Would you guess that my brain chemical mix is "off?"

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by Dennis Tate, Apr 20, 2021.


Based on his writings is Dennis Tate in a bit of a manic phase?

  1. No

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  3. No.... the guy is cheap and wants free psychological advice and should be permanently banned!

    0 vote(s)
  4. One to ten percent manic phase

    1 vote(s)
  5. Eleven to twenty percent manic phase

    0 vote(s)
  6. Twenty one to thirty percent manic phase

    0 vote(s)
  7. Thirty one to forty percent manic phase.....

    0 vote(s)
  8. Perhaps over forty percent manic phase symptoms based on what I have seen of this nut so far?!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    Ok.... I admit it......
    I am not the world's most "normal" person......
    and I suppose that based on what my psychiatrist Dr. Gerard Mallon told me from 1990 to 2002 I should take the following message seriously and ask for advice......
    and even prayer from those of you who are Theists or even Closet Theists?

    Would you guess from the way that I write that my brain chemical mix might be somewhat toward the up side of the manic depressive cycle?
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  3. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    I went with "one to ten percent manic phase" based on my three episodes from 1990 to 1999.

    In 2002 my psychiatrist Dr. Gerard Mallon told me that I was fine and I did not need to see him any more.

    Psychiatric nurses had told me that like six or seven other patients that they knew of I was having a negative reaction to a nutritional product invented by Karl Jurak. I haven't touched the stuff since 1999 and since then I've been about as "normal" as somebody like me can manage to be I would guess?!

    ... (in that last sentence should the word "of" be spelled "of" or "off????") Spelling and grammar were my weakest aptitude in various tests that I took over the years)?!
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  5. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    Interestingly, the term “manic” as in manic depression has been replaced by the more common “bipolar disorder.” I’ve read about people exhibiting bipolar disorder and just based on your writings here alone, I wouldn’t have considered that, since I haven’t noticed a marked difference in tone within your posts. However, your own threads tend to veer way off topic, by you, and I’m wondering if that’s a “symptom” of manic/bipolar disorder? (focus, concentration issues, etc)

    You seem um...eccentric which isn’t a bad thing, Dennis. A great many famous artists, novelists, music composers, etc are eccentric.

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    Do you tend to only post on sci forums (or any forums) when you’re feeling “manic?”
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
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  7. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    I agree with Wegs comments above. I'll add that when I went to another forum that you linked to I could see posts from several years ago and you were promoting the same things that you do today, even when they weren't relevant to the topic of the thread.

    I get the manic aspect as far as the energy you put into these interests of yours but I'd also think there is some obsessive and compulsive aspect to what you do.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  8. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    My dad, Robert Stewart Tate was both schizophrenic as well as bi-polar.....
    from around the time that I was about seventeen and had my driver's license I would regularly take my dad to
    either Camp Hill Hospital or the Nova Scotia Hospital in Dartmouth. About every four years dad would go off his
    Chlorpromazine which was just about the only drug that would prevent dad from having both auditory as well as visual hallucinations.

    In my poll I answered "one to ten percent manic phase" because I have a pretty good idea of where I am at and this is only somewhere about ten percent more energetic than my usual.

    About two weeks ago I read an article that impressed me as a work of art in terms of transparency and honesty as somebody who has been even further down than I have been tried their best to encourage others who know what this is like. Kevin Williams B.Sc was trying to show people that there is a good side to this..... if nothing else we learn empathy and humility and yes.... about thirty percent of published books are by us somewhat bi-polar people!

    "The Psychedelic, Psychotic, Psychic and Spiritual Visions of Kevin Williams

    For the past month or so I have focused my efforts on Sciforums because frankly.....
    I am amazed by the obviously phenomenal work ethic that I see displayed by even the 'average" poster on this forum. I also rather like the high expectations and high standards against "spam."

    Thank you for your encouragement, your assessment of where I am at is very similar to what I assessed myself at but those of us who have this condition need somebody ..... or even a number of people.... to openly discuss this issue with so that they can let us know if they think we are going a little off??? (I wrote an email to 45office .com this morning which is a little bit serious for anybody who has campaigned for public office here in Canada and plans to do so again in the not too distant future)!
  9. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member


    I plead guilty......... once I get an idea in my head or become interested in a subject I tend to obsess over it. For example.... over the past year or so I took all twenty five online courses by near death experiencer Dr. Kevin Zadai. One of the reasons why I obsessed over his courses was that they were in extremely simple high school level English that I felt could be turned into effective instruction tools for Spanish to English students all over South America. My wife is from Quito, Ecuador so she has me watching the news from South America almost more than what is happening here in Canada.
  10. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    We’re all works in progress, Dennis. It’s good that you self reflect and aren’t prideful to seek help if you need it.

    Just curious - do you go through long periods of time on little sleep? That’s one of the key “symptoms” too of BPD.
    If there’s a positive side, I guess it can be seen in the surges of energy and elatedness that show through in your posts.
    Dennis Tate likes this.
  11. Dennis Tate Valued Senior Member

    I am sleeping like a baby for six to eight hours which is one of the reasons why I figure my brain chemical mix is only a little bit elevated.

    Back in 1988 I began to take a nutritional product invented by Karl Jurak that is supposed to oxygenate the blood. With me, (although I have never smoked anything stronger than ....... (certain products legal here in Canada)), that nutritional product acted with me somewhat like cocaine must have affected Michael J. Lindell???

    One day back in 1990, (or was it 1991)...... while I was obsessively praying.....
    I saw the aura around a flock of Evening Grosbeaks....
    each bird had their own very bright yellow, red, orange. green or blue aura.....
    I had no idea that such a thing as an aura existed until that time.

    Back in those days I could only sleep for an hour or two or maybe three hours at one time..... so you are absolute correct... that is one of the major symptoms of a manic phase.

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