World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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Yep. That's been clear for the last dozen or so pages.

PKH: "Here is an ERROR I think is present in the simulation! But they refuse to release the data on the error!"
Us: "So run your own simulation. Show us the math."
PKH: "Uh, yeah, about that. . . . look, here's ANOTHER error that I think is present!"

Then repeat for 20 years (cue Jackie Chan WTF image).
Moderator note:

has been warned for anti-semitic posting (again). It is clear that he is trying to paint Mr Silverstein as an evil man because he happens to be Jewish, and Q-reeus doesn't like Jewish people. If Q-reeus wants to make allegations of criminal conspiracies and the like, he will need to provide appropriate evidence, not just nutball join-the-dots anti-semitically motivated nonsense.

Due to accumulated warning points, Q-reeus will be spending a week away from sciforums.

psikeyhackr has been warned for trolling. Expecting other people to run around to try to refute his own silly theory, while never attempting to even say what it is or to provide any evidence in support of it, is obvious trolling. This is unacceptable and it will stop.
Why reveal your feigned idiocy so openly? The code and data are freely available, obviously for a team of highly experienced experts in the relevant fields to examine for fidelity. Something for instance those commissioned by NIST to generate their flawed simulations, should be up to. But all too predictably, it's a hot potato afaik all outside of Hulsey's team have so far avoided.Word gets around as to how those questioning the Official Line do career wise. Not well.
Nothing in that paranoid conspiracy rant addresses the specific question that I asked you. When you get back from your holiday, you might like to try again.
You have already been told what it shows - NIST's simulations are predetermined goal driven crap, that NIST's best effort fudges cannot hide without looking to be outright sci-fi absurdity.
What, specifically, is wrong with NIST's simulations?

After you've answered that one, the next question is: so what? What are you alleging?
How about - protected from above, by the criminal cabal that gave them their clear agenda, requiring an outcome close enough to the Official Story to pass muster with an ill-informed public.
I see. Your claim is that the entire criminal justice system has been bought off by a criminal cabal, and that's why the criminal conspiracy that you allege continues to get away scott free.

Such a pity that you have no actual evidence for any of it.
Your not-so-innocent question is of course just bait to allow yet another 'conspiracy theorist' jibe.
You're alleging a grand conspiracy, explicitly. How would that not make you a conspiracy theorist?

You can't have your cake and eat it too, Q-reeus. Stop acting like a child. Grow up. Own your opinions, at least.
Nothing in that paranoid conspiracy rant addresses the specific question that I asked you. When you get back from your holiday, you might like to try again.

What, specifically, is wrong with NIST's simulations?

After you've answered that one, the next question is: so what? What are you alleging?

I see. Your claim is that the entire criminal justice system has been bought off by a criminal cabal, and that's why the criminal conspiracy that you allege continues to get away scott free.

Such a pity that you have no actual evidence for any of it.

You're alleging a grand conspiracy, explicitly. How would that not make you a conspiracy theorist?

You can't have your cake and eat it too, Q-reeus. Stop acting like a child. Grow up. Own your opinions, at least.
You did not read - and respect - that recent (allowing for the week ban you imposed with malice) post? Well you for sure would have read it. But chose to maliciously defamed me above, and thus provoke me to come back in. That much is mission accomplished.
Responding in detail to your malicious lies and half-truths just provides yet another excuse for you to keep engaging in your perverse mind-games fav 'hobby'. Also known as shit stirring.

Continue solo if you like.
So in other words you are unable to support your own conspiracy theory.
I find it amusing that you, as a (foul mouthed - p27 #540) 'pious' believer in a supernatural god who, probably on the basis of a single NT verse, will save to eternal life all somehow-qualifying-as-humans-with-'souls', regardless of their level of exhibited willful evil, has earlier labeled ME as a believer in 'woo' (p28 #553)! My my. Time for self-reflection!?

Think about, rather than reflexively react to, my answer to JR earlier, and earlier again posts this thread. Be reminded, if that were at all needed, of the link posted e.g. here:

If you are too lazy or too committed/opinionated to do some objective checking of the evidence presented there, just leave off.
Otherwise - please DO try and convincingly critique any particular categorized segment there. Best of luck!
Some of us, many more than your ilk would like to acknowledge, do NOT proscribe to truth determined by a vote of hands. Or controlled MSM endlessly promoted 'official story' aka 'Official Conspiracy Theory'.
Pushing water uphill is normally a losing proposition. The slick trick is to keep the illusion going long enough that truth no longer matters.
You did not read - and respect - that recent (allowing for the week ban you imposed with malice) post? Well you for sure would have read it. But chose to maliciously defamed me above, and thus provoke me to come back in. That much is mission accomplished.
Responding in detail to your malicious lies and half-truths just provides yet another excuse for you to keep engaging in your perverse mind-games fav 'hobby'. Also known as shit stirring.

