Abuse of Power by Kittamaru

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The God

Valued Senior Member
Ref : Post #187 by Kittamaru in the thread http://www.sciforums.com/threads/if...an-it-be-pulled-into-blackhole.159765/page-10

Kittamaru publicly put up in infraction comment that I am wrong.

I asked him which statement of mine is blanketly incorrect. Only when she tells me about the inaccuracy, can I respond.

Instead of substantiating which statement of mine is incorrect, she has blocked me from replying in that thread. This is absolute abuse of moderators power.

In the past also I had highlighted that Kittamaru is prone to infracting contesting posters just to silence them even if their stand is OK.

The moderation on this site is quite wanting but this has crossed all the limits, all those who can respond objectively are welcome to comment. Trolls and sycophants can stay away.

PS1 : it is quite telling on Kittamaru's claim that despite her extreme willingness to purge my posts, she could not do so and expressed her helplessness in #187 in identifying any of inaccuracy.

PS2 : In the PM I asked Kittamaru to highlight the inaccuracies in my posts in the same thread and open me so that I can respond, but she refused and hence I had to take up this way. If she further infracts me for this, then it's going to be further abuse of Power.
Lets deconstruct your little temper tantrum:

Ref : Post #187 by Kittamaru in the thread http://www.sciforums.com/threads/if...an-it-be-pulled-into-blackhole.159765/page-10

Kittamaru publicly put up in infraction comment that I am wrong.

I asked him which statement of mine is blanketly incorrect. Only when she tells me about the inaccuracy, can I respond.
Apparently, I am both "him" and "she"...?

First of all, you linked to post 181 by me, in which I posted:
1) Who is saying it "doesn't matter" as a blanket statement?
2) Who is saying it "cannot be captured" as a blanket statement?
3) Can you provide any evidence to actually support your claims?

Let me be blunt - you have spent so long on SciForums spewing unsupported nonsense that you have, literally, no "good will" here to fall back on. Nobody is going to give you the benefit of the doubt just on your say so. If you want to make a point, you will need supporting evidence, as the rules dictate. Furthermore, if you wish to make an extraordinary claim, then you will require extraordinary evidence.


Now, the way I see it, you have two viable options:

1) Provide the requisite supporting evidence.
2) Disengage from the conversation

There is no infraction issued there. The infraction was issued on your post here:

You are acting like a spoilt child who knows some science and undeservingly given the mod position.

I did not invite a mod to come and write such pathetic shit, but to put the science in right perspective.

And as far as science is concern, it has always been quite clear to me, James R, what I am waiting to see is when will so called pretentious teachers and preachers of this forum learn. With this you have successfully joined that gang of shallow pretenders.

It was issued because of your, frankly, abysmal attitude in the face of people repeatedly refuting what you are saying. You have continuously held this "holier than thou" attitude that everybody else on SciForums is stupid, and you alone know "the truth" of the universe... yet virtually every time you are challenged to substantiate your claims, you fall on your face.

Instead of substantiating which statement of mine is incorrect, she has blocked me from replying in that thread. This is absolute abuse of moderators power.
Incorrect - you were barred from the thread for two weeks for continuing to insult others and refusing to provide evidence to back your claims, despite requests to do so, even AFTER you were warned this would happen. Even after my public post (the one I quoted myself on above), your next response was:

So far you have have miserably failed to pin point even a single incorrect statement by me. You are just making noise, give a single evidence of incorrect statement by me or retract. Can you? You have a task cut out for you Kittamaru, rise above the normal venom and prove any one of my statement wrong.

PS: it is laughable to see how you are supporting inaccuracies by saying that they did not make a blanket statement like this. This is precisely what I said that "in general" whatever claimed by DaveC was not correct.

And what makes you think I need goodwill from likes of origins or DaveCs or sweetpeas etc...I am never a part of mediocre coterie. I am here to see that they do not spread inaccuracies, it's a matter of concern that we have poor mod contribution here in putting the science in right perspective.

More ad hominem attacks against the membership, moderation, and administration team of this website.

Given that you appeared to have no desire to actually participate in the thread topic with any sort of substantiating evidence, you were removed from the thread so those actually interested in holding a scientific discussion could do so.

In the past also I had highlighted that Kittamaru is prone to infracting contesting posters just to silence them even if their stand is OK.

