscle powered hand tools made of stone---(and then copper)
Klaus Schmidt, though hesitant at first, came to believe that it was likely that a shared religion led to the large gatherings necessary for the building of Göbekli Tepe, and then it was these large gatherings that led to agriculture.

I would suggest that the changing climate at the beginning of the Holocene was instrumental in this.