“Singularity universes” my theory of everything I am YouTube taught any review?


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“Singularity universes” Our universe completely vast and well defined yet not understood may be a singularity inside a black hole. The laws of physics are said to break but that could include the plank length meaning atoms and other particles may get condensed and pushed into smaller yet act fundamentally the same this could be true in both decrease and increase in size. The Big Bang a rapid inflation but then the slow then rapid increase in speed of dark energy can be explained in two ways a colliding black holes singularity would orbit our own and increase in speed as it falls into ours creating the effect of dark energy, or could be through a orbiting black hole of greater size and when it collides with us there is the theorized implosion effect and the repeat of our universe, this effect can also be cause by the particles that are not condensed to the new plank length being absorbed by the black hole. If black holes do or do not die there are different scenarios that can work, if they die infinity is still possible in the recreation of the up and down chain of black holes. If everything dies then only gravitons and photons exist in a potentially infinite vacuum which over an infinite amount of time the gravitons which we know can ben light by two ways, gravitational lensing and the event horizon the gravitons can bend enough photons to all impact at the exact point in space to cause a rapid release of energy and create the active universe which once a singularity is formed in the universe technically above us we may act as a drawing point for a repeated creation of singularity by different methods such as ours acting as a quantum particle and creating the same effect yet since time is relative our time would feel near endless while the universe above us would feel seconds. Theories that quantum information cannot be destroyed helps, with the singularity containing information that can be studied Because Hawking radiation could lead to particles in which the higher universe can now interact with. So even if everything or almost everything we know in the active universe does it can be infinite in this sense. If black holes don’t die then the singularity universe repeats itself by either absorbing another singularity, absorbing higher particles or a collision inside between matter and antimatter singularities which can cause the big rip or crunch leaving behind the kind of matter more prevalent. More proof of the implosion being our active to recreated universe would be the ghost of black holes spotted in the Milky Way. Now if not due to our supermassive black hole having consumed one then the remnants of a black hole would not be gravitationally bound to our galaxy so we are passing where we were due to a repeated implosion. The universe could be active at the height of the implosion effect and the singularity be briefly definite and then snap back causing the Big Crunch. The non indefinite point could be a rip in space time that brought in gravitons then implodes as it races to full the rip. Another way to introduce the start of gravity in this theory is quantum rip gravity or quantum gravity influx, in quantum rip gravity particles randomly generate due to quantum generation with no gravity and no distortion in space the particles were timeless and zipped at light speed until enough collided in one point in space to create either a rip in space and gravitons entered from the 4th dimension or create a explosion of energy which created a vast amount of matter to draw in gravitons. After gravitons are introduced gravity slowed the particles and bent enough to impact all at once to not create a rip but the singularity we are now in. Hawking rebirth is when all black holes radiate particles due to Hawking radiation and all the black holes die we are left with a lot of particles maybe even enough to recreate some galaxies few and far in between, to generate photons then enough can be bent to hit and cause potentially a rip which causes the Big Crunch then the implosion is the bounce back in a repeated cycle. neutron stars could collide and create a singularity proving another way to start our singularity is enough matter just in one area. Cosmic background radiation being evenly spread then dark energy can be from an orbiting black hole or a singularity. There’s a paradox matter generates in a matter galaxy but antimatter does not and since quantum information can not be destroyed matter could decay into dark matter and generate from it same with antimatter and dark antimatter or the answer is we’re actually in a matter singularity and there’s antimatter singularities. Quantum generation also creates another paradox can enough matter generate by a black hole to negate Hawking radiation potentially causing black holes to either live longer, neutralize or grow. If there’s any way to measure if the universe is spinning then our singularity could be quantum entangled with another universe. If black holes die and the info can not be destroyed it either radiates all particles from the singularity or creates an active universe in an unstable dying black hole becoming definite and dark energy is the singularity losing its hold. Singularities may compress some 4d data to dark matter as we can not perceive 4D data in a 3D black hole. The singularities horizon is so small compared to the black holes event horizon that it’s possible we’re a rip or non indefinite point that implodes between definite and non indefinite. After our singularity dies if it does it’s info would be leaked to the 4th dimension or universe above us and due to some previously discussed singularity birth ideas be recreated. Our singularity could have been mostly matter but due to two reasons either dark matter is from the 4th dimension and we’re consuming more with each implosion or through quantum decay there’s more and more dark matter on each implosion. The singularity is infinitely repeating in one way a implosion cycle or through death and recreation. Please comment and tell me what you think of my theory obviously criticism is appreciated I am completely YouTube taught so anyone with a background would be appreciated.
