Who designed the designer?

That's exactly the point. An atheist doesn't have to change into anything. Atheism is passive.
It's still not clear what you are trying to say. That in one's x number of years of having departed the womb, there are no transitional or developmental stages of atheism?

But of course they are not.
If you cannot help but bring an assessment of their relative value, in accordance to your identity as an atheist, of course you are.

A better example of being passive could be some sort of foreign joke, which, when translated, you cannot understand on account of an absence of a valid values map associated with said cultural/historical community.
Eg : https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/kiddingnot-kidding-a-medieval-sense-of-humour/

Nonsense. I can laugh at an alien joke without taking an active position on whether or not aliens exist.
And thus your humour, or the way you assess the merit of an alien joke, remains distinct from a person who does take an active position on whether or not aliens exist. The distinction will be to the degree that the said person is active on that position.
Of course it would depend on the specific joke, but as a general rule, your active position to an alien joke would be your identification with contemporary culture or affairs (since most alien jokes seem to be more about our culture rather than the pros and cons of their own alien existence).


For instance this joke doesn't function for as long as one is passive about politics, namely an inherent criticism of political leadership. A young child (or, from the opposite spectrum of being critical of leadership, even people coming from a culture that genuinely appreciates their leadership ... if its possible for such people to exist in this day and age) might struggle to understand what is so funny about a civilian requesting aliens take away their leader).

Also nonsense. See above. I could make jokes about aliens, write books about aliens, devote my entire life to the discussion of aliens without ever once taking a position on whether or not aliens exist.
However if you took an active position on whether or not aliens exist, that would also bear an added commensurate difference to a lifetime dedicated to such work. That is the point.
I’m not saying that religion is devoid of rational thought, I’m saying that there is no expectation that it’s propositions be objectively validated.
This, again, gets back to atheist ideas about ontology and knowledge. How do you propose something that is ontologically superior to the knower be objectively validated?
This will probably lead to another popular atheist idea: that if there is a problem where objective validation has no traction, it is false.

The thing about scientific proclamations is that they are continually challenged, and if the claims fail scrutiny they don’t stand, that’s the nature of science.
The reason they are continually challenged is because they continually bring errors into the assessment. The reason is not because they are "bad" or "liars" but because its the nature of the five senses to be limited. IOW the problem exists on an epistemological level, thus the appropriate redress is consistent uncertainty and challenge. This in turn determines which problems they can and cannot solve. If you are dealing with a different sort of problem of knowledge, you have different types of redress. No matter how excited you may get about empiricism, you cant take it, or its inherent redressings, beyond its epistemological limits.

Bad science eventually gets outed as such, and practitioners either make corrections or reputations suffer.
Well that's the theory. Practically, it may not be the case.

What processes exists to weed out falsehoods in religion?
Broadly speaking, two.
One is scripture, the other are those who follow scripture.
From these two, one establishes the path of practical spiritual life.

We have more than a few physical observations to validate the existence of our known and theorized universe. There are centuries of empirical and theoretical knowledge
that can be employed to rationally speculate the limits of our universe.
This is bogus.
Calling upon "more than a few observations" and "a few centuries of thought" in no way objectively conveys "rationalism" to your speculations about something being infinite and eternal.
If you want to talk about it being "rational", you can only talk about it according to its obedience to its own self referential field, which clearly excludes physical notions of infinity and eternity.

Scientifically we can assume that we exist in a vast cosmological setting composed of various elemental processes. If reality is larger than our universe, it would not be unreasonable to speculate that what lies beyond could be more of the same.
This is also bogus.
If reality is bigger than our universe, it is not reasonable to think it will just me more of the same. This is clearly provincial thinking, even by the standards of empiricism.

Such speculation does not involve modifying the qualities of the known universe.
Instead it involves modifying the qualities of the unknown universe, which is bad science.

You could reasonably speculate that human beings may exist throughout an eternal reality, but since known human beings don’t posses the necessary qualities to be defined as gods, it would be unreasonable to speculate based on that example that any exist as gods.

