a New view on mankind's flaws


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
hi all, listen to this

man. a very fragile creature indeed. considered advanced only by its own. yet, in many ways, we are not advanced. the following is an overview of some of the flaws we can find abundant today in across the world:

1- countries cannot live in peace amongst each other
2- governments do not tell the whole truth, and attempt to control information their inhabitants recieve.
3- we lie to each other endlessly
4- we receive new technology, but we use it for bad things.
5- we can't trust our own neighbors (if you can- you are very lucky)
6- we are controlled by a monetary system that dictates ones' value and position in life.
7- we dont love people / help others
8- we lust for things, even things we dont need.
9- we do not use our planet's resources conservatively
10- we are actually consuming the earths resources faster than before
11- we are polluting, damaging, and destroying the atmospheres that protect us.

these are but a few main points of how man is not advanced at all. the one i want to touch on is number 4:
4- we receive new technology, but we use it for bad things.
we think we are so advanced because we create new technologies that revolutionize our lives. this would be true if we could learn to use the technologies in a Good way. but instead we choose to use the technologies in a Bad way. Why? Because we think of OURSELVES only.

consider #1: the personal computer
probably the most revolutionizing machine to us today. in many ways it is a very good thing, dont get me wrong- but take a look at whats going on now: you try to search information on the internet and you are bombarded by a thousand pop-up advertisements and stupid animations that take over your screen for a minute-stopping you from doing anything productive. WHY? like i said, the person who created the site/ad was thinking about himself only, wanting to generate more money. And then you try to check your emails, and if you dont accidentally open a malicious virus, then its probably some penis enlargement advertisement. geez it can only get so big.

consider #2: E=mc^2
one of the most powerful equations man has ever dawned on. a step closer to understanding the workings of the universe. and what do we do with it? we construct the Atomic Bomb, and BLOW PEOPLE UP.
'nuff said

what i want to talk about comes from a thread i just read in where we have been discussing that ETI may possibly be responsible for some of the technologies we have recieved.

also, few days back; we were discussing the idea that (or at least i was haha) perhaps ETI could have had some involvement, if not total participation, in the creation of the first Human Being (homo eructus) who later evolved into Homo Sapien, who then became what is now known as Homo Sapien Sapien.

NOW, thinking over what was said, what was read, and throwing in the fact that we are NOT ready for these technologies we have, i came up with some kind of theory:

Could the fact that ETI prematurely forced (seeded) intelligent life onto the planet Earth, and also prematurely gave (seeded) miraculous technologies to us, be the reason we are NOT ready for it ?

re-worded, in attempt to clarify:

could the reason we are not advanced and not ready for the technologies we have be because ETI had prematurely forced Intelligent Life onto Earth and has given us knowledge and technology too advanced for us ?

Could this also be the reason for our underdeveloped Nature ? the reason we have so much corruption and flaws in our beliefs and Laws ?

just something to think about. more on this later
I think we are the victim of our own success. The evolution of the brain was an experiment, and if it turns out not to be benificial, mother nature will cover it up the same way she covered up the other 99% of all species, we will go extinct.
You mention more mankind flaws than san andreas has faults. But there are similarities between natural faults and mankind flaws.

Earthquakes happen because earth masses want to move, cant but every once in a while they move and cause alot of death and destruction.

You've heard of the perfect storm where a combination of forces cause a super storm that causes death and destruction.

Then you got tornadoes, hurricanes, lighting each taking their toll on man.

I think mankind causes similar storms(wars) riots,insurrection,civil war,I guess you can say they are sociological hurricanes.

Mankind is part of nature and is subject to the same flaws.
I absolutely agree Zonbai. I personally do not like humanity. I think it is an inherently flawed, completely self-absorbed, and primitive species. In addition, we are vicious and dangerous to our planet, to other animals, and even other humans. Unfortunately, that is not going to change anytime soon. Although it infuriates me. Sometimes I just sit and ponder the vile and disgusting acts this race has commited, and is commiting, and I almost explode in anger. People awaken everyday, going out and about, oblivious to their objective purpose, their existence, and plight of others, thinking they are the center of the universe and have conquered nature. They are ignorant drones; mindless robots.

I think the computer agents described humanity very well in the Matrix, when he peered out of the window from above, looking over millions of human's swirling around, going nowhere.

Listen to Mad world, and feel the power of those lyrics, it's not far from reality.
And I think we have had some great help in doing bad things. Bad ETI influence. They do want us to fail desperately. Fortunately each human will be judged on their own score card, and not on the score card of demonocracy.
It's clear that the pseudo-scientists and UFO nutters are not happy with themselves or their environments and must seek alternative realities.
There are those that would have us THINK we are so bad, when in reality it is them, the fallen ETI's that have caused most of these great wrongs. And blame it on us.
humanity blows no question about it

but try to live each day as you can.
it cann be sumed up in 2 words "shit happens"'

by the way you left out, corupted governments, greed, low life lawyers, poverty, racisim, unfair advantages.... and the list goes on

Something to add Zonabi, you could consider it fuel for ETI involvement in our evolution. Has anyone ever thought how neanderthal man and neanderthal newborn were able to survive amongst stronger, faster, and more vicious predators in their time. Imagine, if today we were co-habiting in the jungle with all the animals with nothing to protect us, how long would we last, and if we spent all our lives defending ourselves against predators and other humans, where does that leave room for scientific research?
There is a fatal flaw in your reasoning.
You say, countries cannot live in peace amongst each other therefore it is human.
You say, governments do not tell the whole truth, and attempt to control information their inhabitants receive therefore it is human.
You say, we lie to each other endlessly therefore it is human.
You say, we receive new technology, but we use it for bad things therefore it is human.
You say, we can't trust our own neighbors (if you can- you are very lucky) therefore it is human.
You say, we are controlled by a monetary system that dictates ones' value and position in life therefore it is human.
You say, we dont love people / help others therefore it is human.
You say, we lust for things, even things we dont need therefore it is human.
You say, we do not use our planet's resources conservatively therefore it is human.
You say, we are actually consuming the earths resources faster than before therefore it is human.
You say, we are polluting, damaging, and destroying the atmospheres that protect us therefore it is human.

