A request


Dear atheists, agnostics, (and theists).

I was hoping that atheists here would consider joining my yahoo group on atheism http://groups.yahoo.com/group/atheist_movement/

I am very impressed with my fellow atheist's arguments and logic. My yahoo group is very new, and very empty, and I really hope you can contribute. It can be our only little hideaway, where we can be as uncouth and down-right nasty as we want!

The group will not be a success if I do not have intelligent and decent members. That is why I am here with a plea for you to join.

There are so many religious groups and organisation, yet very few atheist organisations to defend our rights. A lot of atheists here are intelligent and well-informed, yet don't seem to communicate with each other as friends. I hope that within the group you will get to know each other. If we band together, we may be able to make our voices heard. At my board, we can discuss evolution, the big bang, why you are atheist, ridiculous things that many theists have done, and so on...

Also, anyone else here, including theists, feel free to post on the board. Just don't try and convert.

If any one else here has a group, forum, or chat room dedicated to atheism, or a particular faith, please post it here, so that we can join it. :D
Originally posted by mountainhare
Also, anyone else here, including theists, feel free to post on the board. Just don't try and convert.

Is it OK if Atheists and Agnostics try and convert Theists? :)
Originally posted by mountainhare
Also, anyone else here, including theists, feel free to post on the board. Just don't try and convert.

Atheists need theists for their own identity. You can't go on thrashing an imaginary theist in third person. soon you get bored. the good old theist should be there around to get all your smacking... no theists will offer you their services except the ones who get equally delighted in pricking you new atheists..;)
Atheists need theists for their own identity. You can't go on thrashing an imaginary theist in third person. soon you get bored. the good old theist should be there around to get all your smacking... no theists will offer you their services except the ones who get equally delighted in pricking you new atheists..
That's a lie. You don't know anything. Look at the majority of the threads on this board. They were started by atheists. And they weren't to bash theists. Look at the evolution debunked thread. The Carbon 14 dating thread. The accuracy of the Bible.

We don't need, or even want, to bash theists. Arguing with some theists is like arguing with a brick wall.
Originally posted by mountainhare
That's a lie.

We don't need, or even want, to bash theists. Arguing with some theists is like arguing with a brick wall.

I like bashing theists.
It can be fun.
(some theists, anyway)
Originally posted by mountainhare
Dear atheists, agnostics, (and theists).

I was hoping that atheists here would consider joining my yahoo group ... where we can be as uncouth and down-right nasty as we want!
I assume that you're very young.
I assume that you're very young.
Consequent, I only said it to make my yahoo group sound more free and enjoyable. If you go to my group, you will discover that their are boundaries.... (notices everyone avoiding his club like the plague) Damn! I shouldn't have said that.
Originally posted by mountainhare
That's a lie. You don't know anything.
yeah.. may be.

Look at the majority of the threads on this board. They were started by atheists. And they weren't to bash theists. Look at the evolution debunked thread. The Carbon 14 dating thread. The accuracy of the Bible.

This sub-forum is on 'Relegion' not an exclusive 'Atheist_Club' like some yahoo groups.

We don't need, or even want, to bash theists. Arguing with some theists is like arguing with a brick wall.

in your own words, "That's a lie. You don't know anything".
This sub-forum is on 'Relegion' not an exclusive 'Atheist_Club' like some yahoo groups.
Your point being?

in your own words, "That's a lie. You don't know anything".

Once again, atheists are being labelled and generalized.

You don't get it, do you? The majority of atheists only attack theists when they are being threatened with hellfire, the Bible, damnation. The majority only get nasty when people try to convert them.

I don't want to bash theists. I doubt many atheists do (the ones I have met do not want to crush theists). I just want to be able to not believe without being preached to.

And yes, arguing with SOME theists is like arguing with a brick wall. Notice the SOME. I didn't say all, or many. I said SOME. If you choose not to believe this, fine. But you have probably never tried arguing with a lot of theists...
Originally posted by mountainhare
You don't get it, do you? The majority of atheists only attack theists when they are being threatened with hellfire, the Bible, damnation. The majority only get nasty when people try to convert them.