It doesn’t matter what motivated the pilot to issue a warning of turbulence, the fact remains that the passengers reactions were based on a verifiable auditory stimulus originating from the pilot, and not some extrasensory perception. The passengers empirically determined a warning and acted accordingly.
Except for the passengers who, despite having all the functioning bells and whistles of empirically coming to terms with seat belts, airplane seats, intercoms and the pilot's language etc, decide not to put on their seatbelt. After all, why should they accept the pilot's incredulous appeal to authority?
IOW the difference between those who use the seatbelt and those who don't is not an empirical issue. Those determined to not use the seatbelt, do not require the pilot to say it again, to be shown how to use a seatbelt etc. The only empirical thing to be introduced to get them to put on a seatbelt would be for them to smash their teeth on the floor as the plane violently jerks.

You claim there are many paths to knowledge independent of empiricism, yet you still haven’t demonstrated an example of such.
We can only move at the pace of your comprehension.

But you’re still ignoring the empirical basis for all of these notions. They are simply notions derived from empirical existence. Unless they can be continually related to that empirical existence, they have no value.
Actually it's the other way around : empirical existence is derived from these notions of value, context, knowledge, etc. A 2 year old boy and a 22 year old man can both see the same naked woman, but what they make of that image their eyeballs send to their brain is completely different.

I’m not disputing the likelihood that there is knowledge beyond our perception, I’m disputing your contention that there exists methods available to human beings other than empiricism to access it.
A main part of that is because you dispute the existence of God, as required by atheism.
Its just like one who disputes the role of the pilot is not in a position to assess the presence or absence of turbulence beyond counting the number of bleeding teeth in their mouth.

I can know the pilot issues a warning via my physical senses. The pilot issues a warning based on a physical observation of the instrument display. Again, where’s the instance of special knowledge in this example?
Because in order to benefit or "acquire knowledge" in the scenario, you have to grant the pilot a special "ontological status" ... the idea that "they know what they are doing, and it's in my interests to accept" ... as opposed to "I'm in a plane, the pilot is in a plane. I'm in a seat, the pilot is in a seat. He says there is turbulence but I see no evidence".

Is this suppose to be an example of contemplative acquisition of knowledge?
It is more an example of "high hopes".

Jesus presumably being a god never really had anything to lose. Guarantee my reassemblage and I would bear a similar cross.

Whatever the case, disassemblage is a given.
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Seems a bit philosophically sloppy to characterize death as the end of existence. What would Buddha have to say?
I was just speaking in a language familiar to the audience. For one who views issues of selfhood and the body as nondifferent, death is nonexistence. Of course Buddhism doesn't spell that out as the curtain roll.
Sure. Obvious really however I feel it is built upon a flawed notion I hope that does not surprise you.
There is a great body of work on "The Lord of the Rings" (the behind the scenes movie is most interesting) however most folk can realise that notwithstanding that great body of work the whole thing is fiction.
There are no Hobbits for a start.
I suppose the God story may be similar in so far as it is entertaining and I admit helpful for some to find a reason not to slash their wrists however there is more evidence to suggest Hobbits exist than we can find for God...in my view.
Heck one of the actors may be a real Hobbit pretending to be a human actor...dna test them all I say.
I think it's strange that you should discuss Lord of the Rings as a parallel to theism. Despite the epic narrative and involved character developments, etc, it's a Godless universe. There is no one to pray to and no one in control. If, for some funny reason, one decided to extract prescriptive lessons from LOTR, one would be talking about candidates from the rank and file of atheism.

In any event I do not think one can compare the body of work for religion with the body of work for science.
Depends entirely on what one is looking at (and I might add, looking "with") for a comparison. Vultures might compare the carcass of a zebra and crocodile with a host of criteria that puts our celebrity chef panels to shame, even though we don't hesitate to disregard the entire episode as nasty.

My problem is I think the concept of a creator has yet to be shown to have any substance, and when you think about it one can come up with various alternatives all of which are on the same footing as the creator notion.
The universe may or may not be created and if created there are multiple choices to select from as to who how or what.
There are two types of speculation.

1. Is something so?
2. How is something so?

If one is fixated on the first one, one is stuck in infinite regression, since you can tag "...and what is that?" onto anything and everything forever. We get around it by asking this q until we arrive at self evident truths, immutable truths, axiomatic truths etc, otherwise nothing further is possible.

