A question regarding religious tolerance:


Valued Senior Member
I had a few questions regarding religious tolerance. I’d be really happy and interested to hear some of your opinions. As this is primarily questions to YOU there is little need on this particular post to flame the answers of others – I am asking about your personal views.

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

Michael II

PS: My belief would probably be best described as agonistic atheist. However, I have an interest in religion and others view on religious belief. It is and has been a powerful influence in society and that in and of itself is fascinating.
Michael said:
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

No I am an atheist and I am from Russia.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

Yes ,as long as religion is completely secularized and churches and religious organization are not treated in any special way - e.g. no tax break ,no lower land cost . Nothing- just like a regular non-profit org or entertainment business.

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

I think its ok to worship whatever they want, but not ok bring their child to it. - Children should be protected by law from any religious brainwashing.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

History is good -as long as the teaching is kept as objective as possible without any sort of religion bias.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

See #3 - as long as its secularized I don’t care what they worship- be it god ,satan or little flying fairies.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

Its not only OK - it is a must . As it is necessary for quality education.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

As I don't have any religious beliefs there is 100% probability of them being incorrect :)

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

Lol what do you mean "bring your child as an atheist". You think there are some atheistic churches or something? Or "atheistic " teachings? Raise your child the way he can have critical thinking and lust for knowledge and scientific exploration. - "Atheism" is not a doctrine which can be thought.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

Cult of nail tooth worshippers in Africa!

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

Peace? Convert the rest of the world? - those not the things I crave for . Continuous scientific progress and technology development is what think should be the goal for humanity .I think if most people held same beliefs as me we would have much better environment for this.- But "convert"? - people can't be "converted" -there will be always superstitious , religious and plain dumb people not worth wasting time and efforts trying to "convert" them

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

Yeah they do - by contaminating mass media and ,which is worse, public education. Orthodox church in my country enjoys some serious state benefits ,which is uses for shady business schemes ( money laundering , taxes evasion, property expropriation )

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

My mom's dad was orthodox Christian ,my fathers mum is an orthodox Christian too. The rest are of my family would be best characterized as agnostics .

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

Considering I have none I think science supports them very well:)
Hello Michael

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

i Believe in the God of Abraham YAHWEH and i am a follower of the Messiah Immanuel. I live on the Australian continent.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?


3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).


4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?


5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?


6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?


7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

The core of my beliefs. No
Many peripheral beliefs. Yes

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?


9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

To me there is truth. in faith if you mix a thousand truths in with a lie what you have is a lie.

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

The acceptable way is to deliver the details of my faith and allow those who are attracted to it to come to it. Although i would love the whole world to come to believe as i do i know that will never happen.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

That’s a hard question...... harming..Well.. ok even if they hack my head off i have eternal live with God so they would be harming me physically but i would be going to a far better place... yeah that's a hard one to answer.

Country? i do not have any allegiance to any country on earth, my homeland is the eternal kingdom of God.....That's an easy one to answer :)

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

My parents belong to the catholic religion.

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

1a) Yes 1b) USA

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?


3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

3a) No 3b) No

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?


5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

5a) No 5b) No

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?


7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?


8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

8a) No 8b) No

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?


10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

10a) Yes 10b) Missionary help (food, medicine, shelter, etc.)

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

No, we harm ourselves by keeping God at a distance.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

Roman Catholicism

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

Honest investigative scientific studies have not contradicted my beliefs. Theories are another question.
Michael said:
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
atheist born in Europe(Czech rep) live in Canada
2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?
3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan?
people should have freedom to worship anything they want as long as it doesnt affect others negatively.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
no,religion has nothing to do with archeology!
besides theres about 3000 different religions out there,which would make it imposible to cover all of them.
5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
NO,gods are imaginary=nonexistent,
teaching kids fantasy fairy tales only makes them stupid and unable to think for themselves
6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
OK,its mandatory,of course :rolleyes:
7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
I have none
8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
atheist,realist,humanist=its the only way
9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
Im non religious ;)
10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you?
If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

yes I think the world would be way more advanced better place if people gave up those silly religious superstitions,
we can do it easy way,
THINK logicaly,and work to do better
or the hard way
kill each other in religious wars,
guess which path are we on?
11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
have you forgoten 9/11 already? :(
12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
father was born catholic,mother xian though neither prayed/worshiped any gods,
they knew your life is what you make it,i.e.no miracles exist!
they grew out of it(religion),you could say
13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
actualy science supports atheism imo
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?

