a mish mash of ideas regarding religion and cultural focus


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
an extension of increasing off-topic thoughts from http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=98160

Let say, hypothetically, that we do find some way to motivate people to make drastic changes for the sake of their earth. No, i am not saying that global warming is here to kill us all. just that we become conscious of our impact on the only house we can't move out of, and as a people decide to neglect some superfluous habits in order to improve our overall lifestyle.

How do you think this would effect religion?

Do you think that if, as a people, our focus is on improving our earth, that our religions will tip their focus as well?

Do you see a return of earth based religions?

or will modern religion continue to adapt practices that make it fit the new focus?
an extension of increasing off-topic thoughts from http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=98160

Let say, hypothetically, that we do find some way to motivate people to make drastic changes for the sake of their earth. No, i am not saying that global warming is here to kill us all. just that we become conscious of our impact on the only house we can't move out of, and as a people decide to neglect some superfluous habits in order to improve our overall lifestyle.

But that’s a hypothetical that is not going to happen. The elites of this world are far too corrupt and far too unwise. The people of this world are far to greedy. This world is full of self-centred people. This world is doomed to destruction just as the scriptures state.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
you don't see any waiver at all in the focus of modern religion as time drags on?

and also, thank you for your reply :)
you don't see any waiver at all in the focus of modern religion as time drags on?

and also, thank you for your reply :)

I do, but I don't think it will be the result of a desire to save the planet.
you don't see any waiver at all in the focus of modern religion as time drags on?

and also, thank you for your reply :)

I have noticed a move from many "religious organizations" to respond to popular concerns down through History.

But the scriptures contain prophecy about the suffering and destruction of this world, that is going to come. To me it is not a matter of it being just a warning of what might happen. or something we can prevent from happening if we work hard enough or if we are good enough.

To me Prophecy is stating what IS going to happen. The good news from prophecy is that while it is going to get terrible in the end all that has been destroyed will be made better then it was, even better than what most ecologists might imagine as the pristine state. Also Prophecy tells me that i will be changed and made better than i am now.

So Prophecy has a Very Happy ending for creation both physically and spiritually.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
well that doesn't say much.. elaborate?

I think that as time progresses and things get worse that beliefs will be honed. Things that aren't evident now will be made evident and perceptions will change.

I think the religious enjoy many freedoms now that they may not always have. I think the focus will shift from one that is more political and denominational to one that is more personal.
I think that as time progresses and things get worse that beliefs will be honed. Things that aren't evident now will be made evident and perceptions will change.
mhmm that was the topic of the thread.

I think the religious enjoy many freedoms now that they may not always have. I think the focus will shift from one that is more political and denominational to one that is more personal.
you think that as time goes on people will learn to manage their own ideas better and that when they lose freedom (of?) they will gain a freedom from organized religion? or just make their own?
im not sure i see where you're going with this.
an extension of increasing off-topic thoughts from http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=98160

Let say, hypothetically, that we do find some way to motivate people to make drastic changes for the sake of their earth. No, i am not saying that global warming is here to kill us all. just that we become conscious of our impact on the only house we can't move out of, and as a people decide to neglect some superfluous habits in order to improve our overall lifestyle.

How do you think this would effect religion?

Do you think that if, as a people, our focus is on improving our earth, that our religions will tip their focus as well?

Do you see a return of earth based religions?

or will modern religion continue to adapt practices that make it fit the new focus?

This might answer your question from a Catholic perspective(It is global warming, but I think GW is a good example):

mhmm that was the topic of the thread.

you think that as time goes on people will learn to manage their own ideas better and that when they lose freedom (of?) they will gain a freedom from organized religion? or just make their own?
im not sure i see where you're going with this.

freedoms like, the ability to sit on the fence regarding a lot of things, including religion itself, or to use religion to satisfy political or egotistical agendas. the freedom to selectively ignore certain aspects of their religion, and focus on others that better serve their purpose, whatever that might be. i think that in a lot of ways religion now is a power play, a lifestyle, a social group, and really fake. and i think that when circumstance is a bit more "balls to the wall", people are going to have to get real.

i think that ultimately people will be segregated into 2 groups...those who value a personal relationship with god, and those who value a political and religious social order.
an extension of increasing off-topic thoughts from http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=98160

Let say, hypothetically, that we do find some way to motivate people to make drastic changes for the sake of their earth. No, i am not saying that global warming is here to kill us all. just that we become conscious of our impact on the only house we can't move out of, and as a people decide to neglect some superfluous habits in order to improve our overall lifestyle.

How do you think this would effect religion?

Do you think that if, as a people, our focus is on improving our earth, that our religions will tip their focus as well?

Do you see a return of earth based religions?

or will modern religion continue to adapt practices that make it fit the new focus?
There has already been a trend towards earth based religions in the West. Not within the Abrahamic religions, but more by people being inspired by or taking up the practices of indigenous peoples - often on the spiritual side - or via wicca or restarting pagan practices with a nature center.

However, much as I abhor Adstar's glee about the end of the world, I do not see these movements as affecting the centers of power in time for this all to nicely.
I think that as time progresses and things get worse that beliefs will be honed. Things that aren't evident now will be made evident and perceptions will change.

I think the religious enjoy many freedoms now that they may not always have. I think the focus will shift from one that is more political and denominational to one that is more personal.