So the second form of speculation becomes the productive front, since you can introduce "if/then" clauses and proceed with other forms of rationalism.

IOW if you want to introduce problems to a claim via speculation, you have to do it in the category of the 2nd type, since even a 3 year old can introduce perpetual problems using the first type ("But why?".... "But why?".... "But why?".... ."But why?".... "But why?".... etc etc)

Yes but not a great example.
The Uni could take that approach because they have runs on the board.
Religion has many problems and really if theist seek acceptance as worthwhile what better place to start by backing up the prime claim.
Regardless of your assessment of who owns the runs and who owns the problems, successful candidacy begins at the point of interest, specifically submissive interest, and not the stick wielding pinata festival variety.

Interesting and yet I can respect mainstream science and not be limited to exclude thinking about things...
I am not one who automatically respects authority of accumulated learning...well most things that are beyond alteration.
Say my interest in how gravity works if you ask a scientist for a mechanical explanation they lable you as a crackpot but that does not stop me from wanting to know what goes on at a particle level and I really dont care what others think.
I am not perfect and others can explain why if they feel the need.
At the very least, you appear to be careful not to jump head first into discussions of gravity ...

If you mean me I think you have it wrong but if that is the impression I give I really dont care...just another example of why I never became a comedian.
I was following your gag. It seemed to me you were talking about yourself as a means to talk about me, or theists in general.

I know I know
I am happy being a hermit not need to manage or control or fight business battles, no need to wear a suit anymore and to do only what I want to do... few if any get to enjoy life for themselves exclusively but to do so is the meaningful power..power to do what you want without ever thinking about anyone at all.

In my universe there is no God which must be difficult for you to imagine but its a non event.
I just think theists are unable to think rationally and have been conned.
I gave that offering since you seemed to be suggesting spiritual life is all about kowtowing one's way into cronyhood.

I dont fear death.
That is either a lie or a sign of insanity. If the presence of your life leaves you just as nonplussed as the absence of your life, it means your life has no value.

My view is I exist in my eternity ..I did not comprehend arriving and I wont know when l am gone so all I experience is an eternity.
But, unless you remain in some sort of heavily medicated state, you can conceive of the inevitable demise of everything associated with not only your "I", but everything related to it (honors, wealth, fame, etc) .... therein lies the pinch.

Others need a god and have made one up to manage their fear of death fear of hell and the realisation they are not at all important.
Even a pauper is proud of their penny.

I have no problem realising I am just a speck in time and space ...others do I dont.
I did enjoy reading your well considered post in reply.
In some people's books, it's even preposterous and conceited that you would consider your self a speck. :D
I think it's strange that you should discuss Lord of the Rings as a parallel to theism.

They are both made up stories, obvious fiction and have no relationship to reality is the point on the one hand and on the other the body of work associated with any story does not turn that story into reality.

You mentioned religion has a great body of work I guess in an effort to suggest that as so much has been put into it that gives it credibility...well I am saying your body of work for religion could be one hundred fold but the fact remains all that work is upon an unproven and most unlikely notion which seeks authority from stories made up in the bronze age by superstitious folk who did not know where the Sun went at night...the body of work counts for nothing because the fundamental claim is no more than a mere unsupported claim.
one would be talking about candidates from the rank and file of atheism.
Perhaps you could expand upon that idea and demonstrate in detail why you feel that you could draw that conclusion.
Vultures might compare the carcass of a zebra and crocodile with a host of criteria that puts our celebrity chef panels to shame, even though we don't hesitate to disregard the entire episode as nasty.
Why draw metaphor that steers folk away from the truth.
I admire your style but you lessen the reality and I am not suggesting that was your intention.

