Your name,


Valued Senior Member
Are you proud of it ?

Do you ever shorten or change it to something else ?

I've taken recently to telling people to call me Bob in RL, simply because spelling and saying my name is too time consuming and inconvienient.

But I'm sorta regretting doing that, It's convienient sure, but It isn't ME!.

Gah.. Oh well, I won't make that mistake, Or was it even a mistake, because to be honest, it's practical and convenient.
I have no preference. Only strangers, employers [not all of them] or casual acquaintances call me by my name. My family and friends all have pet names for me. I have several pet names. I do not think of my name as Me :shrug:
No one knows how to say my name so I go by a couple different things. One thing at home, one at school, one with friends, one for legal things.

My name for those who can figure it out...
יכשקל בן ענקן <--- My real name.
כשקי or כצקי The latter for Russians :)

But I go by Cheski, and even Chris.

I tried to translate it to arabic, but I can't do my first name.
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No one knows how to say my name so I go by a couple different things. One thing at home, one at school, one with friends, one for legal things.

My name for those who can figure it out...
יכשקל <--- My real name.
כשקי or כצקי The latter for Russians :)

But I go by Cheski, and even Chris.

Your real name is Yekshekel?
My name is Brent. .....Not..... I have first invented Brent in Kindergarten, because I didn't know what to be called- and chose Brent.
Brent is not my name. My name is James Brenton (insert last name). I do not like James very much, although my grandfathers name is James and fathers name is James. And it is not bad from a certain perspective, but I could never imagine being called James. People call me it sometimes to annoy me.
I have also never been able to accept or really think about even Brenton. I do not like it.
So I sort of feel nameless.
But I don't mind it..
hashem sheli crunchy cat ;)

I think the benefit of the Hebrew name in many respects is it is not tied to any of your finances. I can post my last name here, and no one can benefit from it in any way.

By the way I am proud of my name: "Man of rebuke of the humble candle holders" is its English translation...which is not very good..
I've heard Yechezkel is that a different name?

That's probably the same name, it's hard to transliterate. Muslims use this name?

Well actually...

It comes from Ezekial. יְחֶזְקֵאל‎ which is the TRUE spelling of it. I just usually don't use it for various reasons.

This is the Arabic equivalent..
ذو الكفل
Ezekiel and Zacharia are the same name, derived from the name of the Prophet Ezekiel. :)

In Muslims we don't use Ezekiel, we use Zachariah.
Ezekiel and Zacharia are the same name, derived from the name of the Prophet Ezekiel. :)

In Muslims we don't use Ezekiel, we use Zachariah.

So my response probably belongs in the religion subforum. But does that mean that the 'prophet Zacharia' was the modern day (or Christian Muslim) version of Ezekial in Bavyl? As in he did the same thing for the Christian/Muslims that Ezekial did for Israel? An allegorical parallel.
Zakaria is the Arabic for Ezekiel. Like Isa is the Arabic for Jesus [or Esau]

I don't know all the details of Christian prophets :p

Or maybe I am entirely wrong???
Unfortunately, I am wrong. Apparently, Zaki [or even Zeke] is a short form for both Zachariah and Ezekiel but they are not the same name. Zakariah comes from Dhikr [or Zikr] and means "remembering God" while Ezekiel means "strength of God"