A completely arbitrary hypothetical situation


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
I often wonder how the world would change if an advanced alien race, not terably ulike our own, except that they have the ability to travel vast distances through space, were to land on earth, make itself known, and then share all of their technology and teachings with us.

What really makes me chuckle is the idea that, while much of their technologly and scientific principals will be examined and likely quickly adopted and implimented in new human technology, the same thing will probably happen with their culture and subjective philosophies.

There are just too many stupid people in the world for everyone to be siting in awe and taking notes as they demonstrate to us all sorts of principals of propultion, and cosmology which they can back up, and let us experement with on our own, and then second guess them when they throw in a little unsupported tidbit about quasi-gravitational neutron plasma particles and their unstable quantum nature being proof of some alien hyperspace warp God.

What do you think would happen? If an advanced alien race were to come with us to share their technology and then also start throwing in bullshit extra terrestrial theology and philosophy would most people be able to tell the difference? Do you think most people have the intelligence to differentiate between testable and observeable fact, and subjective and arbitrary claims? Even if they could, would people still believe that alien theology and philosophy is somehow superior or more advanced then our own?

Personaly I think that there would be a lot of people who would just eat up whatever they say, and believe it as pure undenyable fact, incorporate it as dogma, even, but then I've probably been hanging around sciforums for too long :p
Cool topic...

That would be a good test. It would seperate legitimate atheists from tagging along sheep atheists.
"but this has nothing to do with god asshole!"
True, but it would be very telling of the kind of person they are. A legitimate atheist questions everything and if it doesn't work in his/her mind than it doesn't work period. A tagging along sheep atheist goes with whatever sounds better. There is a subtle difference. The second type wouldn't doubt a super intelligent alien's words of wisdom.

I can honestly say I wouldn't blindly believe everything aliens had to say. I would maybe take a bit more notice of what they had to say than I would a street preaching nut with one shoe but I would still dissect everything they put forward to me and have questions and so on and if I felt I knew better I would still believe me over them no matter how much smarter than me they were.
I believe there are redneck towns in the US waiting exactly for that to happen.

If such a race was to decend from the skies and land on this humble planet all hell would break lose.

Do you think most people have the intelligence to differentiate between testable and observeable fact, and subjective and arbitrary claims?

Nope....sadly enough many don't....if society on a whole did dictators would be obsolete.

Even if they could, would people still believe that alien theology and philosophy is somehow superior or more advanced then our own?

Look up Star trek fans who take up classes in Klingon language.

Personaly I think that there would be a lot of people who would just eat up whatever they say, and believe it as pure undenyable fact, incorporate it as dogma, even, but then I've probably been hanging around sciforums for too long

No, you just speak the truth. if we were to find a alien race it would throw humanity in a loop. So many questions will be raised that instead of dealing with the new reality most of humanity will just revert to what they have always done in these situations.....Take the easy and more violent way out
Originally posted by Xenu
The US would probably end up attacking them.

And the rest of the world would probably end up making anti-US statements to the aliens completely out of the blue, which would make them uncomfortable, and they'd leave as a result.

Honestly, there are threads all over these sciforums where you can bitch about how much you hate America, so please leave my threads alone.
Originally posted by sargentlard
If such a race was to decend from the skies and land on this humble planet all hell would break lose.

I'd have to agree with you, there, there are a lot of people really on the edge, that are probably just laying in wait for something to go completely fucking ape shit about and riot.

Originally posted by sargentlard
Look up Star trek fans who take up classes in Klingon language.

Haha, good point. I myself was acctualy thinking of becoming bilingual. Should I go for Klingon or Elvish?

Originally posted by sargentlard
So many questions will be raised that instead of dealing with the new reality most of humanity will just revert to what they have always done in these situations.....Take the easy and more violent way out

When in serious doubt, go completely nuts and kill everything that moves! Man oh man, and we think that there we have racial problems now? Imagine how things would be if we acctualy had another intelligent race to compete with. Forget all those weirdos who'd just eat up every little thing that they say, what about people who would want to fight for human race, even if the ETs are friendly.
The aliens would probably already figured out how to survive on other planets no matter the condition. They would probably inhabit mars and shoot missiles at us.
They would probably speak english also and they may even use U.S. Currency