I say, there are other races amongst us humans that are directly responsible for the things you list.
I say, your error is in directly relating the things you list with humans and not those other races that are bent on destroying us humans, even turning our brothers against us.
I say, humans are not flawed and you error in not recognizing the flaws in those other races bent on manipulating us humans.
I say, if you are human you have errorred in claiming your/our own species flawed without examining all the facts.
I say, your error is in not recognizing the major traits of humans that makes us different from the other races.
I say, your error is in placing your bias against humans in your premise.
II say, you are in error in labeling these effects as flaws.
I say, you are in error in not recognizing humans were created in the likeness of our Creator, thus labeling our Creator flawed.
Further evidence of genetic manipulation: Humans, are so unfit for their environment they have to wear clothing, all other species can exist even in the dead of winter without clothing but humans would die. Also, humans have all the characteristics of an invasive species. Also, why is there a missing link in human evolution?
fieryice you say my flaws are flawed because i didnt consider that another race (of humans?) is responsible ? who?

im not understanding what you mean. dont try to do the "you say, i say" bit, just write like normal.

u say i dont reconize the major traits that make humans different from other races. races of what ? humans? or other ETI? what do you mean please clarify

actually, i dont think you read my post right in the first place. you seem to carry the notion that I think it is HUMANS fault for these flaws. Not my point. quite the opposite my friend. read it again, if u did read it right then please help me understand what u meant.


there are plenty of other flaws, i only listed the ones that came to mind as i wrote this topic.

it seems to me, that mankind was pushed to evolve by ETs.
the rushed us into intelligent life forms by grabbing the primitive Ape and splicing in some of their own genes of intelligence and dexterity.

this is why there is a missing link my friends, ETs grabbed different apes and genetically enhanced them. this is why science has a missing link. this was the start of what homo sapiens (homo erectus). i wouldnt be surprised if the missing link is on the moon. and id be less surprised to know nasa (govt) has known about it.

then they kept shoving food in our mouthes, even when we were full. they dropped down on ancient civilisations, proclaiming to be Gods (or were mistaken as Gods) to the poor people of earth.

this is what started all the mythology, folklore, religions, and dieties. and as we all know, most of the Wars of modern man have been attributed to Religion.
Other races as in ETI.
Every nasty thing that happens in this world is not a flaw of the human race. The bad ETI have had all opportunity to manipulate us humans.
As for apes, if ETI are so interesting in human DNA if we are from apes as you so say then why wouldn't the ETI go for the sourse ape DNA and not the human DNA. There is no known link between human and ape because there is none, not even a moon based ETI with genetic modification intentions.
Lol i've heard it all now, mankinds problems blamed on ET, typical humans blaming other people for their own problems, 'its not our fault the worlds crap its ET's' :rolleyes: Think you'll find the problem is human nature, we destroy everything and think of ourselves 1st, ETI doesnt come into it.
im not trying to pass all the blame to ETs. u guys over generalize things i say.

its our fault too of course, we have choices.

but what im trying to point out is, perhaps in some way, our strange human nature, which is so wierd and ironic and hipocritical almost all the time, can be partially traced back to the premature creation of man.
and i think this was by ETs.

get it ?

think about it, they got the primitive ape and forced intelligence and otrher things into its DNA code. pushing a baby to walk. the Apes were still 'flight or fight' animals, having to survive amongst large predators.
then ETs splice in other DNA, trying to make the Ape smart, but think about it~
it didnt work very smooth because all though we indeed became much more intelligent and able to wield tools, we still were primitive in some areas. thus it created a clash, and i think can account for the duality of our existance, the flawed nature of humans. the self-centered thinking - because it is still part of our primitive nature, we didnt naturally evolve away from it.
I am not sure whose blaming ETI. It's not ETI's fault at all. It's humanity's own fault; it's the fault of people that inhabit this world - which in turn is only because it is a primitive species.
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As for apes, if ETI are so interesting in human DNA if we are from apes as you so say then why wouldn't the ETI go for the sourse ape DNA and not the human DNA. There is no known link between human and ape because there is none, not even a moon based ETI with genetic modification intentions.

duh, because they dont want an Ape, silly.

they wanted to (and did) seed an intelligent life form onto this planet.

why? thats the pickle.

you can check out a good thread on alien motives and implications:

There is no known link between human and ape because there is none,

so youre saying that we arent related to Apes in any way ?

theres seems to be NO LINK because it wasnt a natural evolution. dont you guys see it ? it was a genetic enhancement, therefore there wouldnt be any traces of it, since it isnt natural evolution.

dont u guys see? this is finally where science and religion have met, and they both can be right:

1) 'God' created man - religion proclaims
2) Apes evolved into man - science almost proves

if you consider ETI as being the reference to 'God' , and you consider they snagged the evolving Apes from earth to enhance them, then both religion and science can agree on something.

ta-daa !
So, is it accepted mainstream anthropology that there is a missing link? And what exactly does that mean...that there is a missing link between apes and hominids (homo erectus, neanderthal)? Or is the missing link between hominids and homo sapiens?