Why do theists reject evolution?

You can call it what you like.
I’ll stick with Darwinism.

"He could have just said he didn’t believe in evolution, or that evolution had flaws. Or, he could have said that a book with a whole unit on evolution was just too much. But William Buckingham, of the Dover Area School Board in Pennsylvania, didn’t use the “E” word when he explained his objections to the biology textbook selected by the science teachers at Dover High School. Instead, he invoked a term that didn’t even appear in that textbook. Prentice Hall’s Biology: The Living Science, he claimed, “was laced with Darwinism from beginning to end.” Surely, he must have thought, “Darwinism” was a disqualifying slander that everyone could understand."

I don’t admit nothing.
That's "I don't admit anything."

Your own words: "The idea that humans evolved from apes" "whale evolution"

I will use your own words. You can hardly object to a definition you provided. (I mean, I know you can, but you will look like an even bigger fool.)
That's "I don't admit anything."

Your own words: "The idea that humans evolved from apes" "whale evolution"

I will use your own words. You can hardly object to a definition you provided. (I mean, I know you can, but you will look like an even bigger fool.)
If you want to play that silly game be my guest.
But it does nothing for your belief, and it shows that these ideas are anything but scientific.
The biggest fool IMO is the the fool that says, in his heart, there is no God.
James, I am not trolling anything. The thread asks why theists reject evolution, and I have given my response.
You know what I regard as evolution, namely what is termed “microevolution”. I just don’t accept the so called evidence for any change outside of that, and I’m not the only one. It’s not as though I’m a part of some little clique or minority, going against something so obvious, one would have to be a fool to reject it.
To me this idea is more political than scientific.
Hence the the kind of fanatical backlash people who don’t accept, get.
It seems you just can’t let it go. You, and other proponents of this idea are intolerant of any people who disagree with you. That is evident here.
Just let it go man! There are people who totally disagree with macroevolution, and hopefully it will die out. But if we are wrong, and somehow it turns out to be true, I will accept it. But I’m not holding my breath.

You asked for a honest and comprehensive reply, and you got one.
My participation in this thread, other than my initial response to the the thread, is fed by an intolerance to what I deem to be, a belief system. A materialistic philosophy that vehemently opposed to my own philosophy, and worldview. It is not about trying to show the science, or even philosophy, that trump my worldview. It is an attempt to beat down, or as Alex likes to say, crush me. But in failure to do so, becoming agitated, and aggressive, out of frustration.
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Jan Ardena:

I see that, once again, you have avoided answering my questions about your understanding of "darwinism". I think a reasonable consequence is to exclude you from posting to this thread for 1 week, to give you a chance to reconsider your response. If you cannot or will not answer my questions after being given another week to consider them, I will have to conclude that you're simply trolling. So, I urge to make an honest attempt at them.

Good luck!
Even if that were the case, it’s better than the nonsense you accept over science.:D
Dont be so silly Jan. Or alternativelly please quote what nonsense I accept over science. You can't, because you are again lying and redefining definitions.
My participation in this thread, other than my initial response to the the thread, is fed by an intolerance to what I deem to be, a belief system.
Unmitigated bullshit. Your participation in this and other threads is to simply spew your lies and agenda, mainly by denying the accepted fact of Darwinism and the theroy of evolution, along with the evidence for that fact that has been laid at your feet, like the fossil record, like carbon and radio dating etc.