Words and dreams

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Captain Kremmen,

I say with with my heart laid bare and on my sleeve and with a fair amount of trepidation but I honestly once had a massive wet dream involving my mother. I was only about sixteen at the time and don't think I've ever quite got over it.

* assumes position on ze Chaise Longue*

Stuck for words.
Zat is very normal. I hear this all the time. (stifles yawn)
Tell me more about this sex-making with your mother.
Leave out no details.

(To Self) Fantastic. There could be another book in this as good as "The Viennese Woman with a Pink Horse"
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Zat is very normal. I hear this all the time.
Tell me more about this sex-making with your mother.
Leave out no details.

Well doctor..It was only a wet dream but I'll explain.
I was walking in the garden, the sun was out, it was quite hot. I was sweating and I peeled my shirt off my puppyish, young but lithe and masculine body.
My mother ( and I don't capitalise the M for good resaon) approached from behind, I didn't see her but I could sense her familiar scent of White Ox and cheap bourbon.
Her frail, withered, grey, solar exostosed craw made its way into the virgin scrubby newgrowth of my recently sprouted pubis. I nearly woke in fright at this point but the gangly forest giant of my tumescence that loomed large and formed an ample canopy to the scrubby pubis below was not about to be felled so easily.

Ma's paltry paw wrestled with the lumber, the mighty Spruce of my emerging manhood...Ding! "Times up"
"that'll be three hundred pounds Mr Burntball"..
Waking life is partially dream, and vice versa.
The connection between them is words.

Dreaming? Could feel 'daisy' but the ground reminds me of hard solid evidence; then i eat.

i can observe within the concept you post, applying...... words create a kind of the bridge (or imposed reality), in which mass (mankind) is using words (which transcend time) to learn, within the language and concepts understood, at the time. (knowledge evolving and often changing conceptual beliefs (think of how "paradigm shifts" work)

i like the mind twist on your thinking there; definitely the eastern flare (perhaps tao/zen/upanishad: please don't quote me, but i feel it)

Let's continue;

many who cannot articulate in words are still "awake"

what they label 'blue' maybe quite different in their 'filing cabnet' yet still they experience.

that fine line of being able to comprehend the 'i' of a self, consciously, is a touph idea (word/concept) to wrap up, with just words as the science behind it is quite definitive. (coherance of energy inclusive of mind/senses/input/action)

Being able to articulate the opinion from an "i" is practically required, yet when hypnotized, an unconscious mind can represent the experience from a point of an i...............

there are so many exceptions, that i would Love to see what folk here consider consciously alive and 'awake'..........

thanx for the post
sleep is recording memories
No it isn't.
Sleep (dreams) is sorting the day's experiences.
The memory is "recorded" at the time of the experience.
If they weren't recorded at the time they wouldn't be available later for anything else.
No it isn't.
Sleep (dreams) is sorting the day's experiences.
The memory is "recorded" at the time of the experience.
If they weren't recorded at the time they wouldn't be available later for anything else.

thax for clarifying that

is "newsweek" is your source of educational coverage?

or perhaps you will assist in providing an explaination on glial (gfra3 complex and artemin)

just to assist up peasants in comprehending memories (since you feel up to correcting)
thax for clarifying that
You needed it.

is "newsweek" is your source of educational coverage?
What's newsweek? :rolleyes:

or perhaps you will assist in providing an explaination on glial (gfra3 complex and artemin)
Or perhaps I won't: I've given you pointers...

just to assist up peasants in comprehending memories (since you feel up to correcting)
Up peasants?
I'm always up to correcting you, you require it so often...
You needed it.

What's newsweek? :rolleyes:

Or perhaps I won't: I've given you pointers...

Up peasants?
I'm always up to correcting you, you require it so often...

as as ooosual, just spelling and language

the rest is whinning

did you know glial held memories? Have you ever run the math behind a wavelength being maintained while the amplitude increases of a radio wave?

Observe how the nodes of ravier support the neuron of muscles.

and notice, the crystal structures within the glial (you now have the structure name and complex)

Q: what do they do which can be mirrored to existing technology?