The moderation on this site is quite wanting but this has crossed all the limits, all those who can respond objectively are welcome to comment. Trolls and sycophants can stay away.
The only thing that has "crossed all limits" here is you, in that you have, once again, violated forum rules by airing your dirty laundry in public, instead of bringing your complaints to a moderator or administrator.

PS1 : it is quite telling on Kittamaru's claim that despite her extreme willingness to purge my posts, she could not do so and expressed her helplessness in #187 in identifying any of inaccuracy.
Here, you are being dishonest and attempting to be deceitful about what I said - the reason I didn't just shitbin your posts is because doing so would leave a rather large gap in the thread that would throw newcomers off - it is better to let your posts stand so others can draw their own conclusions than to attempt to surgically remove your off topic whining. To be blunt - I don't feel like putting up the effort to help you save face.

PS2 : In the PM I asked Kittamaru to highlight the inaccuracies in my posts in the same thread and open me so that I can respond, but she refused and hence I had to take up this way. If she further infracts me for this, then it's going to be further abuse of Power.

Actually, infracting you further is perfectly aligned with the forum rules you agreed to abide by when you signed up:

Sciforums - Rules, posting guidelines and advice to members (summary)
Feedback and complaints
  • Post general feedback in the Site Feedback subforum.
  • Post matters of general interest regarding site policies and moderation in the Open Government subforum.
  • Complaints about individual moderators should be directed to administrators using Personal Messaging. Do not post them in the public forums.
  • To report breaches of the site rules, use the 'report' button on offending posts.

G. Feedback and Complaints
G1. Members are encouraged to post general feedback regarding sciforums in the Site Feedback subforum. Matters of general interest regarding site policies and moderation (but not about individual moderators) should be posted to the Open Government subforum.

G2. Specific complaints concerning the moderation of individual posts should in the first instance be directed by Personal Messaging to the moderator of the subforum in question. If that does not resolve the issue, send a personal message to a supermoderator or administrator.

G3. Complaints about individual moderators should be directed to the administrators by Personal Messaging.
That all being said - since you apparently intend to be dishonest about what went down in the private message:

I gave you one of the several examples of what you said that was disproved; your attempt to compare the Apollo 11 deceleration burn and insertion into lunar orbit to a random bit of space detritus being "captured" into orbit while passing through the solar system - namely, that in the example of Apollo 11, their deceleration burn was the action that resulted in them entering a lunar orbit, whereas Dave had made the point that an object on trajectory through the solar system is highly unlikely to simply be "caught" by a passing gravity well and wind up in Orbit (namely it will either swing around and slingshot out, or will be drawn into and strike the body that ensnared it). You attempted a red herring argument, were thoroughly refuted, and became increasingly hostile.

This is the behavior that sees you running afoul of forum rules, as well as then doubling down on it by being dishonest regarding the events that happened.
The God, reading some of your posts I think they are harsh and maybe you should take a break.

(I also feel on trial here too as, James R, used the words "hissy fit" of which I do once a week.)
So more or less after so much of grandstanding by Kittamaru, he (I have to remind myself that it's 'he') has pin pointed two issues on which he feels I am wrong...

I will answer both....
So more or less after so much of grandstanding by Kittamaru, he (I have to remind myself that it's 'he') has pin pointed two issues on which he feels I am wrong...

I will answer both....

You continue to miss the reason why you were issued infractions... honestly, at this juncture, I don't have the give-a-damn to bother trying to explain it to you yet again.
You continue to miss the reason why you were issued infractions... honestly, at this juncture, I don't have the give-a-damn to bother trying to explain it to you yet again.

Do Not justify your rash act.
I very clearly posted that I do not have any problem with your infraction, I had questioned your improper comment declaring my points as incorrect in your infraction comment.

I asked you which statement of mine was incorrect, instead of substantiating your claim, you within 12 hours prevented me from responding there. That is abuse of Power.

I cannot write a detailed post with my handset, let me get some time to sit in front of my desk, then I will respond to you and James on the two points finally posted by you.
Do Not justify your rash act.
I very clearly posted that I do not have any problem with your infraction, I had questioned your improper comment declaring my points as incorrect in your infraction comment.

I asked you which statement of mine was incorrect, instead of substantiating your claim, you within 12 hours prevented me from responding there. That is abuse of Power.

