A Great Video Which Is Throws The Theory Of Evolution Out Of The Window

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Is there any facet of the existence of God that is testable?

Besides accepting many doctrines from many cultures, to 'test' God's existence, you would first have to assume you know the mind of God.

. Faith is believing in something with no proof..

if science discovers god, will that destroy faith?

. Why should we do it if it doesn't work?

When God hears your prayers, then they have 'worked'. So you don't have to worry about lying to your children.
Besides accepting many doctrines from many cultures, to 'test' God's existence, you would first have to assume you know the mind of God.
True, since an almighty god would probably only allow himself to be tested at his will.

if science discovers god, will that destroy faith?
Given the above, god would have facilitated the discovery of his existence and should therefore reinforce faith.
Why is knowing that god existss so horrible? Why must having faith in his existance be the valuable thing?

Adam and Eve got to see and talk to God as they walked in the garden together. Moses and Abraham and all the others were given supernatural evidence to give them a damn fine reason to have "faith". If I saw angels or heard prophetic voices, I might be more inclined to beleive, because I would have evidence. I would have a reason other than "I have a hole in my understnading, I will therefore assume God".

I have no reason to not beleive in God. By the very definition, god is un-knowable, and not dis-provable.
What reason do I have, therefore, to have faith? What does it gain me?

Besides accepting many doctrines from many cultures, to 'test' God's existence, you would first have to assume you know the mind of God.
To have faith in God, you first have to assume that you know God.
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I personally am of the opinion that the J/C prayer "paradigm" is a misconception of the Jain/Persian/Hindu notion. The idea of speaking, using your voice, is something in the Eastern religious dogma that is to do with chanting, i.e. meditation; however yogis eschew all physical action and try to commune directly with "God", or the Supreme, the Whatsit, the Unknowable.
These Eastern religious ideas are where much of the Judaeo-Christian theology came from, but they've "evolved" into concepts of "worship" -by talking directly, or chanting a prayer.
The notion of some ultimate Truth, or an Unknowable, refers to the non-conceivability (by an intellect), of it. It can be experienced, but not rationalised or described in words, as such.
I think of it the way music isn't anything until an instrument plays it, if you see what I mean. You can write down some symbols, that "represent" the tune, but this representation is a product of a mind, wanting explanation. In that sense, you could say sheet music is a way to explain music, like a scripture (say the Mahabharata), is the same kind of thing (a representation, or rationalisation), but it's never the thing itself.

(this should get someone going...)
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