you guys are ok.


Registered Senior Member
I can actually have a real debate on this site, and read what seems like educated comments.

kudos guy,s

my shitty ass spelling and grammar might be around for a while to annoy you :)
my shitty ass spelling and grammar might be around for a while to annoy you :)

stop being so modest, kiddo
as far as the annoyance factor goes, your opinion surpasses the spelling and grammar by several orders of magnitude

so far so good tho
no one seems to have noticed you yet
I can actually have a real debate on this site, and read what seems like educated comments.

kudos guy,s

my shitty ass spelling and grammar might be around for a while to annoy you :)

Compared to what other site? :bugeye: GodForums?

As far as spelling is concerned, check out cluelusshusbund. He can outspell anyone, anyday, anywhere.
I disagree.

Real debate consists of using logic and evidence to persuade and recognizing merit in valid claims.

I see less of that here than I've seen in other places. I see logic often tossed aside in favor of stubborn refutation and when all else fails; resort to personal attacks and browbeating your opponent.
I disagree.

Real debate consists of using logic and evidence to persuade and recognizing merit in valid claims.

I see less of that here than I've seen in other places. I see logic often tossed aside in favor of stubborn refutation and when all else fails; resort to personal attacks and browbeating your opponent.

Quite so: and thank God for it. Otherwise these things would go on forever.
I've never understood this trend for being polite to your oponent.

As soon as you take emotion out of your argument, you've lost. Everywhere but on the internet, emotion beats reason every time.

This is an artificial environment.
You'd be the Omega Man, wouldn't you? Beats being an albino sociopath, though.
Beats being a crazed lesbian being the sole survivor of a shipwreck on a deserted island too.

Are you denying this environment is artificial?
Quite so: and thank God for it. Otherwise these things would go on forever.

No, now they just drag on until someone gets fed up with the BS.
I've never understood this trend for being polite to your oponent.

As soon as you take emotion out of your argument, you've lost. Everywhere but on the internet, emotion beats reason every time.

This is an artificial environment.

This is the most illogical argument I have ever heard.

What is this, Bones vs. Spock?
Is reality in a debate quantifiable? Because then we wouldn't need to debate whether the opening post is right or not. Just fill in the proper formula.

(Fact x 3)/ nonsense = Y

When Y is greater than 1.34333 reality is near.

Something like that but then more real.
In what way?
What prompts you to respond to anything at all?

Even if emotion prompts a person to respond to an argument (which is not necessarily the case, by the way), it does NOT require a lack of polite argumentation nor does emotion trump reason every time. In fact, I would say emotion is trumped by reason more often than not.

Emotion and flaming can inhibit proper understanding, communication and effective examination.
Politeness most often helps keep posters from losing perspective of the debate.
Even if emotion prompts a person to respond to an argument (which is not necessarily the case, by the way), it does NOT require a lack of polite argumentation nor does emotion trump reason every time. In fact, I would say emotion is trumped by reason more often than not.
Only in an artificial environment.

We're monkeys, we get emotional.
A typed debate with time to consider replies is artificial. Actually, even given time to consider, most don't.

Emotion and flaming can inhibit proper understanding, communication and effective examination.
Yes, that's true. But some people seriously deserve flaming.

Tell me something.
How many people have you ever actually influenced, on here, to change their point of view? I'm not differentiating between polite debate and emotional deabte with this question.

Politeness most often helps keep posters from losing perspective of the debate.
And takes all the fun out of it.
Only in an artificial environment.

We're monkeys, we get emotional.
A typed debate with time to consider replies is artificial. Actually, even given time to consider, most don't.
I see nothing wrong with this.

Yes, that's true. But some people seriously deserve flaming.
Occasionally you FEEL that way. But you have a choice as to what approach to use.

Tell me something.
How many people have you ever actually influenced, on here, to change their point of view? I'm not differentiating between polite debate and emotional deabte with this question.
I'm not aware of ANY. Emotions get in the way and the debate breaks down.

On OTHER forums, I have.

And takes all the fun out of it.
Fun has its limits. You can have fun and not act like a schoolyard brawl just fine.

LOL! The Marquis belongs those rare members of the long long ago that actually added some spice to this place, they are also some of the most intelligent posters ever to grace these boards.

But I don't understand you're reasoning. Your main complaint is that logic and reason surface on 'OTHER' forums, but not here. I am curious as to why you bother spending your time here? What draws you? Also I find it curious that as a new member you have been in 1/12 flames neither of which you were able to extricate yourself from. In both situations you wrote in large caps, called foul and no fair play and allowed others to drag you further and further into the mire. Why was that?

Not having the capacity to withdraw from an 'illogical' flame war doesn't make you look anymore 'reasonable' than the brawlers you accuse of being brawlers.
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