I cannot write a detailed post with my handset, let me get some time to sit in front of my desk, then I will respond to you and James on the two points finally posted by you.
Seems like this should be taken care of in a PM. Aren't you at least a little bit embarrassed having another tantrum publicly?
I had very clearly stated in OP that trolls and sycophants can stay away.
And yet you are here posting... :smile:

Seriously though, The God is probably the most disruptive and trollish person on this site as he rails against science. He openly attacks and tries to demean members and moderators for the crime of discussing actual science.
It is quite beyond my capacity to understand why he is allowed to continue his 'contributions' to this site.
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Do Not justify your rash act.
The fact of the matter is (and what has you so bent out of shape) that there was no "rash act". They were justified, and your continual decision to actively flaunt the forum rules is doing you no favors.

I very clearly posted that I do not have any problem with your infraction, I had questioned your improper comment declaring my points as incorrect in your infraction comment.
And yet here you are, claiming "abuse of power" and crying over them.

I asked you which statement of mine was incorrect, instead of substantiating your claim, you within 12 hours prevented me from responding there. That is abuse of Power.
And here you are, lying yet again.

The initial infraction, issued on this post of yours, made 0610 8/20/2017:

States quite clearly: Throwing a temper tantrum and hurling insults simply because you are proven wrong is not the way to debate science.
This was issued 0920 8/20/2017.

Your response to people calling you out on what you were saying was more insults, and ZERO substantiating evidence:
That's what all those who are ignorant feel.
Posted at 0804 8/20/2017

I warned you, in thread, about this behavior 0924 8/20/2017:

This would explain why your typical response to being proven wrong is to lash out at those who do so, insulting them an basically blowing copious amounts of smoke...

Let me make it abundantly clear - this kind of behavioral pattern will stop, one way or another - either through your own volition, or through infractions.

Is that understood?

You then claimed nothing you said had been proven wrong.
Nothing I said is proven wrong.
You are just joining the bandwagon as if eureka moment for you that lo The God is proved wrong. Just highlight a single line from this thread which proves me wrong. I challenge both you and James R. Leave aside the other three who could not explain simple momentum transfer even in 100 odd posts.

Except you have, repeatedly, been proven wrong. Conservation of Momentum is a thing, TheGod, and you cannot simply choose to ignore it. As with your attempt to use Apollo 11 to show a body being captured into orbit - this is a flawed comparison, as Apollo 11 was a POWERED orbital insertion, using onboard propulsion to slow to a speed allowing for orbital capture. It is not a random asteroid intersecting our solar system.

You then started falsely attributing things to other members (myself included), and I challenged you to back your statements, both on what you are claiming others said, and on the physics you are claiming. You chose to do NEITHER, and instead posted more attacks, culminating in:

So far you have have miserably failed to pin point even a single incorrect statement by me. You are just making noise, give a single evidence of incorrect statement by me or retract. Can you? You have a task cut out for you Kittamaru, rise above the normal venom and prove any one of my statement wrong.

PS: it is laughable to see how you are supporting inaccuracies by saying that they did not make a blanket statement like this. This is precisely what I said that "in general" whatever claimed by DaveC was not correct.

And what makes you think I need goodwill from likes of origins or DaveCs or sweetpeas etc...I am never a part of mediocre coterie. I am here to see that they do not spread inaccuracies, it's a matter of concern that we have poor mod contribution here in putting the science in right perspective.

That was posted 1026 8/20/2017

I gave you until 0746 8/21/2017 that I barred you from the thread for your continued refusal to actually back your claims.

So, you had significantly longer than 12 hours from the first warning - it was actually more than 24 hours.

I cannot write a detailed post with my handset, let me get some time to sit in front of my desk, then I will respond to you and James on the two points finally posted by you.

Will you, finally, actually cite some sort of source or show some modicum of effort in your post, or is this going to be more "you're all stupid, I'm the only one who is right" type stuff that we are so accustomed to seeing from you?
Will you, finally, actually cite some sort of source or show some modicum of effort in your post, or is this going to be more "you're all stupid, I'm the only one who is right" type stuff that we are so accustomed to seeing from you?
Of course he won't. Everyone reading this knows that you are wasting your effort on him.

I honestly do not know if he is a troll or just deluded and I honestly don't care.

Took pains especially for you, so that in future you do not make vague statement that a poster is incorrect without substantiating.


The God said:
For an object not to hit the central mass, both the incidence angle and speed are important and matters. If the object has exited (of course without gain of momentum) that means...

1. It entered with a speed sufficient to escape it from the well.

2. It entered at an angle so that the trajectory inside was such that it exited without striking.

Can't you see both angle and speed are important.