The truth is the body of work of science is many fold greater than religion, and I shudder to think I even talk about both religion and science in the same breath, and the science is all fact...all of it..not just close but fact and if you disagree point to one mistake in science, just one, but feel free to make a list...but you wont for I know that you can not...now look at religion and I select christianity as a good example ...first the book of authority, the good book is full of mistakes of fact, its claim to fame comes in part from all the "correct" prophesy does it not...they are so non specific to be worthless or when specific just plain wrong...even JC said to those listening he would be back in their life times did he not...didnt happen and here we are and 2000 years have passed and stupid folk still run around zaying he said he will return like he promised...he promised in their life time if you want to believe that made up story...oh and the stars shall fall upon the ground wrong wrong wrong by a country mile and yet its a great part of the book for prophesy...and angels shall stand at the four corners of the (flat) Earth...you do realise the bible suggests the Earth is flat. And the impossible flood and humans impossible repopulation of the planet...I remind you science does not deal in prophesy but in prediction and those predictions are very specific ( read up on General Relativity and Mercury if you dare) and unlike religion if science finds a mistake, just one, that causes that science to be thrown out...What a pity religion could not do similar rather that retain horrible morality or "facts" that are wrong.

I am sorry to have to generalise about the mistakes it is just that there are just so many I dont have time or inclination to list them...science needs only one mistake on a very specific prediction to throw out an idea yet religion simply lets the mistakes accumulate to such a large number it is a huge task to list them.
If someone lies to me thats is it he has qualified as a liar and never to be trusted again.
Yet this book inspired by God contains more mistakes than any other book on the planet.
No other book would escape the editors red pen nor has none.
Even the run of the mill hollywood movie seems to enjoy a more plausible plot free of glaring inconsistency.
self evident truths, immutable truths, axiomatic truths etc,
Like what? Do you have anything specific in mind God perhaps.
"if/then" clauses and proceed with other forms of rationalism.
The premise behind "lets talk about Gods atributes" type threads.
I disagree.
I know you like philosophy but before we get carried away lets establish the notion for discussion as having some link with reality otherwise its not philosophy but mere speculation and eloquence wont change that inconvenient fact.
IOW if you want to introduce problems to a claim
The only reason I or any atheist as you say introduces problems is because the theists fail to support their claims.

That is the problem.

You want to make a claim well I promise I wont present a problem if you present a reasonable claim with reasonable support.

But if you want to make a claim without support expect problems due to your failure to make a reasonable case.

I cant understand why you would expect to be able to make a claim then direct guilt to anyone who says hold on back that up please.
and not the stick wielding pinata festival variety.
Well give me the stick and I will pretend I am interested.
I am not interested in a proposition I regard as wrong and immoral ( I sincerely believe religion is immoral and the texts tend to support that opinion) and even if in the presence of the Pope I would point out the obvious...its all made up in the bronze age and has nothing to suggest there is any truth in any part of the God story.

Distil the story and I bet it will sound nonsence even to you.

At the very least, you appear to be careful not to jump head first into discussions of gravity ...
I am a boots first sort of guy.
It seemed to me you were talking about yourself as a means to talk about me, or theists in general.
I am not that subtle I was acting the goat just to be silly.
I gave that offering since you seemed to be suggesting spiritual life is all about kowtowing one's way into cronyhood.
I dont think about cronyhood or power trips.
I dont look down or up to people.
I am outside of that sort of stuff.
If you lead people will follow is the way I went through life.
Power is about sex.
Fortunately I never realized until both were of no interest to me.
That is either a lie or a sign of insanity.
Have I ever lied to you or anyone.
I am being realistic.
Why should you fear the inevitable.
The problem for folk who fear death is they embrace the loss as if it were somehow real when actually as i said you dont know anything but an eternal life..its eternal if you dont perceive your absence.
Look when you die you wont know you are dead so you cant experience the loss...others will know you are gone but you wont.
JC if he was real or whoever wrote his lines like me realised that if you are at peace with yourself which comes about by not pretending and generally avoiding negative emotions you current life can only be seen as eternal.
Our personal experience is eternal as we percieve no begining or any end to our life.
I dont think I am insane either by my measure or that of folk around me.
I am not burdened by the thing that burdens you. You fear death and a God who says he will ultimately punish you if you dont toe the line.
Fear is just a negative emotion that should be avoided.
Same with guilt and envy, hate well any emotion that is unproductive...be happy with who you are and the fact you are experiencing an eternal life.
If the presence of your life leaves you just as nonplussed as the absence of your life, it means your life has no value.
I disagree only because you cant understand where I am coming from.
My life has value to me...its great I bet I get my share and two other guys but I realise and accept that I am just a speck in time and space...sit under the stars and realise just how big it all is and how long its been there and then get real and admit importance is a fantacy...look at folk through history who did great things..they are just as dead as the guy in the box next to them and craving importance in the now just says one is really inadequate if that is your motivator.
Most folk love to think they are important but that is just foolish well very stupid really.
but everything related to it (honors, wealth, fame, etc) .... therein lies the pinch.
So what.
There is no pinch at all.
You dont live forever...in a very short time we will be dead and if you are worried about holding onto stuff with that coming up you will only suffer torment.
You destroy your peace you waste your life if you go through life holding on to stuff you cant hold on to.
When you are dead you dont know..I dont think the council would approve but when I an dead i would like to lay out on the ground not under it and if the wild dogs eat my bones I would not care...its not going to matter is it.
Even a pauper is proud of their penny.
Pride the worst negative emotion of all.
Its not about how the rest of the world sees you so you will only be burdened indulging pride.
I find proud folk so comical.
Pride comes from starting at a point where you dont feel as good as the next person.
There will always be greater and lesser persons so why bother with keeping up with the Jones...waste of time and destroys your peace.
In some people's books, it's even preposterous and conceited that you would consider your self a speck. :D
Well yes and they are the sort of folk one should admire.
Remember make all your losses victories including death.
You only die once may as well enjoy the idea.
This, again, gets back to atheist ideas about ontology and knowledge. How do you propose something that is ontologically superior to the knower be objectively validated?
This will probably lead to another popular atheist idea: that if there is a problem where objective validation has no traction, it is false.
The further you get from our perceptive abilities, the less confidence you can have that a given proposition could be known. So ultimately, if it can’t be validated in some rational way experientially, it can’t be considered knowledge. Having thoughts about hidden metaphysical characteristics doesn’t translate to knowledge of them.