“Singularity universes” Our universe completely vast and well defined yet not understood may be a singularity inside a black hole. The laws of physics are said to break but that could include the plank length meaning atoms and other particles may get condensed and pushed into smaller yet act fundamentally the same this could be true in both decrease and increase in size. The Big Bang a rapid inflation but then the slow then rapid increase in speed of dark energy can be explained in two ways a colliding black holes singularity would orbit our own and increase in speed as it falls into ours creating the effect of dark energy, or could be through a orbiting black hole of greater size and when it collides with us there is the theorized implosion effect and the repeat of our universe, this effect can also be cause by the particles that are not condensed to the new plank length being absorbed by the black hole. If black holes do or do not die there are different scenarios that can work, if they die infinity is still possible in the recreation of the up and down chain of black holes. If everything dies then only gravitons and photons exist in a potentially infinite vacuum which over an infinite amount of time the gravitons which we know can ben light by two ways, gravitational lensing and the event horizon the gravitons can bend enough photons to all impact at the exact point in space to cause a rapid release of energy and create the active universe which once a singularity is formed in the universe technically above us we may act as a drawing point for a repeated creation of singularity by different methods such as ours acting as a quantum particle and creating the same effect yet since time is relative our time would feel near endless while the universe above us would feel seconds. Theories that quantum information cannot be destroyed helps, with the singularity containing information that can be studied Because Hawking radiation could lead to particles in which the higher universe can now interact with. So even if everything or almost everything we know in the active universe does it can be infinite in this sense. If black holes don’t die then the singularity universe repeats itself by either absorbing another singularity, absorbing higher particles or a collision inside between matter and antimatter singularities which can cause the big rip or crunch leaving behind the kind of matter more prevalent. More proof of the implosion being our active to recreated universe would be the ghost of black holes spotted in the Milky Way. Now if not due to our supermassive black hole having consumed one then the remnants of a black hole would not be gravitationally bound to our galaxy so we are passing where we were due to a repeated implosion. The universe could be active at the height of the implosion effect and the singularity be briefly definite and then snap back causing the Big Crunch. The non indefinite point could be a rip in space time that brought in gravitons then implodes as it races to full the rip. Another way to introduce the start of gravity in this theory is quantum rip gravity or quantum gravity influx, in quantum rip gravity particles randomly generate due to quantum generation with no gravity and no distortion in space the particles were timeless and zipped at light speed until enough collided in one point in space to create either a rip in space and gravitons entered from the 4th dimension or create a explosion of energy which created a vast amount of matter to draw in gravitons. After gravitons are introduced gravity slowed the particles and bent enough to impact all at once to not create a rip but the singularity we are now in. Hawking rebirth is when all black holes radiate particles due to Hawking radiation and all the black holes die we are left with a lot of particles maybe even enough to recreate some galaxies few and far in between, to generate photons then enough can be bent to hit and cause potentially a rip which causes the Big Crunch then the implosion is the bounce back in a repeated cycle. neutron stars could collide and create a singularity proving another way to start our singularity is enough matter just in one area. Cosmic background radiation being evenly spread then dark energy can be from an orbiting black hole or a singularity. There’s a paradox matter generates in a matter galaxy but antimatter does not and since quantum information can not be destroyed matter could decay into dark matter and generate from it same with antimatter and dark antimatter or the answer is we’re actually in a matter singularity and there’s antimatter singularities. Quantum generation also creates another paradox can enough matter generate by a black hole to negate Hawking radiation potentially causing black holes to either live longer, neutralize or grow. If there’s any way to measure if the universe is spinning then our singularity could be quantum entangled with another universe. If black holes die and the info can not be destroyed it either radiates all particles from the singularity or creates an active universe in an unstable dying black hole becoming definite and dark energy is the singularity losing its hold. Singularities may compress some 4d data to dark matter as we can not perceive 4D data in a 3D black hole. The singularities horizon is so small compared to the black holes event horizon that it’s possible we’re a rip or non indefinite point that implodes between definite and non indefinite. After our singularity dies if it does it’s info would be leaked to the 4th dimension or universe above us and due to some previously discussed singularity birth ideas be recreated. Our singularity could have been mostly matter but due to two reasons either dark matter is from the 4th dimension and we’re consuming more with each implosion or through quantum decay there’s more and more dark matter on each implosion. The singularity is infinitely repeating in one way a implosion cycle or through death and recreation. Please comment and tell me what you think of my theory obviously criticism is appreciated I am completely YouTube taught so anyone with a background would be appreciated.

Try again with paragraphs?
This is unparsible. Can you re-post, but this time with paragraphs please.
My theoretical facts are relatively unconnected and I kinda just jumbled all my ideas together sorry, but do you have any feedback on the theory or where I can submit it to see if any math lines up?
“A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.”
“A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.”
Nice poem but did you like or have any idea on the post?
My theoretical facts are relatively unconnected and I kinda just jumbled all my ideas together sorry, but do you have any feedback on the theory or where I can submit it to see if any math lines up?
Please. Add paragraphs so it's readable.
Our universe completely vast and well defined yet not understood may be a singularity inside a black hole.
And while you are reformatting, please add some explanation how it is possible I am able to walk around my living room if the universe is a singularity. Because, a singularity being a point of infinite density, it's not possible to walk around inside of one.

Edit: Ah, I see this has already been pointed out to you on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Chris-L-...om_theory_singularity_universes_the_universe/
And while you are reformatting, please add some explanation how it is possible I am able to walk around my living room if the universe is a singularity. Because, a singularity being a point of infinite density, it's not possible to walk around inside of one.

Edit: Ah, I see this has already been pointed out to you on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Chris-L-...om_theory_singularity_universes_the_universe/
Sorry for English but during the implosion effect the singularity bounces into a point and all the matter and dark matter may exist in such a small point that it acts as a point of extreme density

Please post your thread in a single sub-forum in future.

Regarding the paragraphs, etc.: if you cannot take the time to present your work clearly to readers, why would you expect anybody to waste their time reading it? It is up to you to make your ideas clear and easy to access.

Please post your thread in a single sub-forum in future.

Regarding the paragraphs, etc.: if you cannot take the time to present your work clearly to readers, why would you expect anybody to waste their time reading it? It is up to you to make your ideas clear and easy to access.
Actually James R why haven't YOU quickly realized, just by performing a cursory skim, the OP is incoherent rambling nonsense fit only to be booted to the Cesspool? Not even fit to be called pseudoscience.
Actually James R why haven't YOU quickly realized, just by performing a cursory skim, the OP is incoherent rambling nonsense fit only to be booted to the Cesspool? Not even fit to be called pseudoscience.
Because even a cursory skim is premature, at least until OP does some cursory organizing of his thoughts.
Sorry for English but during the implosion effect the singularity bounces into a point and all the matter and dark matter may exist in such a small point that it acts as a point of extreme density
How can a point bounce into a point? It's already one!
You've failed to address the issue I raised. A point has zero length in all directions, yet my living room has positive length in all directions. Therefore, my living room as-is doesn't fit inside a singularity. Thus, according to your claims, my living room is larger than the universe it's in. That seems a bit contradictory to me?

If everything dies then only gravitons and photons exist in a potentially infinite vacuum which over an infinite amount of time the gravitons which we know can ben light by two ways, gravitational lensing and the event horizon the gravitons can bend enough photons to all impact at the exact point in space
No, that's a violation of the second law of thermodynamics; a heat-dead universe is at maximum entropy, and cannot transition (back) to a state of lower entropy, which what you are describing amounts to.
Because even a cursory skim is premature, at least until OP does some cursory organizing of his thoughts.
My cursory skim suggests you are right: Christoph is making so many separate (and unsupported) claims, a better overview (and explanation, preferable with evidence) of each one would be very beneficial. Just about every other sentence should be a separate thread because it's dealing with another claim about another subject (although I suspect most of those threads would end at post #2 with a variant of "no, that's not how physics works.").
My cursory skim suggests you are right: Christoph is making so many separate (and unsupported) claims,....(although I suspect most of those threads would end at post #2 with a variant of "no, that's not how physics works.").
Way too accommodating. My judgement as to why OP ramblings was not instantly booted to Cesspool; SF hierarchy realize what a sparsely populated desert this site has become. Hence, bend over backwards to retain new members who at least show indications of being regular posters. Quantity over quality. Others here obviously see it differently.
Way too accommodating. My judgement as to why OP ramblings was not instantly booted to Cesspool; SF hierarchy realize what a sparsely populated desert this site has become. Hence, bend over backwards to retain new members who at least show indications of being regular posters. Quantity over quality. Others here obviously see it differently.
You may be right, although in my opinion, new members deserve a chance to correct themselves, even if the initial outlook isn't good. Let the newbies learn what is and isn't appropriate here. It's the long-time members that can't behave themselves that surprises me (I'm not naming names; everybody knows the members I'm talking about).
You may be right, although in my opinion, new members deserve a chance to correct themselves,...
The chances of a radical re-wiring of internal 'logic' circuitry is imo extremely slim in this case. An unbroken wall of text out of the starting block is a good enough indicator for me.
It's the long-time members that can't behave themselves that surprises me (I'm not naming names; everybody knows the members I'm talking about).
Indeed. :rolleyes:
You may be right, although in my opinion, new members deserve a chance to correct themselves, even if the initial outlook isn't good. Let the newbies learn what is and isn't appropriate here. It's the long-time members that can't behave themselves that surprises me (I'm not naming names; everybody knows the members I'm talking about).

I've been on these forums for a long while, not that i post all that much how ever, i do read alot here. And yes, i would agree that the site has taken a step towards 'less scientific' post being allowed in the Science sections of the site. how ever, these forums have never been rigdigt around 'non-main-stream-science.' such as physics.com or the likes.

As to the subject of the original post, more or less unreadable with no effort at all to support 'ideas' with what i would consider readable. More intelligent beings' might just read something more than i. But with in my own limitis, im having a hard time grasping that this post after weeks is still not moved to an apropiate forum such as the 'pool'.