Continue solo if you like.
You can't post anti-Semitic crap and then say 'you're out' and think it's okay. You still posted the anti-Semitic conspiracies. That is why you were issued an infraction and due to accrued points, the system banned you.

Perhaps if you wish to not receive any more infractions and system bans, don't post bigoted crap. I mean, that would be a start.
I find it amusing that you, as a (foul mouthed - p27 #540) 'pious' believer in a supernatural god who, probably on the basis of a single NT verse, will save to eternal life all somehow-qualifying-as-humans-with-'souls', regardless of their level of exhibited willful evil, has earlier labeled ME as a believer in 'woo' (p28 #553)! My my. Time for self-reflection!?
The key of course is that - whatever he may or may not believe in - he doesn't post it here as an objective claim and then make an idiot of himself trying to defend it.

There nothing wrong with you believing in whatever you want. But this is a discussion board, and you're a fool if you post it as if objective fact and think it won't be dismantled.

This is basic stuff, Q. You're either socially-stunted, or simply more interested in trolling than problem-solving.
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You can't post anti-Semitic crap and then say 'you're out' and think it's okay. You still posted the anti-Semitic conspiracies. That is why you were issued an infraction and due to accrued points, the system banned you.

Perhaps if you wish to not receive any more infractions and system bans, don't post bigoted crap. I mean, that would be a start.
You imo habitually make way too many carte blanche accusations. I invite to you the same opportunity as given to James R and billvon. Objectively critique the substance of so-called 'antisemitic' claims made in that Wikispooks article.
Any sub-category of your choosing. Failing to do so, what exactly is the strength of your 'antisemitic' charge against me?
Criminals are criminals, regardless of the stigma they impute to those exposing them.
The key of course is that - whatever he may or may not believe in - he doesn't post it here as an objective claim and then make an idiot of himself trying to defend it.

There nothing wrong with you believing in whatever you want. But this is a discussion board, and you're a fool if you post it as if objective fact and think it won't be dismantled.

This is basic stuff, Q. You're either socially-stunted, or simply more interested in trolling than problem-solving.
So dismantle it! I'm referring to that go-to Wikispooks article no-one here has tackled other than by ignoring outright, or at best dismissing with a wave of the hand as 'antisemitic'.
Try MUCH harder than that! Hint - it can't be done - not objectively.
Try MUCH harder than that!

Look, if you are going to flounce, try harder. You don't have anything to say. This happened 20 years ago and you're still joining the dots and making a gigantic pile of manure.
Look, if you are going to flounce, try harder. You don't have anything to say. This happened 20 years ago and you're still joining the dots and making a gigantic pile of manure.
Nonsense. I endorse all the essentials presented in that Wikispooks article. No 'flouncing' from me. Start with the very first section fingering 'lucky' Larry Silverstein as way too 'lucky' by far. He obviously had prior knowledge, and high-level direction and assistance/facilitation from fellow tribal insiders. It's utterly appalling he and kin enormously profited financially and got away scot-free while thousands (later - millions in ME) of innocents died terrible deaths.

Go ahead Dave C - super shill. Make your best case Larry's multiple cases of extraordinary 'luck' (timely purchases, miraculous absence on the day) was just rolling 'good fortune'. Nothing special.
Since you claim I'm the crazy conspiracy theorist with no real evidence - explain why Larry's luck was 'really just normal' - in objective-not-cheap-rhetorical DETAIL!
I find it amusing that you, as a (foul mouthed - p27 #540) 'pious' believer in a supernatural god who, probably on the basis of a single NT verse, will save to eternal life all somehow-qualifying-as-humans-with-'souls', regardless of their level of exhibited willful evil
I never said anything like that, nor do I believe anything like that.

Do you think stating a falsehood will benefit your argument? Why do you think that? In general, habitual liars are less likely to be believed, not more likely. They think "gee, if he's lying about that, he's probably lying about his other arguments, too."

Or did you just intend to make that a personal insult, hoping to "put me in my place" or something like that? Again, people who lash out angrily with insults and personal attacks when they are challenged are less likely to be believed than someone who can make a rational argument.