The reason they are continually challenged is because they continually bring errors into the assessment. The reason is not because they are "bad" or "liars" but because its the nature of the five senses to be limited. IOW the problem exists on an epistemological level, thus the appropriate redress is consistent uncertainty and challenge. This in turn determines which problems they can and cannot solve. If you are dealing with a different sort of problem of knowledge, you have different types of redress. No matter how excited you may get about empiricism, you cant take it, or its inherent redressings, beyond its epistemological limits.
The senses are the minds interface with reality. Any evaluation and validation of reality is dependent on the senses.

Broadly speaking, two.
One is scripture, the other are those who follow scripture.
From these two, one establishes the path of practical spiritual life.
By what process do scriptures correct their own falsehoods? And if scriptures are inherently false, where does that leave the follower?

This is bogus.
Calling upon "more than a few observations" and "a few centuries of thought" in no way objectively conveys "rationalism" to your speculations about something being infinite and eternal.
If you want to talk about it being "rational", you can only talk about it according to its obedience to its own self referential field, which clearly excludes physical notions of infinity and eternity.
I was speaking of our “known” universe, that which our perceptive abilities allow us to know. That doesn’t imply that what we know covers all possible characteristics of our universe, but that the characteristics we do know could reasonably be assumed to extend into an eternal reality.

This is also bogus.
If reality is bigger than our universe, it is not reasonable to think it will just me more of the same. This is clearly provincial thinking, even by the standards of empiricism.
Not at all. When we look into the cosmos we see a vast collection of celestial processes that make up our perceptible universe. To conclude that what we experience in our own universe may also occur in other universes would not be unreasonable. And to further conclude that realty could be infinitely populated with such universes would be reasonable as well. We know that repetition pervades our known existence, it’s reasonable to assume it also extends to the unknown.

Instead it involves modifying the qualities of the unknown universe, which is bad science.
You can’t modify what you don't know, but you can reasonably speculate that what you do know might extend to the unknown.

Except for the passengers who, despite having all the functioning bells and whistles of empirically coming to terms with seat belts, airplane seats, intercoms and the pilot's language etc, decide not to put on their seatbelt. After all, why should they accept the pilot's incredulous appeal to authority?
Because they’ve been empirically conditioned to act one way or the other.