No, I'm not. I have an open mind regarding God and what exactly God may be, but I do not follow a religion. I'm from Trinidad in the Caribbean.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?


3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

This is a complicated question, and I will admit that I really don't know much at all about Satanism. In general terms though, while I say its OK for one to follow whatever religion they see fit, I don't think a child should be raised on a religion. I think they should be kept neutral until an age where they can make their own choice.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?

Yes. Religion is a part of our history, and as such should be given the same exposure in that regard as any other aspect of history.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

Again, I think it's OK for one to worship as they see fit. I don't think it's OK to raise children worshiping anything, as they should be left neutral until such an age where they could make the choice for themselves, based on thier own views.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

Yes, it's scientifically proven. Even if there are those who believe it has not been proven, it is the way the scientific world operates, and as such, schools should educate children on what they'll be expected to know should they enter that field later in thier lives.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?

Low, but possible. I can't put a number on the odds, but until such a day that I can prove my beliefs as being 100% correct, I will be willing to accept that I may be wrong.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

Yes, it's OK to be an Atheist, no it's not OK to raise a child as such. Let them choose from a neutral point of view at an appropriate age.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

This doens't really apply to me. However, I was born into Islam. I'm not sure if to answer this as yes or no. As religions, the old eastern religions seem to hold truth in terms of living in the world around us, etc...yet, Islam made great progress into areas such as mathematics and the like in the days of old. So I'll leave this question with my own question mark. ?

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?

Yes, I do think the world would be at most peace if we all held the same belief(regardless of whether or not it's mine). An acceptable manner to convert? Simply raise the generations to come neutrally and give them the choice of what belief system to follow when they can make the choice for themselves. There isn't much else one can do from my standpoint, as I think it's wrong to force anyone to change their beliefs.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?

Yes, and not just my country but on a global scale. Many of today's problems can be traced down to a simple disagreement of religiouos beliefs and interpretations.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?


13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?

Yes and no. Science can't explain the origins of the Universe(not simply the Big Bang, what caused that to begin with?), and religion cannot explain the origins of God. Science supports me up to the point of "Where did the Universe originate from?". Once you hit that question though, it's anyone's guess.
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
I'm from the east.

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?
Yes, as long as their worship doesn't infringe any of my rights.

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship ?Satan?? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn?t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).
A child cannot truly worship Satan. They would have the right to educate them on who Satan, yet they would not have the right to force their own children to worship Satan. They do have the right to bring their children along to the places where they worship Satan. But because the activities that go on there, they might be disqualified from caring for the children.

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
Yes, it's reasonable to expect the teacher to draw attention to the fact that acheology is a lot of times just theory. For example, if a teacher teaches about evolution, it might be a good idea to say "Evolution is a scientific theory that has considerable evidence but no absolute proof." Then, perhaps hedge questions on the exam to say "according to evolution." This seems to be the best ways to respect the student's personal beliefs.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
Should be the same with Satan. Yes, they have the right to instruct their children on what some of these gods are, but they don't have the right to force someone to worship them.

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
See question 4. This is becoming less a problem as most Christians believe in evolution.

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
Nope but particular beliefs that I hold might be determined to be false.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
It's "OK" as in legal, but an atheist has no right to stop a child from believing in God.

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
Just believing in particular doctrines does not seem likely to make everyone at peace. If all people truly believed, then there would be absolute peace, but I'm rather uncertain about question two. People convert because they want to, have been inspired to. It's not people to convert other people but God.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
Yes, I could probably find a few muslims and call them terrorist, just as I could do so with Christians.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
Not sure what you mean here.

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
Not every scientific theory will support my beliefs, but most of my religious beliefs are outside the physical realm.
1- I'm Muslim and am from Arabia

2- Sure

3- No, Satan is Human enemy.

4- Yes

5- No but if other religion do, then it is their choice.

6- No

7- I have no doubt we are correct. I try to convince them I'm correct.

8- If someone wants to be Atheist, then he has the freedom. There is no force in religion.

9- Sure

10- Yes. Morals and the believe that human rights would never lost (if someone took any right of you (or did something awful to you) and if you can't take your right at life, they god is going to take it for you at Judgment day, rights are never lost) this could stop any murders in the name of revenge and could stop crimes at life, because it is better for you to take you rights at Judgment day rather than life (sin and grace)

11- Well we have\had problems with Judaism and Christianity and others. Many wars started on us (cross wars) and they were religious wars.

Last one is Iraq. Bush himself stated once at TV, it is new cross war.
So with no doubt, YES.

12- Islam

13- Science brought evidences that my religion is correct, science helped a lot regarding my religion.
1. USA! USA!
2. No. I think all organized religions are evil. Commies got it right!
3. No. I think people who are stupid and ignorant enough to worship any supernature beings that are not completely proven have a history of harming other human beings. They potentially pose danger to our society, that include all Christians and Muslims. They should be all banned from practicing their religion.
4. Any well researched, objective fact about religion history can be taught in school.
5. No and no. See #3. Religious people are dangerous, except Budhists.
6. Yes. Evolution is not a theory anymore. It's a principle.
7. Jesus is a son of man. Joe Hovah exists only in fairy tale. I know that for sure.
8. No. Atheism is not proven either because the existance of a higher power can not be proven or disproven. Agnostism is better.
9. Secular moral beats religious moral.
10. No.
11. Yes, because most religious people I know are ignorant and narrow minded. I don't think they should have children at all. They pollute the gene pool.
12. Unitarian Universalists
13. Science disproved my former religion. You have to be ignorant or completely retarded to believe in creation science. I was never stupid enough to believe in creation science even when I once considered myself a christian.
1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
Im an atheist from England.
2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?
So long as it doesnt infringe on other people and isnt given special treatment then yes, also i dont see a reason it should be allowed in public, thats why churches/mosques etc are there if they wish to worship in public then they dont need those anymore.
3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).
If you dont believe in a god you cannot believe in satan, but it depends what the belief is and children shouldnt be brought up to believe they should be taught to reach their own conclusion.
4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
It depends how its taught, i feel theres better history to be taught than religious as theres very little proofs for it, and it would infringe on people who dont believe any of it to be taught it as history.
5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
It depends what the belief is, and children shouldnt be brought into a religion when they dont know any better, they should be allowed to reach their own decision in their own time.
6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
Evolution is ok to be taught as it has scientific backup, but if a religious person objects they can take religious history instead and leave everyone else to learn.
7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
Of course it could be incorrect in the grand scheme of things, i wont know until i die but for this life it is correct for me, im happy with it and im not worried if it is right or wrong.
8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
Its ok to be anything, so long as the beliefs dont harm or infringe on anybody else, and as i say children shouldnt be brought up as anything they should be allowed to weigh it up and decide for themselves.
9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
If you consider atheism a religion(as some people do) then i feel it has a lot of truth in it, just like agnosticism.
10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
If everyone had the same religious belief there would be more peace but perhaps not complete peace, only if everyone lives in harmony and respect for each other will their ever be peace. It is not acceptable to convert anyone, everyone should be left to make their own minds up not have it made up for them, they will choose whatever is right for them.
11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
I feel their bickering amongst themselves is harmful but only to their own religion, if they cant even agree what the words of god are then how trustworthy can they be? Harming the country only in the way that it spreads violence and hatred(in places) and is a drain on things.
12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
Church of england technically but i dont think they really believe any of it, they are more agnostic/atheist than anything.
13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
Since i dont have a religious belief science supports it, religion and science always clash, unless they revise the bible again so that it supports it(as they are planning to from what i've heard), i think that would disprove the idea of them being gods words if they can be revised and changed.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, I thought I’d write my thought down quickly as well.

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
I am from the USA where I was vaguely religious. I moved to Australia and am now an agnostic atheist.
(I don’t think we can have knowledge about god from natural observation but I don’t believe in a god nevertheless)

2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?

3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
I really wish this were the case.

5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?

6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?

7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
My lack of belief in Gods very well may be incorrect. But, I’d say I’m 100% sure it is correct.

8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?

9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
Obviously NA

10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
I think world peace will be achieved via economic and political reform and if anything religion could hinder these things and thus hinder world peace.

11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
I think that any conservative religious group can be detrimental if the society is based around that mentality. However, that will never occur in my lifetime in the countries I will choose to live in.

12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?

13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religious belief?
Obviously NA
One thing that I noticed from many posts was that people who answered they thought it was OK for anyone to worship as they see fit

Ie: Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit? = Yes

But then when asked: Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

Many of the same religious people who said yes to the above question saidNo to this question! It’s impossible to answer yes to one and no to the other! To say NO to the later is implying that it isn’t alright for others to worship as they see fit.

Did anyone else notice this paradoxical thinking?

When comparing the religious with non-religious answers this paradox didn’t seem to come up. I wonder what this implies about the inner thinking of religious versus non-religious people?
7x7 you replied that it is OK for all peoples of all countries to worship as they see fit.

I’m not sure, but I thought it was illegal to build a Christian Church, Buddhist or Hindu Temple or Synagogue in Saudi Arabia?

Regardless, Do feel that should be OK for Saudi Arabians who feel they want to worship as Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or Jews should be able to do so openly in Saudi Arabia? (I’m not suggesting to put up a Synagogue in the religious cities of Mecca or Medina but in a sensible location within the country)

"Many of the same religious people who said yes to the above question saidNo to this question! It’s impossible to answer yes to one and no to the other! To say NO to the later is implying that it isn’t alright for others to worship as they see fit.", Michael

I have to disagree with this, simply because most believe you have religious freedom as long as you do not harm someone else. Satanism is the worship of evil, therefore the ending result would always be harm to others. I could call killing children a religion, but that would not make it one. I would not refer to Satanism as a religion, therefore it would not qualify as conflicting with the first question. All religions, wether Islam, Hindu, or Christian, give guidance to its followers on how to lead a better life, not a method of how to inflict cruelty.
towards said:
...most believe you have religious freedom as long as you do not harm someone else. Satanism is the worship of evil, therefore the ending result would always be harm to others. I could call killing children a religion, but that would not make it one. I would not refer to Satanism as a religion, therefore it would not qualify as conflicting with the first question. All religions, wether Islam, Hindu, or Christian, give guidance to its followers on how to lead a better life, not a method of how to inflict cruelty.


An Angel came to me and drew a diagram on the ground showing what the Intent would be for the Next Great Religious Dispensation. The Communities of the Three Higher Religions would be brought together to imbibe from one unified Fountain of Grace.

It sounds good, but I wonder about feasibility. The Three Higher Religions all present Doctrinal Friction Points which would all rub each other the wrong way. Because Pride is the Sin of the Religious, I can't really envision the Entrenched Religious Leaders giving much ground in order to arrive at a workable accomodation.

What I can envision is that a Spectacular New Revelation with elements attractive to Congregations of All Three of the Higher Religions will occur which will draw off the Peoples from out of their old institutions and into the New. Hopefully the Rank and File Clergy will side with the New. Why? because it would be nice to use the same buildings we had before. Tearing down Mosques to build Temples -- what a waste. At the onset of the Last Great Dispensation, the Virgin Mary did not insist that Pagan Temples be torn down. She was happy as long as they were Re-Consecrated to Her use.
Michael said:
One thing that I noticed from many posts was that people who answered they thought it was OK for anyone to worship as they see fit

Ie: Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit? = Yes

But then when asked: Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).

Many of the same religious people who said yes to the above question saidNo to this question! It’s impossible to answer yes to one and no to the other! To say NO to the later is implying that it isn’t alright for others to worship as they see fit.

Did anyone else notice this paradoxical thinking?

When comparing the religious with non-religious answers this paradox didn’t seem to come up. I wonder what this implies about the inner thinking of religious versus non-religious people?

What paradoxical thinking????????

To say that someone should have the right to worship as they please does not mean that you are also agreeing with them worshiping satan? You asked ME if i thought it was OK for people to be worshiping satan. Just because you agree with peoples freedom to worship as they please it Does Not mean that you think it is OK that they worship satan. Of course i do not think it is OK for people to worship satan or krishna or ram or zues any other God but the only God YAHWEH. But i believe that people should have the right to worship whatever they wish. There is absolutely No paradox in that stance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Michael said:
I had a few questions regarding religious tolerance. I’d be really happy and interested to hear some of your opinions. As this is primarily questions to YOU there is little need on this particular post to flame the answers of others – I am asking about your personal views.

1) Are you religious and what country or region are you from?
I am an atheist, I live in the united kindom, and I have no religion
mich said:
2) Do you believe that all peoples in all countries should have the freedom to worship as they see fit?
oh most truly yes, as long as it does not harm others.
mich said:
3) Do you think it is OK for another to worship “Satan”? Is it alright for them to bring up their child worshiping Satan? (notice I didn’t ask if you yourself believe in Satan).
answered in question 2, and I have no belief in any god/gods, devil/demons.
mich said:
4) Do you feel it is OK for religious history to be taught, from an archeological view, in grade school? Even when it happens to run counter to Religious dogma?
no, best to have both sides of the coin, dont you think.
mich said:
5) Do you feel it is OK to worship Polytheistically (multiple Gods)? Is it OK to bring up a child worshiping multiple Gods?
answered in question 2, each to their own.
mich said:
6) Is it OK to teach grade school children that evolution is the natural mechanism by which humans came to exist?
answered in question 4.
mich said:
7) Do you think there is a possibility that your religious belief is incorrect? If so what do you think are the odds that your belief is an incorrect one?
I dont have a religious belief, however if you mean is my sense, reason, and intellect, at fault.
it could be. but i feel like all atheist that I'm 100% correct.
mich said:
8) Do you feel it is OK to be Atheist? Is it OK to bring up a child as an Atheist?
most truly yes, if a child of mine wishes to follow a religion that is there choice, when there old enough.
no religion, should be allowed to indoctrinate a child, in such a way.
mich said:
9) If religious, do you believe that your religion holds the most truth relative to all other religions?
I have no religion, but atheism is the only truth.
mich said:
10) Do you feel that the world would be most at peace if everyone were to hold the same belief as you? If so what is an acceptable manner to convert the rest of the world?
yes it would be nice, as people might respect life more, if they new it was all they had.
however it's an impossiblity to convert, not with the religious zealots, and some are on this forum, I think you know who, I mean.
mich said:
11) Do you feel that people of other religions are somehow harming you or your country? Why?
no, they do more harm to themselves, I pity them.
even the fanatics.
mich said:
12) Broadly speaking, what religion would your parents belong to?
roman catholic.
mich said:
13) Do you feel that science supports all of your religous beleif?
it surports all of my belief, but it's not a religious belief.
mich said:
Michael II

PS: My belief would probably be best described as agonistic atheist. However, I have an interest in religion and others view on religious belief. It is and has been a powerful influence in society and that in and of itself is fascinating.
as do I, however more people are fast become, sick of religion, and soon hopefully it will be a thing of the past.
Adstar said:
What paradoxical thinking????????

To say that someone should have the right to worship as they please does not mean that you are also agreeing with them worshiping satan? You asked ME if i thought it was OK for people to be worshiping satan. Just because you agree with peoples freedom to worship as they please it Does Not mean that you think it is OK that they worship satan. Of course i do not think it is OK for people to worship satan or krishna or ram or zues any other God but the only God YAHWEH. But i believe that people should have the right to worship whatever they wish. There is absolutely No paradox in that stance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ahhh, I see my mistake :( Thanks for that.

I should have asked:

Considering it is best if a person is allowed to worship as one likes, do you agree that it is then a persons right to worship Satan and to bring their children up to worship Satan?
towards said:
I have to disagree with this, simply because most believe you have religious freedom as long as you do not harm someone else. Satanism is the worship of evil, therefore the ending result would always be harm to others.
Well I don’t know about Evil? I mean one person’s evil is another person’s good. But, for the sake of argument, let’s say Evil. It IS still their right to worship evil? Isn’t it? And to bring up their children to worship Evil?

By the by, I’ve read some many posts here that could quite easily take the actions and inclinations of God and demonstrate that it is God who is Evil (by most standards) but God is let off the hook because – well it’s God. And Satan has been shown to be quite good (or at least sympathetic to Human suffering and ignorance). Not that this should influence the question.

What I was really questioning was a persons right.

SHOULD people be allowed to worship Satan as well as have the right to raise their children to worship Satan so long as they don’t advocate directly harming another person nor to inflict cruelty?

towards said:
I could call killing children a religion, but that would not make it one
It’s funny you should mention killing children because I do believe that Gods has killed off any number of children!

Aside from drowning the entire human race, in 2 Kings, the prophet Elisha takes offense when some small boys call him "baldhead." He curses them "in the name of the LORD" and immediately two she-bears come out of the woods and maul forty-two boys (2:23-24).

But I guess that it’s God so it’s OK?!?! I don’t see how that COULD possible be any worse than Satan. If anything I was under the presumption that Satan just entices people to indulge themselves – not to go off killing children like God does!!
A really quick Google of the word Satanism brought up: A Description of Satanism

(warning the above link to to a real live Satanism Web Page, for your soul's personal saftly you may not want to click) :D

I don't have tom much time to waste on reading the site BUT I did copy the bullets pointers at the top:

- Based on The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey

- Closer to Buddhism than Christianity

- No Gods, Heaven, or Hell

- No Holy Books

- Neither are there tooth fairies

- We do not murder children, kill animals or do weird things to virgins

- Satanists do not burn down churches. Why should we risk our necks just to burn down a handy place to put Christians?

- Eclectic. It takes more than a precursory browse to understand all the complexities and personalities within our theology. This page is a start at least

Sounds pretty mundane to me?