Like I said, if you have any valid argument at all, post it. Not "read this woo and refute it it you can!" Not just "well everyone knows . . ." Explain YOURSELF what you believe and why - or shut the f*ck up. Your flouncing is boring.
I never said anything like that, nor do I believe anything like that.
Is that so? Guess I have to apologize for somehow completely misunderstanding your post here:
Perhaps you can reconcile what you wrote above, with what you wrote in linked to post. I can't.
Do you think stating a falsehood will benefit your argument? Why do you think that? In general, habitual liars are less likely to be believed, not more likely. They think "gee, if he's lying about that, he's probably lying about his other arguments, too."
Or did you just intend to make that a personal insult, hoping to "put me in my place" or something like that? Again, people who lash out angrily with insults and personal attacks when they are challenged are less likely to be believed than someone who can make a rational argument.
See my above. Who is it actually lashing out in anger here btw?
Like I said, if you have any valid argument at all, post it. Not "read this woo and refute it it you can!" Not just "well everyone knows . . ." Explain YOURSELF what you believe and why - or shut the f*ck up. Your flouncing is boring.
That Wikispooks article is my go-to re chief culprits masterminding/facilitating/covering-up 9-11 'unforeseeable terrorist event'. The invite to 'demolish it's credibility' remains.
"Too much time spent responding to disingenuous posters. I'm out."

Forum flounce. Best you run along now, find something better to do.
Carefully omitting any reference to my #564. Well done. And further accolades for soundly debunking the entirety of my go-to Wikispooks article re 9-11. NOT.
The entire absence of any effort to do so speaks volumes. Checkmate.
Perhaps you can reconcile what you wrote above, with what you wrote in linked to post. I can't.
Sure. I consider myself a Christian because I was raised that way and I believe in the teachings of Christ. (See the Sermon on the Mount for an example.) I don't buy most of the rest of the hoopla that the various churches have constructed over the years - heaven, hell, Popes, indulgences, supernatural beings etc.

Who is it actually lashing out in anger here btw?
You are.
That Wikispooks article is my go-to re chief culprits masterminding/facilitating/covering-up 9-11 'unforeseeable terrorist event'. The invite to 'demolish it's credibility' remains.
I don't think you understand it at all, because you can't even describe it, or argue from its points. You're like one of the anti-vaxxers who can't say anything about why they oppose vaccination; they just post links to Youtube videos.
Sure. I consider myself a Christian because I was raised that way and I believe in the teachings of Christ. (See the Sermon on the Mount for an example.) I don't buy most of the rest of the hoopla that the various churches have constructed over the years - heaven, hell, Popes, indulgences, supernatural beings etc.
An atheist Christian then. I like many others would, find that oxymoronic but ok each to their own beliefs. Enough there.
Because you say so huh? Your own previous post #573 says otherwise. Whatever., a distraction.
I don't think you understand it at all, because you can't even describe it, or argue from its points. You're like one of the anti-vaxxers who can't say anything about why they oppose vaccination; they just post links to Youtube videos.
Rubbish. To repeat, Wikispooks "9-11 - Israel Did It!", nicely categorized and mostly in time order of events, is my go-to reference nailing the web of criminals involved in 9-11 2001.

If you are too lazy to even read it, or too scared to face the abundance of strong evidence provided, that's your not my problem.
If it was an easy task to pick out a host of glaring falsehoods/omissions, one of you chronic avoiders would have gleefully done so well before this.
Best to just toe the Official Line by endorsing the Official Conspiracy Theory. That way, you keep getting likes not mindless flack.
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You imo habitually make way too many carte blanche accusations. I invite to you the same opportunity as given to James R and billvon. Objectively critique the substance of so-called 'antisemitic' claims made in that Wikispooks article.
Any sub-category of your choosing. Failing to do so, what exactly is the strength of your 'antisemitic' charge against me?
Criminals are criminals, regardless of the stigma they impute to those exposing them.
If you think I am going to spend any time refuting your ridiculous anti-Semitic assertions and give the rubbish you posted any more oxygen, which would then allow you to continue to post your bigotry, then you are mistaken.

Because that is what your suggestion entails. You are trying to get others to argue those points with you, so that you can continue to post your bigotry.

That's not going to happen. Your anti-Semitism is well known on this site, and you have done it repeatedly (hence the many infractions leading to system bans).
If you think I am going to spend any time refuting your ridiculous anti-Semitic assertions and give the rubbish you posted any more oxygen, which would then allow you to continue to post your bigotry, then you are mistaken.

Because that is what your suggestion entails. You are trying to get others to argue those points with you, so that you can continue to post your bigotry.

That's not going to happen. Your anti-Semitism is well known on this site, and you have done it repeatedly (hence the many infractions leading to system bans).
Well you mod/admin folks have the power to claim whatever you want and do whatever you want.
Denying me the opportunity to argue a reasonable case that would inevitably undermine the most sacred of sacred cows in the so-called freedom-loving Western Democracies.
So be it. The SF way of things displayed here as a (hopefully) permanent record.

I'm happy to leave it alone at that. And if a life ban notice is on the way as a final notification, so be that too.
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