IOW the difference between those who use the seatbelt and those who don't is not an empirical issue. Those determined to not use the seatbelt, do not require the pilot to say it again, to be shown how to use a seatbelt etc. The only empirical thing to be introduced to get them to put on a seatbelt would be for them to smash their teeth on the floor as the plane violently jerks.
Whether or not the warning is heeded depends on the individual experience of the passenger. Some may conclude that since they have not experienced consequences for ignoring past warnings, they will continue to ignore them in the present.

Actually it's the other way around : empirical existence is derived from these notions of value, context, knowledge, etc. A 2 year old boy and a 22 year old man can both see the same naked woman, but what they make of that image their eyeballs send to their brain is completely different.
All of those notions are derived from experiential perspective. There would be no naked woman or anything else for the boy and man to contemplate without a history of sensory existence.

A main part of that is because you dispute the existence of God, as required by atheism.
I don’t dispute the potential existence of gods, I just dispute that anyone has knowledge of their existence.

Because in order to benefit or "acquire knowledge" in the scenario, you have to grant the pilot a special "ontological status" ... the idea that "they know what they are doing, and it's in my interests to accept" ... as opposed to "I'm in a plane, the pilot is in a plane. I'm in a seat, the pilot is in a seat. He says there is turbulence but I see no evidence".
Do you understand the concept of caution? It’s something we learn by experience, or through the experiences of others. Pilots exercise caution when they recognize a need for it, and by relaying that recognition to passengers, they are able to do the same.
This, again, gets back to atheist ideas about ontology and knowledge. How do you propose something that is ontologically superior to the knower be objectively validated?
This will probably lead to another popular atheist idea: that if there is a problem where objective validation has no traction, it is false.
If you can't objectively validate it, how do you justify it as anything more than an idea which can be dismissed (not proven false) as unfalsifiable? Doesn't that make it equal to an infinite number of such ideas? For example, universe creating invisible pixies?
It's still not clear what you are trying to say. That in one's x number of years of having departed the womb, there are no transitional or developmental stages of atheism?
There could be. All babies are born atheists but in our god-permeated society they're going to be exposed and may catch the disease to some extent or another. Even a dyed-in-the-wool fanatic can be cured. Sometimes people go back and forth between theism and atheism. But there is no need for an atheist to become a theist.

If you cannot help but bring an assessment of their relative value, in accordance to your identity as an atheist, of course you are.
Many don't. So you can't make a blanket statement that, "they are representative of atheism."

A better example of being passive could be some sort of foreign joke, which, when translated, you cannot understand on account of an absence of a valid values map associated with said cultural/historical community.
That isn't an example of being passive; it's an example of being ignorant of the language. Nobody in out society is ignorant of theism, so the example isn't applicable.

And thus your humour, or the way you assess the merit of an alien joke, remains distinct from a person who does take an active position on whether or not aliens exist.
The point being that many atheists don't take an active position on whether or not gods exist.
I think it's strange that you should discuss Lord of the Rings as a parallel to theism. Despite the epic narrative and involved character developments, etc, it's a Godless universe.
It was written by an overt Roman Catholic believer, the man most often credited with converting C.S. Lewis to Christianity, a man directly responsible for his wife's conversion to Catholicism as a condition of marriage, a man whose intellectual career was devoted to unearthing and establishing as intellectually respectable the holiness, the profundity, the spiritual depth, inherent in what was then by fashion dismissed as shallow fairytales told to people condescended to for their simple and credulous nature.

If there is a theistic point of view in any work of literature, if that category of points of view exists at all, the Lord Of The Rings has that point of view and belongs in that category.
If, for some funny reason, one decided to extract prescriptive lessons from LOTR, one would be talking about candidates from the rank and file of atheism.
Identifying "theism" with "prescriptive lessons" is of course a common blind spot of the shallower sort of Abrahamic atheist in social rebellion.
But as we see, there is a reason for that, isn't there. The notion of getting prescriptive lessons from a parable or tale - as if from an instructor or designer or planner of lessons - where else? Most Abrahamic-rejecting atheistic folk (a minority of that worldwide and timelong grab bag of a category) got their initial lessons in theism from theists.