Consider the central mass as a sphere of radius R, say the incidence of other body is at height H from the center of this sphere. So if the vertical angle of incidence (velocity vector direction) is less that Arctan(R/H), it will strike irrespective of its speed. For higher angles we will have to consider the Gravitational deflection to see if it flys away without strike.

Can anyone, Kittamaru especially you, find fault with above??


The God said:
when a body enters from the edge of our solar system, ignoring all other objects except sun, following can happen..

1. It will enter into orbital path with Sun.
2. It will strike the sun.
3. It will exit SS from some other point after following a particular trajectory.
4. It may get destroyed (we can skip this)

For Sr#1 to #3, initial velocity vector (speed and angle) matters. You can take shelter in any context, but that's simple physics.

Kittamaru, Can you find anything amiss in above??

[You may have problem with 1, but read on before you jumpt the gun, a bad habit which you have.]

The God said:
1. How do you think Apollo 11, started orbiting moon ?

You are confusing small magnitude of angle on account of large distances involved. Initial condition involves position also with respect to central mass along with velocity vector. This could be any Point above the physical surface of the central mass. In Newtonian mechanics in principle the Gravitational well extends up to infinity, so your sticking with some 11000 or 10999 or 1.5 is your choice. An object even at 100 Meters height can escape and exit if velocity vector is just ok.

Now this was in response to DaveC continued invoking of third body. He failed to realise that my emphasis on initial position and velocity vectors covers every aspect of capture or flyby or strike. He diverted the discussion to fuel burning of Apollo without realising that in principle it meant creating the suitable initial condition. How does it matter if suitable capture (for orbit) conditions are present by chance or by fuel firing or with the help of other force (3rd body) or by electric field or by explosion. If an inbound object explodes near a central mass, it is quite likely that one of the fragment may have just the condition for getting captured in orbit. So his invoking 3rd body again and again was just myopic.

Kittamaru, find fault with above??


DaveC426913 said:
A natural body cannot start out heading away from the surface of a body with more than escape velocity. Only objects with propulsion can do that.

Again myopic, because he was talking about conventional fuel burning propulsion, so I stated

The God said:
What about a photon emitted from your study room ?

Or for that matter billions of neutrinos from the Sun (James, do not jump that Neutrino is massless).

This is where James R entered and fucked up the entire thread by his stupid condescending and arrogant post without even reading the whole exchange between me and DaveC. This is what happens when you visit a site after a fortnight and act as if you can grasp and respond at all the places.

But I must credit him with a nice science statement of his
James R said:
Photon's are massless particles, so they always travel at the speed of light. They don't require "propulsion".

This statement is more or less correct but irrelevant as he was associating the conventional propulsion, moreover photons when emitted do get into momentum conservation with the emitting body, kind of creating almost similar physics, an aspect possibly he missed, so his massless argument also fails, Neutrino.

So Kittamru, any inaccuracy here too??
Of course he won't. Everyone reading this knows that you are wasting your effort on him.

I honestly do not know if he is a troll or just deluded and I honestly don't care.

You stay away, your barking is of no help.

But honestly I was happy with your involvement in that thread, not with the quality of your content but with the fact that you attempted to type some science away from your trollish single liners. You along with DaveC and Exchemist took more than 100 posts in an attempt to explain Gravity Assist to W4U, its a different thing you could not assist him. W4U talks of Tegmark and maths and Bohm Mechanics, he seems to have decent IQ, so you keep trying one day you will learn to assist someone.

Took pains especially for you, so that in future you do not make vague statement that a poster is incorrect without substantiating.


Can anyone, Kittamaru especially you, find fault with above??
Indeed I can - it's a red herring and has nothing to do with the original premise of what was being discussed. This was already explained to you.
You initially posted this here:

To which it was, yet again, explained to you:
The "angle does not matter" has been, from the start, explicitly qualified several times as "as long as it doesn't actually hit the central mass".

Note that the sun - from near the edge of our Solar system - is a target about one arc minute wide. That's about one part in 11,000 of an arc wherein it is approaching the sun. So, what you are asserting is that, when W4U said "at a certain angle", he meant, give or take, 10,999 parts out of 11,000.

Go back and read post 47, to see the context of what we are discussing.

Thus, your argument is a red herring and contributes naught to the discussion at hand. You THEN diverged into:


Any wandering object may come so close to sun that it may get captured, where is the need for third body?

