Will global warming be reversed by human's effort?

There are lots of articles floating around the internet talking about how western nations need to cut back on their meat intake and other forms of resource consumption in order to make sure there's enough for everyone. I'm not prepared to do any of that just so there can be more babies born in slums with no hope of doing anything productive with their lives.
You know how slums are made? But you don't care. Pretty much the story of our extinction.
Honestly, a part of me would like to sterilize the entirety of the human race, breeding only how ever few are sufficient to deal with nuclear waste and suchlike for the next few hundred thousand years. Weirdly, it's the part of me that actually cares, and for whom all things aren't merely intellectual exercises.
You might appreciate this book - if you read fiction.

That other part of me wants to see what these fuckwits will come up with next. Like, how are they gonna ever top the iPhone in devising the most worthless fucking piece of shit ever thunk up?
Well, there's coffee pods... but I don't think they've ever topped bottled water.
In 1975 I read The Limits to Growth, I was becoming aware of just how fucked-up everything is, and the world leaders, who were much older and presumably wiser and definitely more powerful than me, were having big international conferences about the population explosion and developing countries and the ozone and pollution and stuff. Not doing anything, you understand, just flying around the world with lots of attendants.
And that was the same year I first saw Perrier. Somebody thought it was a good idea to siphon up water in the middle of industrial Europe and ship it across the Atlantic to Canada, and many Canadians thought it a good idea to pay for foreign water that they didn't even know where it's been, than drink clean, natural Canadian water for free. Later, of course, they siphoned up water from all over the place and put it in lots of little plastic bottles. And many more people would rather buy water from an industry that they now know is minimally regulated in containers that they know are choking the planet, and hump it home every week than drink the water they're already paying utility rates to have delivered to their taps. Nothing can top that for crazy.
You know how slums are made? But you don't care. Pretty much the story of our extinction.

Who says I don't care? Adding more population to areas with insufficient resources doesn't make the problem any better, sacrificing our own resources to feed an unsustainable multiplying population just sweeps it under the rug and lets it get worse. It will be impossible to tackle global warming without a global commitment to curb pollution, and that won't happen with a growing population unless a huge segment of it is deprived of almost everything.

If only one of the big US news networks had the balls to ask the Vatican why clerics at the Basilica in Guadalupe are allowed to go around spraying water on Virgin Mary statues to make them miraculously "cry", and then accept donations from starving people who can't afford doctors but pray for their sick babies to be saved and get told to keep making more?
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good luck with that.............

Thanks, it's great living in a nominally functional democracy. Progress isn't made overnight, it takes lots of baby steps to get there, but in most corners of the world secularism has been steadily advancing and hopefully it will continue to do so until everyone is treated on an equal basis regardless of whether or not they believe in stuff that doesn't exist. How about you, do you think religious charities should be able to push their message on a political front without paying taxes?
... How about you, do you think religious charities should be able to push their message on a political front without paying taxes?

Me--I keep in touch with my elected representative, and watch how he votes, and let him know my perspective.....and , occasionally ask for his help---eg; expediting getting a passport for one of my sons---after experiencing weeks of the bureaucratic run-around. It worked, he got the passport just days before we were due to depart(and, curiously, it was a diplomatic passport).
........................... however----"demand"---NO
It's been a while since I read the tax codes, however, if memory serves, engaging in political activities as an organization, risks losing the organization's tax exempt status. (but that is here, not there, and I do not know your codes)
Who says I don't care?
So, you don't know.
If only one of the big US news networks had the balls to ask the Vatican why clerics at the Basilica in Guadalupe are allowed to go around spraying water on Virgin Mary statues to make them miraculously "cry", and then accept donations from starving people who can't afford doctors but pray for their sick babies to be saved and get told to keep making more?
How about letting the Italian networks worry about the Vatican, let the Mexican news outlets question their clergy, and have the US ones concentrate on the lack of sex education and birth control clinics in Missouri?
Climate cange is only the second most dangerous threat to humanity.
Number one is the soaring scale of antibiotic resistance.
It may turn out number one will take care of number two.
Climate cange is only the second most dangerous threat to humanity.
Number one is the soaring scale of antibiotic resistance.
Deaths due to antibiotic resistance each year in the US: 35,000
Deaths due to cancer: 600,000
Deaths due to heart disease: 650,000

Not that it isn't a problem - but it's got a ways to go to become even the #2 killer.
1) Why until now we cannot heal cancer effectively with very less pain to patients?
2) I read that Antarctic and Arctic temperatures had risen until polar bears and penguins have less food to eat, what will happen if they become extinct?
3) Is cutting carbon emission the only solution?
Not that it isn't a problem - but it's got a ways to go to become even the #2 killer.
Not necessarily.
An exponentially growing respiratory system contagion with no adequate medical treatment can cross the tipping point from invisible to single greatest cause of mortality in a few days. How far - that measure - this virus is from its tipping point to plague is not known, and may change at any time (mutations being frequent in these kinds of infections, while selection pressure is nearly ideal for its rapid evolution in places like the US that 1) lack key features of modern public health setups 2) have a mobile population. (The snowbirds are packing for their northern migration from the coastal States and busy southern ports even now).