The "God As Projection Of Human Designer" lesson central among them.
There you have it already.
Somewhere along the merry way of civilization's development, the notion of delayed rewards, namely fiat currencies, attained for performing bizarre activities, such as sticking dohickies on widgets, got dovetailed with a collective need to acquire the glitter associated with widghickies, while people starve.
In light of what many see as the inevitable collapse of fiat currencies, there is much discussion about what constitutes real wealth and real skills. The conclusion seems to be that neither money, nor widghickey production skills can provide eatables.
From God's perspective, He has provided the real estate and the means to grow food and an instruction booklet that says "beware of the shiny shit". I guess ultimately it's a case of all that glitters is not gold and a question arises of whether a shitty world has its origin in shit on the brain. If we have shit on our brain, it is poor form to lay that blame at the feet of others, particularly God.

Unity within diversity just becomes plain old competitive, disruptive, argumentative, express-my-self-with-high-powered-guns-in-public, etc diversity if unity has no practical point of reference. Kind of like a person experiencing a heart attack in public while some well meaning samaritan reassures them that everything is ok, just be calm, the science of treating heart attacks exists in the world, just not the practitioners.

It would be more questionable if God didn't. If politics is our highest tier for duking out the application of important ideas, it seems reasonable to expect that God takes a place in politics to the degree God is deemed an important idea. To the degree God is not deemed an important idea, see your previous two points of discussion.
A bad way to legitimize my remarks is to reply to them when on re-reading I have no idea if I had a point to make.

Who designed the designer?

No one offers an answer.

Let me provide a clue.

The designer is an invention by those folk well skilled in inventing non existent entities and guide their lives by reliance upon made up stuff from times when humans were only a few generations evolved from the ancestor that humans and apes could call grandpa.
Well not really but who can resist an opportunity to ridicule when the opposition dwells upon nonsence.
There never was a designer other than the designer of the inteligent designer who was no more than a sneaky theist trying to play grown ups pretending they present more than wishful thinking wraped up in a fairey tale.
My message to theists would be to stop pretending and embrace the reality offerred two thousand years past where you shop for your truth.
However if there is anything to the notion that a designer played some part please present some evidence or withdraw.
A bad way to legitimize my remarks is to reply to them when on re-reading I have no idea if I had a point to make.

Perhaps you need to save your drafts for a day or two before posting to avoid future confusion of any other parties that might get involved.
Who designed the designer?

No one offers an answer.

Let me provide a clue.

The designer is an invention by those folk well skilled in inventing non existent entities and guide their lives by reliance upon made up stuff from times when humans were only a few generations evolved from the ancestor that humans and apes could call grandpa.
Well not really but who can resist an opportunity to ridicule when the opposition dwells upon nonsence.
There never was a designer other than the designer of the inteligent designer who was no more than a sneaky theist trying to play grown ups pretending they present more than wishful thinking wraped up in a fairey tale.
My message to theists would be to stop pretending and embrace the reality offerred two thousand years past where you shop for your truth.
However if there is anything to the notion that a designer played some part please present some evidence or withdraw.
That seems very straight forward.
They are both made up stories, obvious fiction and have no relationship to reality is the point on the one hand and on the other the body of work associated with any story does not turn that story into reality.
I understand that is your view, but forming it into a coherent argument is more involved.

Perhaps you could expand upon that idea and demonstrate in detail why you feel that you could draw that conclusion.
LOTR doesn't "solve" any inherent theistic problem. It's a universe with no one in control and an array of characters out to establish higher and lower qualities in relation to power.
You might as well be talking about Wall Street.

Why draw metaphor that steers folk away from the truth.
I admire your style but you lessen the reality and I am not suggesting that was your intention.

