Insulting one's allies - to what end?

We watch the transmogrification as our neighbor turns into a butterfly in a Kafkaesque scheme, to the one, well ya know and to the other 'tis simply from my American Historical perspective as a cis gender white male. Though like Cicero while something burns, I am reminded to inject, dissect or perhaps interject the old joke about a chicken and a road or was it Randy Rhoads (was he quite randy?) but I digress...

The Reagan rightists strike once again as only they can as they trickle down from the skies yet the focus is on the atheists and we ask why? Ten years ago I asked this question and it still isn't answered. Why is that?
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So, after 21 paragraphs of impenetrable shit, no answer.

Vintage Tiassa.
Dude, you're better than this. It's not "impenetrable shit" and I think you know that. You may not feel like putting in the effort to get through it at the moment, but that's something else entirely. Won't add much in that regards, as Sarkus has already more than adequately addressed this.

There is someone here for whom I have zero doubt that Tiassa's post reads as "impenetrable shit"--hint: it's the guy who couldn't identify the strawman argument from a selection of examples. That guy, to all indications, also seems weirdly proud of his own--frankly astonishing at times--ignorance and apparent inability to respond cogently and coherently to any argument. Poe's Law largely exists for people like that guy. You're not that guy.
Moderator note: Tiassa has been warned for trolling.

I have asked him to stop calling me out in his posts. I have no interest in engaging with him any more and I don't want him following me around the forum, trying to be a dick. I have also asked him not to contact me by private messaging, unless it is to apologise for his behaviour towards me.

Despite my requests, he continues trying to stalk me across the forum. As an administrator I do not have the luxury of being able to put him on ignore.
Ah... James R... you jus sound a little tired... mayb time for a nap.???... a chill pill mayb :?

In the meantime... you'r letting others live rent free between you'r ears :eek:
Come on James R... get you'rself some big-boy pants an simply ignore what's offensive to you in a discuss forum... works for me an I've never put anybody on ignore :cool:

As always... you are welcome to PM me for private discussion about you'r issues :)
In his defence, he did actually answer. At least in the same way that the Pentagon will tell you all about their secrets... while redacting the actual secrets due to people higher up telling them they can't reveal them.
Clearly, you have drunk the Tiassa Kool-aid. And then, you also have your own motivations to back his bullshit.

Useful to bear in mind that the man is an incorrigible liar when it comes to everything he says about "the administration".

You probably shouldn't jump on his bandwagon.

If there's one thing that's sure in life, it's that somebody else's trollish sniping will bring you out of the woodwork to jump on the bandwagon.

You lack courage to start shit yourself, but as soon as somebody else starts it, you're always the first one there putting you boot in as well. It's both cowardly and simultaneously toadying.

If you have something you want to say to me, why don't you just say it? Don't ride on Tiassa's coattails. Be a man. Do it face to face, so to speak.

As for your comment, you kind of missed the point. Clearly, I have been living rent-free in Tiassa's head for years now. The more I try to ignore him, the more he insists on having my attention. So, I've drawn a line in the sand. Enough.

Am I in your head, too? I get the impression that I'm taking up more space there than is healthy for you.

As always... you are welcome to PM me for private discussion about you'r issues :)
I doubt you have anything useful to say. But you can try, if you like.
Clearly, you have drunk the Tiassa Kool-aid. And then, you also have your own motivations to back his bullshit.
Right. Because people--especially ones who disagree with you on occasion--are wholly incapable of considering something on it's own merits. There must be ulterior motives. Remember when you thought that Sarkus and Seattle might be the same poster? Despite one being very thorough, consistent, and to the point; whilst the other is quite possibly functionally illiterate, overtly and "subtly" racist, misogynistic, generally hateful towards everyone from the homeless to the poor to addicts to bicyclists to musicians and even to dogs, apparently, and seems incapable of responding with anything other than strawmen and non sequiturs.
Right. Because people--especially ones who disagree with you on occasion--are wholly incapable of considering something on it's own merits. There must be ulterior motives. Remember when you thought that Sarkus and Seattle might be the same poster? Despite one being very thorough, consistent, and to the point; whilst the other is quite possibly functionally illiterate, overtly and "subtly" racist, misogynistic, generally hateful towards everyone from the homeless to the poor to addicts to bicyclists to musicians and even to dogs, apparently, and seems incapable of responding with anything other than strawmen and non sequiturs.
Angry and anti-social. Not a good look. Apparently I live rent free in your head as well and they say housing is now unaffordable?
Angry and anti-social. Not a good look. Apparently I live rent free in your head as well and they say housing is now unaffordable?

This is you:
The other is quite possibly functionally illiterate, overtly and "subtly" racist, misogynistic, generally hateful towards everyone from the homeless to the poor to addicts to bicyclists to musicians and even to dogs, apparently, and seems incapable of responding with anything other than strawmen and non sequiturs.