Yep. As persecution and suffering comes the half hearted and the fakes fall away. In the end those who's faith is based on a personal relationship with God and who have accepted His will shall not be deterred by any of it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
freedoms like, the ability to sit on the fence regarding a lot of things, including religion itself, or to use religion to satisfy political or egotistical agendas. the freedom to selectively ignore certain aspects of their religion, and focus on others that better serve their purpose, whatever that might be. i think that in a lot of ways religion now is a power play, a lifestyle, a social group, and really fake. and i think that when circumstance is a bit more "balls to the wall", people are going to have to get real.

i think that ultimately people will be segregated into 2 groups...those who value a personal relationship with god, and those who value a political and religious social order.

Just read this. Well said Lori.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
However, much as I abhor Adstar's glee about the end of the world, I do not see these movements as affecting the centers of power in time for this all to nicely.

I protest. I do NOT have any glee about what i believe is coming to this world ( I actualy believe it has already started)

I have glee about what is coming after these terrable events. The same as scriptures describe the suffering of a woman in child birth. The woman does not look forward to the labour but to the little one who will be born.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I protest. I do NOT have any glee about what i believe is coming to this world ( I actualy believe it has already started)

I have glee about what is coming after these terrable events. The same as scriptures describe the suffering of a woman in child birth. The woman does not look forward to the labour but to the little one who will be born.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well, the end of the world is analogous to the birth of the child. It is when the trials and tribulations are over. You would not be here, suffering, right?, if the world has ended.

But the odd thing is that the mother in this case is the earth. And her children are treating her poorly. Some people can't wait to leave their mother. Some hope she will be treated better in the future.
And some of her children don't care how she is treated because the Prophecy says the world is supposed to end anyway, so it's okay if we ruin it completely. After all, God is going it blow it up himself very soon. So eat your endangered species burgers and spill oil into all the rivers if you want! God is going to give us a replacement anyway.
Well, the end of the world is analogous to the birth of the child. It is when the trials and tribulations are over. You would not be here, suffering, right?, if the world has ended.

Not sure what you mean by "You would not be here, suffering, right?,"

Also i do not see these events as ending the World. But ending the way the world is now.

But the odd thing is that the mother in this case is the earth. And her children are treating her poorly. Some people can't wait to leave their mother. Some hope she will be treated better in the future.

No. Not in a Christian sense. The earth is not a mother it is a created unliving object made to support real life. Us. The scripture that described a woman in trail before the birth of the New World is only an analogy/ parable helping to explain the Good that will come after the suffering.

The bible is not a new ager documen,t no matter how hard new agers try to interpret it as such.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
And some of her children don't care how she is treated because the Prophecy says the world is supposed to end anyway, so it's okay if we ruin it completely. After all, God is going it blow it up himself very soon. So eat your endangered species burgers and spill oil into all the rivers if you want! God is going to give us a replacement anyway.

Ahh but the Bible also says:

Revealtion 11
18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

Just because the current earth is going to be renewed does not make the willful destruction of the current earth OK.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Not sure what you mean by "You would not be here, suffering, right?,"
I thought most of those who believed in end times in the Christian way, believed they would be lifted up and outta here.

No. Not in a Christian sense. The earth is not a mother it is a created unliving object made to support real life. Us. The scripture that described a woman in trail before the birth of the New World is only an analogy/ parable helping to explain the Good that will come after the suffering.

The bible is not a new ager documen,t no matter how hard new agers try to interpret it as such.
I am not a new ager. I am not interpreting the Bible. I am simply putting forward my beliefs. I see many Christians, for example, as treating their mother poorly. LIttle coincidence they worship only a male deity and his male son.
I thought most of those who believed in end times in the Christian way, believed they would be lifted up and outta here.

Ahhh.. That would be pre-tribulation rapture believers. I am not a pre-tribulation rapture believer. As far as i know most people who profess to be "christian" are not pre-tribulation rapture believers. It seems to be a a section of the evangelical movement that is most hooked on the idea.

From reading the scriptures it is clear that the rapture will happen upon the second coming of the Messiah and that happens after the times of great tribulation in the end times. For most true Christians that will be a resurrection experience not a rapture experience. There will probably only be a few True Christians still alive at the time of the second coming of Jesus, they will experience the rapture. Being transformed form their carnal bodies into the eternal perfected bodies. The anti-christ and his followers will have exterminated most of the true followers of Jesus by that time.

As Revelation says:

Revelation 20
Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.

So followers of Jesus get beheaded during the great tribulation. No getting whisked away to heaven as the pre-tribulation escapist doctrines teach.

I am not a new ager. I am not interpreting the Bible. I am simply putting forward my beliefs. I see many Christians, for example, as treating their mother poorly. LIttle coincidence they worship only a male deity and his male son.

As a Christian i believe this World and nature upon it is a creation of God therefore wilful desecration of such is an affront to God. God being male or female makes no difference. Christians should be considered and thinking managers of the worlds eco system for future generations. We do not own this world we are given use of it for a short time only. We should leave it in good order for the next batch of users.

Unfortunately that’s not happening and will not happen because Greed drives the world now. And greed is a great destroyer of wisdom. Just look at the economic mess the world is in today.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days