A corpse's rights

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
An australian soldier has recently been charged with 'kicking a corpse' in cambodia some years ago.
I find this ridiculous.
Not only do I firmly believe a corpse has no rights, I believe a corpse has the 'responsibility' to become food.

Maybe your views aren't as extreme as mine but do you think a corpse has rights? Why?
Say a loved one was killed, and someone walked up and mercilessly kicked the corpse. I personally wouldnt be too happy.
Cremate? How selfish, you need to give back to the environment, I guess ashes have some beneficial nutrients but not when they're stored in an urn. I was serious with that "responsibility to become food remark", unless you're religious *cough-deluded-cough*, how can you have a problem with that?
I personally really want to be floated out into the ocean, nude, is that legal?
i guess i am a bit deluded then.

ya i guess your body disposal desire is legal. i mean more food for the fish...... though not for sharks. did you know sharks only attack humans because our silhouette looks like that of a seal to them. in reality our flesh is way too salty for them.
Its all good. The fish will eat me and get eaten and so on until eventually little bits of me will be all over the place.
I'll be free and you'll be locked in an urn:( Think about it before you make the big decision...
i won't be in an urn. after cremation, the ashes are symbolically dissolved or something not very sure, but def. not urn. don't know if it's diff. for americans and australians or what.

many hindus pour their ashes into the ganga.....but that's already so polluted it's sickening.

anyway...ive got a LONG way to go before that..bout 70 yrs. or so i guess.
Well, from what I know about Australians and kicking a corpse is seen as being good luck in their culture. My personal opinion is that Cambodians should be more tolerant of Australian culture, if they are going to host their troops. I’m not saying that they should kick corpses themselves if they don’t want to, but still, they should at least make allowances.