If you feel threatened with hellfire etc., you cannot call yourself an atheist. Do you realise it is you now are generalizing atheists..?

But you have probably never tried arguing with a lot of theists...

No. I never tried. I will try, if i become an atheist, in an impersonal, non-emotional manner.;)
If you feel threatened with hellfire etc., you cannot call yourself an atheist. Do you realise it is you now are generalizing atheists..?
NOOOOO. I said "majority". Also, if I threaten to shoot someone, it is still a threat, even if I don't have a gun.
Also, if I threaten to shoot that person, I am showing that I hate and have no respect for him/her. Threats are born of hatred, intolerance, and malice. When people threaten me with hellfire, I feel, well, hurt. I can't even believe in what I want to believe without people being so disrespectful that they say I will burn in hell.
Everyone knows what is gun and what it could do. Even many theists don't know what exactly is hellfire etc. Strange, you being an atheist, feel threatened, feel hurt. Did any of the theists try exporting you to hell..?
No. You don't understand. I don't believe in 'hell'.

I feel hurt because people would hate me so much (without knowing me) and have such little respect for my beliefs would threaten me with a place 1 million times worse than a Nazi Concentration Camp.

I know what hell is. I've been told by many Christians. After all, they have threatened me with it. Hell is so horrible, that even my imagination does not do it justice. That's exactly what they said. That's the type of place people want to send me because I don't believe in God.
I might not agree with the theist opinion. But I have never threatened them. I never have, and never will. NEVER.
Originally posted by mountainhare
That's a lie. You don't know anything. Look at the majority of the threads on this board. They were started by atheists. And they weren't to bash theists. Look at the evolution debunked thread. The Carbon 14 dating thread. The accuracy of the Bible.

We don't need, or even want, to bash theists. Arguing with some theists is like arguing with a brick wall.

Uh actually I started the Carbon 14 dating thread, and I'm not an athiest. Just thought I'd let ya know....
Also, I started the evolution debunked thread, and im a christian. I just knew that there was something wrong with the arguement is all.
Uh actually I started the Carbon 14 dating thread, and I'm not an athiest. Just thought I'd let ya know....

Also, I started the evolution debunked thread, and im a christian. I just knew that there was something wrong with the arguement is all.
OOOPS! My mistake. I was wrong.

I was just trying to point out that the majority of posts made by atheists here are not an attempt to bash theists (although theists may perceive it as a bashing, as the atheists opinion does not usually agree with the theists opinion).

Not at all. I think everneo was speaking directly to you.
Yes, he was. But I had just rebutted his argument. He said...

We don't need, or even want, to bash theists. Arguing with some theists is like arguing with a brick wall.
in your own words, "That's a lie. You don't know anything".

Therefore, everno was speaking directly to me after I rebutted the fact that most atheists don't need, or want to bash theists. When he called ME a liar, he was indirectly disagreeing with the fact that most atheists do not bash theists. Therefore, he is generalizing. Well, that's how I perceive it.
Originally posted by mountainhare
But I had just rebutted his argument.
You don't know whats rebuttal either.

Therefore, everno was speaking directly to me after I rebutted the fact that most atheists don't need, or want to bash theists.

You rebutted the 'fact'..? ok

When he called ME a liar, he was indirectly disagreeing with the fact that most atheists do not bash theists. Therefore, he is generalizing. Well, that's how I perceive it.
Whom were you referring to as 'We' there?

Indirectly disagreeing..? No. it was as direct as possible. read your original quote, that is my first post. The context was your invitation for posting in your yahoo group of like minded. Why you need theists there..?! for sincere discussions..? again read your earlier posts before mine. If i generalize atheists that might be a mistake but if you generalize atheists, as per your understanding of atheism, that is blunder.:cool: