10 principles for investigating UFO reports



Alien life may well exist elsewhere in the universe, maybe even intelligent life. Intelligent aliens with advanced technology may be exploring interstellar space, or may have done so in the past or may do so in the future. Some may even stumble across Earth on their explorations and we humans might still be around to witness their visit. But to date there is no actual evidence that aliens, intelligent or otherwise, even exist. And there is certainly no evidence that aliens have visited Earth, either in recent times or in the distant past. Not only is there no evidence of alien visits, there are enormous problems that would have to be overcome to even make interstellar or intergalactic travel feasible. As for the unusual events such as UFOs and weird experiences that some offer as proof of aliens, they can be satisfactorily explained by science as perfectly natural. Why should we suspect the existence of mysterious, devious, covert aliens over simple ignorance of the night sky and sleep disorders? Especially when we realise that science fiction is undeniably the real source of the alien imagery — what they look like, how they behave and why they're here. Why should we suspect that those that believe in alien visitation — but can provide no good evidence — have got it right, and scientists — that do offer good evidence for their views — have got it all wrong? Why should we accept that aliens are deliberately seeking out and divulging advanced knowledge to grief counsellors and hypnotherapists while at the same time making themselves invisible and improbable to the world's scientific community?

Believers in visiting aliens can answer none of these concerns. They are as convinced that aliens exist as medieval peasants were convinced that demons existed. And funnily enough, for the same reasons — ignorance of science and blind belief in a fantasy that causes them to misperceive, to misinterpret and to misunderstand natural phenomena.

Just as demons weren't really intruding on our lives in the past, aliens aren't intruding on our lives now. Groups like the Christian Church were wrong then, groups like UFOCUS NZ are wrong now.


Alien life may well exist elsewhere in the universe, maybe even intelligent life. Intelligent aliens with advanced technology may be exploring interstellar space, or may have done so in the past or may do so in the future. Some may even stumble across Earth on their explorations and we humans might still be around to witness their visit. But to date there is no actual evidence that aliens, intelligent or otherwise, even exist. And there is certainly no evidence that aliens have visited Earth, either in recent times or in the distant past. Not only is there no evidence of alien visits, there are enormous problems that would have to be overcome to even make interstellar or intergalactic travel feasible. As for the unusual events such as UFOs and weird experiences that some offer as proof of aliens, they can be satisfactorily explained by science as perfectly natural. Why should we suspect the existence of mysterious, devious, covert aliens over simple ignorance of the night sky and sleep disorders? Especially when we realise that science fiction is undeniably the real source of the alien imagery — what they look like, how they behave and why they're here. Why should we suspect that those that believe in alien visitation — but can provide no good evidence — have got it right, and scientists — that do offer good evidence for their views — have got it all wrong? Why should we accept that aliens are deliberately seeking out and divulging advanced knowledge to grief counsellors and hypnotherapists while at the same time making themselves invisible and improbable to the world's scientific community?

Believers in visiting aliens can answer none of these concerns. They are as convinced that aliens exist as medieval peasants were convinced that demons existed. And funnily enough, for the same reasons — ignorance of science and blind belief in a fantasy that causes them to misperceive, to misinterpret and to misunderstand natural phenomena.

Just as demons weren't really intruding on our lives in the past, aliens aren't intruding on our lives now. Groups like the Christian Church were wrong then, groups like UFOCUS NZ are wrong now.

Who said aliens are visiting earth?
One also finds that many people who believe in aliens also firmly believe in a lot of paranormal mumbo-jumbo. And remember that this fits in well with some of the features of a 'fantasy prone personality' — belief in psychic and other paranormal nonsense. At times it is hard to determine what they really believe is the cause of their encounters. One minute it is obviously aliens that is the source of their experience, the next it
could be influences from the spirit world or a memory of past lives. Their serious attempts to link aliens with silly paranormal phenomenon such as the afterlife, ghosts, psychic powers etc immediately destroys their credibility. Any respect we might have had for their ability to rationally analyse these strange encounters vanishes. Here is a quote from a talk given by UFOCUS NZ founder Suzanne Hansen at the 2007 International UFO Congress and statements from the UFOCUS NZ website:

This should really make you feel at home MR and river.....plenty more, its a lengthy link....:rolleyes:;)
Who said aliens are visiting earth?
It goes double and triple for time traveller claimants, or inter-dimensional claimants, and actually also for those that are simply closet claimers, playing tricks, etc, obfuscating. being obtuse and generally lying, while of course accusing those that dare confront their mythical quackery with science, of the same things.
It goes double and triple for time traveller claimants, or inter-dimensional claimants, and actually also for those that are simply closet claimers, playing tricks, etc, obfuscating. being obtuse and generally lying, while of course accusing those that dare confront their mythical quackery with science, of the same things.

Yet I think your an emotional unstable guy , pad .
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It goes double and triple for time traveller claimants, or inter-dimensional claimants, and actually also for those that are simply closet claimers, playing tricks, etc, obfuscating. being obtuse and generally lying, while of course accusing those that dare confront their mythical quackery with science, of the same things.

I rest my case
One also finds that many people who believe in aliens also firmly believe in a lot of paranormal mumbo-jumbo. And remember that this fits in well with some of the features of a 'fantasy prone personality' — belief in psychic and other paranormal nonsense. At times it is hard to determine what they really believe is the cause of their encounters. One minute it is obviously aliens that is the source of their experience, the next it
could be influences from the spirit world or a memory of past lives. Their serious attempts to link aliens with silly paranormal phenomenon such as the afterlife, ghosts, psychic powers etc immediately destroys their credibility. Any respect we might have had for their ability to rationally analyse these strange encounters vanishes. Here is a quote from a talk given by UFOCUS NZ founder Suzanne Hansen at the 2007 International UFO Congress and statements from the UFOCUS NZ website:

“The passion for truth is silenced by answers which have the weight of undisputed authority.”
Paul Tillich
“The passion for truth is silenced by answers which have the weight of undisputed authority.”
Paul Tillich
Paul Tillich was a German-American theologian and Christian existentialist philosopher. Tillich was – along with his contemporaries Rudolf Bultmann (Germany), Karl Barth (Switzerland), and Reinhold Niebuhr (United States) – one of the four most influential Protestant theologians of the 20th century. Among the general populace, he is best known for his works The Courage to Be (1952) and Dynamics of Faith (1957), which introduced issues of theology and modern culture to a general readership. Theologically, he is best known for his major three-volume work Systematic Theology (1951–63), in which he developed his "method of correlation": an approach of exploring the symbols of Christian revelation as answers to the problems of human existence raised by contemporary existential philosophical analysis.
Paul Tillich was a German-American theologian and Christian existentialist philosopher. Tillich was – along with his contemporaries Rudolf Bultmann (Germany), Karl Barth (Switzerland), and Reinhold Niebuhr (United States) – one of the four most influential Protestant theologians of the 20th century. Among the general populace, he is best known for his works The Courage to Be (1952) and Dynamics of Faith (1957), which introduced issues of theology and modern culture to a general readership. Theologically, he is best known for his major three-volume work Systematic Theology (1951–63), in which he developed his "method of correlation": an approach of exploring the symbols of Christian revelation as answers to the problems of human existence raised by contemporary existential philosophical analysis.

So theologians are incapable of deep and relevant insights into the human condition?