A Challenge to Theists


Valued Senior Member
What evidence, solid scientific, universally proven evidence do you have that your God truly exists?

If you cannot prove to me or anyone outside of yourself that God exists, then we can only assume that God does not exist and that you are either a) lying, or b) mentally disturbed.

The argument that God as spoken to you or shown himself to you is not evidence because it only pertains to you an you alone. Show me proof that God exists. Heck, even show me some kind of proof that God as contacted you in any way!

I need only ONE person to prove God's existance and I will believe. How does that feel? YOU can be personally responsible for saving my soul! I'm sure that gives you brownie points with God - sure to secure a one-way ticket to Heaven!
What are you, 12? Do you really think theists give a shit what you, an anonymous cartoon character on a screen thinks? If you don't believe in god, good for you, why should I care.
You'll have to ignore Kellisness MZ, he has *cough* problems.
With reality, among other things.
If anything I'd say he joined the wrong forum. Kelli, how about trying out www.spiritualforums.com. It may suit you more appropriately. I checked it out once. It's like one big circle-jerk of people all spewing their theistic loads on each others faces while they giggle with glee. When an atheist challenges them, they are usually quick to insult them and ban them. Sounds like something you'd enjoy being a part of. But I think it's like a cheap gym, be sure to bring your own towel to clean up with.
If anything I'd say he joined the wrong forum. Kelli, how about trying out www.spiritualforums.com. It may suit you more appropriately. I checked it out once. It's like one big circle-jerk of people all spewing their theistic loads on each others faces while they giggle with glee. When an atheist challenges them, they are usually quick to insult them and ban them. Sounds like something you'd enjoy being a part of. But I think it's like a cheap gym, be sure to bring your own towel to clean up with.

What? You mean you showed up, ridiculed and preached at everyone, and then you got banned? Well, gee, that's a mystery, how could that have happened. Actually I'm already a member of that forum, but yes I could use a towel. Maybe I could unstick one of the pages from your copy of the god delusion and use that. Unless of course you're still, erm, "using" it.
What evidence, solid scientific, universally proven evidence do you have that your God truly exists?

If you cannot prove to me or anyone outside of yourself that God exists, then we can only assume that God does not exist and that you are either a) lying, or b) mentally disturbed.

The argument that God as spoken to you or shown himself to you is not evidence because it only pertains to you an you alone. Show me proof that God exists. Heck, even show me some kind of proof that God as contacted you in any way!

I need only ONE person to prove God's existance and I will believe. How does that feel? YOU can be personally responsible for saving my soul! I'm sure that gives you brownie points with God - sure to secure a one-way ticket to Heaven!

that's not a nice sentiment, and that's not what it's about, so don't encourage the religious people. isn't it the narcissist in all of us that wishes for everyone to see things just the way we do? it's impossible. no one is accountable for your soul, except for you, and god can prove god's existence to you. otherwise, is it logical to believe at all? i don't know. i didn't think so. you have to own your beliefs. i see god in law, like math and physics, biology, all of it. and i see god in me too.

i don't know if many people want to hear that the search for god is introspective.
i don't know if many people want to hear that the search for god is introspective.

That does seem to be where it begins; however, a guy did call my house in the middle of the night only to tell me that he had seen Jesus.
Who lit the fuse on your tampon?

To be fair, you did come out swinging when you said that all theists were either liars or mentally disturbed. There are certainly more diplomatic ways to start the same type of discussion.
What evidence, solid scientific, universally proven evidence do you have that your God truly exists?

If you cannot prove to me or anyone outside of yourself that God exists, then we can only assume that God does not exist and that you are either a) lying, or b) mentally disturbed.

The argument that God as spoken to you or shown himself to you is not evidence because it only pertains to you an you alone. Show me proof that God exists. Heck, even show me some kind of proof that God as contacted you in any way!

I need only ONE person to prove God's existance and I will believe. How does that feel? YOU can be personally responsible for saving my soul! I'm sure that gives you brownie points with God - sure to secure a one-way ticket to Heaven!
You suffer from the problems of most Atheists.
Your verification system has some large holes, flaws, fallacies.
I don't think that's likely. They're not very sharp.

People who can't discuss ideas in any depth may go on to cover this by trying to undermine others abilities, an old ploy that accomplishes nothing in the end, adding zero to their 'truths' that they can't explain anyway, thus that resort.