The truth is the body of work of science is many fold greater than religion, and I shudder to think I even talk about both religion and science in the same breath, and the science is all fact...all of it..not just close but fact and if you disagree point to one mistake in science, just one, but feel free to make a list...but you wont for I know that you can not...now look at religion and I select christianity as a good example ...first the book of authority, the good book is full of mistakes of fact, its claim to fame comes in part from all the "correct" prophesy does it not...they are so non specific to be worthless or when specific just plain wrong...even JC said to those listening he would be back in their life times did he not...didnt happen and here we are and 2000 years have passed and stupid folk still run around zaying he said he will return like he promised...he promised in their life time if you want to believe that made up story...oh and the stars shall fall upon the ground wrong wrong wrong by a country mile and yet its a great part of the book for prophesy...and angels shall stand at the four corners of the (flat) Earth...you do realise the bible suggests the Earth is flat. And the impossible flood and humans impossible repopulation of the planet...I remind you science does not deal in prophesy but in prediction and those predictions are very specific ( read up on General Relativity and Mercury if you dare) and unlike religion if science finds a mistake, just one, that causes that science to be thrown out...What a pity religion could not do similar rather that retain horrible morality or "facts" that are wrong.
As I said, it depends on what one is looking at (and with). If astronomy is "your thing", then yes, the bible is probably not the sharpest tool in the shed. Likewise, if you having difficulty formatting your hard drive, astronomy texts are not likely to provide satisfying answers.
Similarly, if one is interested in the finer points of cuisine that distinguish a rotting zebra from a rotting crocodile, master chef is just going to come across as a series of inadequate and irrelevant fallacies.

Like what? Do you have anything specific in mind God perhaps.
Well obviously that is a biggy for the theist camp, but it's hardly the only one or even something unique to theists. For instance Descartes, "I think therefore I am" is another ("I may doubt the existence of so many things, but its not practical to doubt that which is doing the doubting namely the existence of my self").
You could (and some do) ask, "well how do you know that?", but it starts pushing the discussion into very deep water and discussions so open ended that the cows will never come home. Usually, if you want to come to something fruitful with speculation, it's more practical just to establish the axiomatic boundaries, etc on face value and see what it rationally means to apply them within such a perimeter. Eg "ok so your a theist/ atheist, therefore etc etc?"

The premise behind "lets talk about Gods atributes" type threads.
I disagree.
I know you like philosophy but before we get carried away lets establish the notion for discussion as having some link with reality otherwise its not philosophy but mere speculation and eloquence wont change that inconvenient fact.
Well I did bold, italic and underline the bit that said "If you want to speculate ..." (call it my mystic augury, but I suspected you would miss it, even if I put in up in neon lights). You expressed the desire to talk about the multitude of possibilities one could devise around the concept of creation.
If instead you want to abandon speculative philosophy and get down to "reality", then you will have to change epistemological gears. For you (unless you have changed your axiomatic parameters recently), is empiricism, and, as previously mentioned, empiricism and notions of comprehending causitive processes of the universe are poor bedfellows.

The only reason I or any atheist as you say introduces problems is because the theists fail to support their claims.

That is the problem.

You want to make a claim well I promise I wont present a problem if you present a reasonable claim with reasonable support.
The problem is that you want the claim to be supported within your axiomatic framework. Its like vultures eating dead zebras ... thats for the wildlife channel I'm afraid, not master chef.

Why should you fear the inevitable.
Because it is unwanted. We spend our days endeavouring to avoid all sorts of sufferings that threaten to undo us into moist, red messes. The wiser part of ourselves telling us that if our endeavours don't fail today, they will definitely fail tomorrow, in no way grants reconcilliation to the prospects of ceasing to exist.

The problem for folk who fear death is they embrace the loss as if it were somehow real when actually as i said you dont know anything but an eternal life..its eternal if you dont perceive your absence.

Look when you die you wont know you are dead so you cant experience the loss...others will know you are gone but you wont.
JC if he was real or whoever wrote his lines like me realised that if you are at peace with yourself which comes about by not pretending and generally avoiding negative emotions you current life can only be seen as eternal.
Our personal experience is eternal as we percieve no begining or any end to our life.
I dont think I am insane either by my measure or that of folk around me.
I am not burdened by the thing that burdens you. You fear death and a God who says he will ultimately punish you if you dont toe the line.
Fear is just a negative emotion that should be avoided.
Same with guilt and envy, hate well any emotion that is unproductive...be happy with who you are and the fact you are experiencing an eternal life.
Easier said than done.
I'm pretty sure if you tripped over and smashed your new telescope you would be pissed off. The nature of existing in this world is that it awakens attachment, and all attachments establish themselves through the mind and body.

I disagree only because you cant understand where I am coming from.
My life has value to me...
Then the prospect of that value diminishing or ceasing brings concommitant issues
If you value your life at 6, reducing it down to 5,4,3,2,1, and 0, brings inevitable conflict.