That is an angry and anti-social person--and all of it is demonstrable.
This is angry and anti-social (and a result of progressive policies).
And it has precisely what to do with what? Are you capable of responding to what is actually written? Are you capable of understanding what is written?

Also, the video starts at 8.13. What are we supposed to be looking at over these last 7 seconds? Or do you not even know how to link to a video properly?
Please do not troll.
And it has precisely what to do with what? Are you capable of responding to what is actually written? Are you capable of understanding what is written?

Also, the video starts at 8.13. What are we supposed to be looking at over these last 7 seconds? Or do you not even know how to link to a video properly?
You aren't a very capable person are you? I'm sorry but that's not my problem.
Right. Because people--especially ones who disagree with you on occasion--are wholly incapable of considering something on it's own merits.
I didn't say that.
There must be ulterior motives.
Not always. But in this particular case, yes, there are. Watch and learn.
Remember when you thought that Sarkus and Seattle might be the same poster?
Yes, I remember. Turns out I was wrong about that. Sarkus has gradually found out that Seattle is difficult to talk to and is often a disagreeable conversationalist, which I find quite amusing given how the two of them were in such tight cahoots not so long ago.
Despite one being very thorough, consistent, and to the point; whilst the other is quite possibly functionally illiterate, overtly and "subtly" racist, misogynistic, generally hateful towards everyone from the homeless to the poor to addicts to bicyclists to musicians and even to dogs, apparently, and seems incapable of responding with anything other than strawmen and non sequiturs.
To be fair, the other one was joining the first one in his antics at the time.
At least in the same way that the Pentagon will tell you all about their secrets
A thread topic could be stated quite easily. "I tired to say x about subject y but was warned not to."
I have not seen that yet.
I have seen where posters just start attacking other posters using the subject matter as a platform to do so.
I have made personal attacks when I think they are warranted.
When that gets out of hand I use the ignore option sometimes.
Not always. But in this particular case, yes, there are. Watch and learn.
But you can't know that, and you know that you can't know that--barring tacit acknowledgement, of course. More pertinently, aren't we not supposed to be focussing and speculating upon posters' intents and motivations (for the most part, exceptions include promoting bigotry or proslytizing and the like, but that's not relevant here), but rather the content of what they actually write?

Yes, I remember. Turns out I was wrong about that. Sarkus has gradually found out that Seattle is difficult to talk to and is often a disagreeable conversationalist, which I find quite amusing given how the two of them were in such tight cahoots not so long ago.

To be fair, the other one was joining the first one in his antics at the time.
To my recollection it was mostly, if not entirely, within that crypto thread. Which, incidentally, was one of the rare instances in which Seattle was able to stay on-topic, address what was actually written, and respond accordingly. Outside of that, their posting styles and substance couldn't be further apart. And I think that's abundantly apparent outside of that single thread.
Some are a little too OCD and literal and too focused on name calling, staying on topic, defining terms, complaining, anything but talking about the gist of the subject matter.

Someone says "no one thinks there should be no government" and someone else responds "I know one person who thinks that and you said no one thinks that...gotcha"

Instead of addressing the point which is (most) everyone agrees that we need some government and the question is how much?

Two reasonable people can disagree on the level of government needed but it's hard to find two reasonable people here.

One will say "you're not literate, you're an idiot, you said it's hot in Phoenix but you didn't cite a study..."

Those are all tactics when someone wants to win a debate and doesn't want have a discussion.

It is interesting that Bitcoin has doubled in price since we had that particular discussion though...
Clearly, you have drunk the Tiassa Kool-aid. And then, you also have your own motivations to back his bullshit.

Useful to bear in mind that the man is an incorrigible liar when it comes to everything he says about "the administration".

You probably shouldn't jump on his bandwagon.
Politely, JamesR: fuck off.
I'm not backing anything, but rather explaining what he wrote to those that struggle to parse what he wrote.
Any motivation you want to assign my comments is solely on you and your apparent paranoia. Tiassa's comments are clear to me, and are not, to me, the "impenetrable bullshit" as exchemist described them. But that doesn't mean I agree with everything he says.
If I, for example, call you a Kiwi, do you comprehend what I have written? If so, does that mean that you agree with it??
No, of course not. I even wrote that while I understood what he wrote I didn't necessarily agree with it, but, hey, why don't you skip over that part so you can just make false accusations (that you won't then apologise for).

So I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, JamesR. I am reading his posts, where he responded to exchemists question in a way that further answered him, and then where he contextualised the question from the OP.
Maybe you should reread it and comment on that rather than try to further your oroblems against him. Note how your post to me had nothing to do with the thread topic, and everything to do with you simply attacking Tiassa and me. For what? For me comprehending and explaining in general terms what Tiassa wrote?

So grow up, JamesR. And, as politely suggested: fuck off.
If we're going to do that can "we" quit throwing "Seattle" into every post while "we" are at it?