A: maintain memories upon a fixed structure.

now cal up the berkeley gang and ask them to identify the 'f' (which wavelength/frequency) is passing through the junction.

(Photon Neuron Conduction............ PNC theory; an old old paper i was involved in; a couple decades back)

thanx Oli, as you make me feel like this is my second day on the subject (maybe after 5pm, you will approve?)

I thought this thread was on Words and Dreams

Perhaps if the trolls, didn't jump into 'correcting' what they have no clue about, each can just add a few lines to the puzzle and let the rest comment like normal folks.

Mods: any assistance
as as ooosual, just spelling and language
Wrong again.

the rest is whinning
On the other hand: the word is "whining". One "n".

I thought this thread was on Words and Dreams
Perhaps if the trolls, didn't jump into 'correcting' what they have no clue about, each can just add a few lines to the puzzle and let the rest comment like normal folks.
Mods: any assistance
Correct: but if someone starts off giving incorrect "explanations" (i.e. "what they have no clue about") of what dreams are then how far will we get?
I see.
You can't post anything of substance or relevant to the topic so you resort to insults.

not one of your post was on the topic and all are focused on me

i acknowledged your value (correcting my spelling)

I already stated where and how you were wrong.
you did not!

that is a lie (how your trolling pursuits work; you claim something but NEVER back it up)
Maybe your comprehension is worse than usual (hard though that may be to credit).

sorry oli,

it seems you are just reflecting your own sense of worth
not one of your post was on the topic
Most in this thread are off topic.

and all are focused on me
Patently false. I have 15 posts in this thread, 5 (now) of which are addressed to you.

i acknowledged your value (correcting my spelling)
Actually I didn't correct your spelling.

you did not!
Wrong again: I pointed out that sleep/ dreams is NOT recording memories but sorting/ filing them.
And explained why it couldn't be recording.

that is a lie (how your trolling pursuits work; you claim something but NEVER back it up)
So two lies from you: the first that I was lying and the second being that I didn't back up my previous statement.

sorry oli,
You damn well should be, you're dishonest and/ or blind.

it seems you are just reflecting your own sense of worth
I know my worth and I'm fully aware of yours: none.
Wrong again: I pointed out that sleep/ dreams is NOT recording memories but sorting/ filing them.
And explained why it couldn't be recording.
do you know the mechanism at the molecular scale to support those claims?

provide it please.
Nope, and I don't need to.

that is what proves you to be a troll; YOU NEVER PROVIDE anything.

you post to rant and pick at people (unsupported claims; no evidence)

with spelling you love to offer evidence because that is something you can handle

but the primary reason i call you a bonafide troll is because when it comes to natural understand, science, religions or philosophy; you really have no idea what you are talking about unless it can be read in a 'newsweek' magazine!

i wonder why others have not requested you removed from the board when trolling and insighting ill regard is about all you offer.

p/s tanx 4 da pselin lesens'
just so each can see


the rules of the board

C. Stating Opinions
If you have an opinion, back it up with evidence, a valid argument and even links and references if possible.
that is what proves you to be a troll; YOU NEVER PROVIDE anything.
More lies.

but the primary reason i call you a bonafide troll is because when it comes to natural understand, science, religions or philosophy; you really have no idea what you are talking about unless it can be read in a 'newsweek' magazine!
More stupidity.

the rules of the board
C. Stating Opinions
If you have an opinion, back it up with evidence, a valid argument and even links and references if possible.

Please reference post #40 and comply with the board rules.
Then go through your entire backlog of posts and do likewise with those.
Hypocrite, idiot AND liar. Congratulations.
My statement was backed up with an argument: if memories aren't recorded when made they wouldn't be available later for "recording".
It's called "common sense".
This is a picture of the Philosopher Wiitgenstein's famous Radiator.
It took him a year to design. There is nothing symbolic about it at all.
He wanted to strip words of their symbolic meanings.
Hence his very plain house.

A Radiator in most homes would have symbolic elements.
For example, its feet would evoke other types of feet.

For more information about the house, read here
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