As far as thread relevance - a plague virus will surely and significantly interfere with the kinds of deliberate efforts a response to AGW would require. But it may reduce CO2 output, and slow AGW down - plagues in the past seem to have delayed or reduced the effects of agriculture and other aspects of civilization on climate worldwide, simply by destroying the agriculture and those other aspects. This one would have to kill more people to bring the same benefit, but that's not impossible.
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Deaths due to antibiotic resistance each year in the US: 35,000
But it's a different story in Bangladesh -- and the threat is not likely to be contained.
Not that it isn't a problem - but it's got a ways to go to become even the #2 killer.
Just like climate change, it is the LONG TERM that needs concern us.
Climate cange is only the second most dangerous threat to humanity.
Number one is the soaring scale of antibiotic resistance.
It may turn out number one will take care of number two.
We are addressing this problem of resistant virulent bacteria. When we learn their language of "quorum sensing" we won't need to kill the bacteria, we can make then either deaf or dumb from turning virulent, with out killing them and facilitating resistant bacteria. The just remain dormant, an evolutionary dead end.

Quorum Sensing
Quorum sensing is a process of cell–cell communication that allows bacteria to share information about cell density and adjust gene expression accordingly. This process enables bacteria to express energetically expensive processes as a collective only when the impact of those processes on the environment or on a host will be maximized. Among the many traits controlled by quorum sensing is the expression of virulence factors by pathogenic bacteria.
Here we review the quorum-sensing circuits of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Vibrio cholerae. We outline these canonical quorum-sensing mechanisms and how each uniquely controls virulence factor production. Additionally, we examine recent efforts to inhibit quorum sensing in these pathogens with the goal of designing novel antimicrobial therapeutics......more

Characteristics for quorum sensing
  • For the bacteria to use quorum sensing constitutively, they must possess three characteristics:
    • To secrete a signaling molecule, an auto-inducer.
    • Detect the change in concentration of signaling molecules.
    • And to regulate gene transcription as a response.

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The Bible says the world will be in chaos before Jesus second coming.
Everything points that the prophecy is true.
The Bible says the world will be in chaos before Jesus second coming.
Everything points that the prophecy is true.
I dare prophecize the universe will die before Jesus' second coming. The man is dead. He'll never come back!
The Bible says the world will be in chaos before Jesus second coming.
Everything points that the prophecy is true.
People have been saying that for 2000 years. And indeed, there were plenty of times before today when the world was in far worse chaos. The Black Plague? World War II? The Inquisition? The Holocaust? All a lot worse than having an ignorant buffoon for a US president and having a few thousand people die of the flu.
Not necessarily.
An exponentially growing respiratory system contagion with no adequate medical treatment can cross the tipping point from invisible to single greatest cause of mortality in a few days. How far - that measure - this virus is from its tipping point to plague is not known, and may change at any time (mutations being frequent in these kinds of infections, while selection pressure is nearly ideal for its rapid evolution in places like the US that 1) lack key features of modern public health setups 2) have a mobile population. (The snowbirds are packing for their northern migration from the coastal States and busy southern ports even now).

As far as thread relevance - a plague virus will surely and significantly interfere with the kinds of deliberate efforts a response to AGW would require. But it may reduce CO2 output, and slow AGW down - plagues in the past seem to have delayed or reduced the effects of agriculture and other aspects of civilization on climate worldwide, simply by destroying the agriculture and those other aspects. This one would have to kill more people to bring the same benefit, but that's not impossible.
What does this have to do with antibiotic resistance?
What does this have to do with antibiotic resistance?
What does that have to do with the OP? Indirectly it does, climate change, changes everything including bacteril behaviors, usually becoming more virulent.

We know insect behavior is very much affected by atmospheric conditions, and so is bacterial behavior.
Exponential growth of the human race will eventualy present us with the greatest dilemma mankind will ever face.
Births will have to go down or deaths will have to go up, in order to establish zero growth.
Right now our exponential growth is + 1 %, which means our current population will double in 70 years (1 generation).
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