why can moderators say what they like, but everyone else can't?

Should moderators follow the same rules has everyone else has to?

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This thread is a good example of what happens in every thread, no matter the topic, and look who's leading the pack.

A slow decline into teenage put-downs, lame witticisms, sarcasm and a subtle whiff of crap.

Keep rockin' kids.

Yeup, this forum needs more discriminating tastes. Not enough high school banter and chattering chatter.

I think I'll go back to my Satyr's style.
I do adapt well.
What solution(s) do you suggest for how to change or prevent this?
Natural selection.
You allow stupidity its voice, so as to act as an example.

In the end the natural forces will cause birds of a feather to congregate together.
At least allow me the pleasure of shooting at these pigeons.
Look at them...they're just asking for it.
Natural selection.
You allow stupidity its voice, so as to act as an example.

In the end the natural forces will cause birds of a feather to congregate together.
At least allow me the pleasure of shooting at these pigeons.
Look at them...they're just asking for it.

huh? the one with "retard" written underneath the avatar...speaks of "truth"? :bugeye:
Natural selection.
You allow stupidity its voice, so as to act as an example.

In the end the natural forces will cause birds of a feather to congregate together.
At least allow me the pleasure of shooting at these pigeons.
Look at them...they're just asking for it.

Natural selection seems in favor of 'housewifism'..
When the authorities prevent the husbands from beating the shit out of them, yes.
When the authorities pander to them, trying to attract more of them or relate to them because they too are housewives that must be protected from the big bad world, yes

I'm talkin' NATURAL SELECTION, boy.
This thread is a good example of what happens in every thread, no matter the topic, and look who's leading the pack.

A slow decline into teenage put-downs, lame witticisms, sarcasm and a subtle whiff of crap.

Keep rockin' kids.

Yeup, this forum needs more discriminating tastes. Not enough high school banter and chattering chatter.

I think I'll go back to my Satyr's style.
I do adapt well.

lets see, bitch.....

you thrashed coberst's thread


Survival of the fittest...all the way old man.
Lord of flies, are you ever going to dare engage me?

Imbecile, you've had too much free reign...it is time for you to taste reality.
No more eating of piles of crap, you stupid fuck, time to face the grim reaper.

Please post a pic of me (or what you think is me), - that you found on-line -
you imbecile retarded fuck, and I'll promise to tear you a new a-hole.

I loved your feminine tactics. So indicative of your true nature, you retarded bug.
And please impress me with your /style
And stupid verbal acrobatics *joinks*

I, and only you, perhaps, know of your real true value, don't we, you stupid fucK?
Please post some more internet lingo...it shows how cool you are, you stupid fuck.

Did you get a whiff of her crotth, you pathetic geek?

/funeral grin

*asshole smile*

Too bad your stupid style doesn't cut it with someone like me.
Try it on the mediocre, you retarded simpleton.

Did you get my new phone number yet?
Tell me you are looking for your dad again, you stupid imbecile.

malakas is satyr is wanderer
you lack style, personality and imagination to differentiate
jes same ole same ole

frikkin self aggrandizing and pretentious loser
bring some meat to the goddamn table if you are desirous of my attention
a fucking lifeless and withered husk. a has been
ja, you!
lets see, bitch.....

you thrashed coberst's thread


I adapt well, don't I?

malakas is satyr is wanderer
you lack style, personality and imagination to differentiate
jes same ole same ole
If it were coming from another, I'd be insulted.
If I had a pussy, you would be sniffing at my crotch.

frikkin self aggrandizing and pretentious loser
Now, this one I've never heard before. Original.

bring some meat to the goddamn table if you are desirous of my attention
a fucking lifeless and withered husk. a has been
ja, you!
Lord of Flies, you are, as usual, plain and boring.

Your "style" consists in cut-up phrases with a (/) and your usual "ja" this and "ja" that.

I admired how an entire thread was created to discuss your apparent "style".
Amongst flies you are Lord.

But I do remember your previous contributions to this forum.
Nothing really to say, have you?

Just interjections and ejaculations.
Even your insults are mundane.

Was the 'is' part of your campaign to get rid of me again?
How pathetic are you?
stupid fuck
until you came to me, i had no idea you existed!


flies get noticed
fleas do not



get this into your thick skull, retard
you mean nothing to me
you have reduced yourself to an irrelevancy

i cannot help you

fuck off

i do not care!
stupid fuck
until you came to me, i had no idea you existed!

flies get noticed
fleas do not

Unless they sting.


get this into your thick skull, retard
you mean nothing to me
you have reduced yourself to an irrelevancy

i cannot help you

fuck off

i do not care!
Then why are you buzzing around my face?
I've got fly repellent.

I find it telling that you've stayed here - for how many years?
Flies always stay around where all the bullshit is at.
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