To which it was attempted, several times, to explain to you that the need for a third body to cause capture (as opposed to a strike or a pass through) is a requirement due to conservation of momentum.


Kittamaru, Can you find anything amiss in above??

This appears to have come from here:

Further pointless argument from you, as explained here:

The discussion was already had - you are arguing for orbital capture, and then attempting to "proof" it using examples that would NOT result in orbital capture (such as target strike).

[You may have problem with 1, but read on before you jumpt the gun, a bad habit which you have.]
Yet again, you demonstrate your inability to post without including attempted insults.

Now this was in response to DaveC continued invoking of third body. He failed to realise that my emphasis on initial position and velocity vectors covers every aspect of capture or flyby or strike. He diverted the discussion to fuel burning of Apollo without realising that in principle it meant creating the suitable initial condition. How does it matter if suitable capture (for orbit) conditions are present by chance or by fuel firing or with the help of other force (3rd body) or by electric field or by explosion. If an inbound object explodes near a central mass, it is quite likely that one of the fragment may have just the condition for getting captured in orbit. So his invoking 3rd body again and again was just myopic.

Kittamaru, find fault with above??

Yes, the fault with what you just said is that you are, apparently, unable to ascertain why the fuel spent by Apollo 11 is important and changes the scenario entirely, or how there is a requirement for a third body to interact.


Again myopic, because he was talking about conventional fuel burning propulsion, so I stated

Or for that matter billions of neutrinos from the Sun (James, do not jump that Neutrino is massless).
And these are further red herrings, and have little to do with the discussion at hand.

This is where James R entered and fucked up the entire thread by his stupid condescending and arrogant post without even reading the whole exchange between me and DaveC. This is what happens when you visit a site after a fortnight and act as if you can grasp and respond at all the places.
And once again, you resort to insults and ad hominem because you are incapable of making a scientifically valid point.

But I must credit him with a nice science statement of his

This statement is more or less correct but irrelevant as he was associating the conventional propulsion, moreover photons when emitted do get into momentum conservation with the emitting body, kind of creating almost similar physics, an aspect possibly he missed, so his massless argument also fails, Neutrino.

So Kittamru, any inaccuracy here too??

The greatest failure I see here is that you have been allowed to remain at SciForums when all you seem capable of doing is hurling insults at those you disagree with (see your multiple examples above). I also notice you fail to even acknowledge your attempted deceptions regarding what was said by whom, or when.

You are, to be blunt, a disingenuous troll that gives every appearance of only coming around to disrupt intelligent conversation with obfuscation and red herring. Not only that, but you incessantly derail the discussion at hand with subjects that are, at best tangentially connected, in an apparent effort to justify your positions (as you have done here).

Furthermore, you have, yet again, provided not one iota of evidence to support your claims - I guess you expect us to take you at your word alone? Guess what - that's not going to happen, and that isn't how science works.

If you have a problem with backing your claims with evidence, I suggest you take your posts elsewhere - perhaps Twitter or Facebook?
You stay away, your barking is of no help.

But honestly I was happy with your involvement in that thread, not with the quality of your content but with the fact that you attempted to type some science away from your trollish single liners. You along with DaveC and Exchemist took more than 100 posts in an attempt to explain Gravity Assist to W4U, its a different thing you could not assist him. W4U talks of Tegmark and maths and Bohm Mechanics, he seems to have decent IQ, so you keep trying one day you will learn to assist someone.

And here you are, yet again, insulting other members. Enough is enough! In your two posts, you have taken jabs at no less than five members!

Edit - spelling...
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And here you are, yet again, insulting other members. Enough is enough!
I know it is not up to me, but as you may be considering it, I'll just put on record that I would now be quite happy, personally, if The God were permanently banned, as I think it would materially improve the quality of discussion in the hard science sections.

Addendum: oh well, 3 days is better than nothing!
I know it is not up to me, but as you may be considering it, I'll just put on record that I would now be quite happy, personally, if The God were permanently banned, as I think it would materially improve the quality of discussion in the hard science sections.

Addendum: oh well, 3 days is better than nothing!

Given his stubborn refusal to amend his ways (despite having had 35 chances to do so prior to today, based on his list of historic infractions), I can only guess that it is an inevitable conclusion...
Given his stubborn refusal to amend his ways (despite having had 35 chances to do so prior to today, based on his list of historic infractions), I can only guess that it is an inevitable conclusion...
My opinion aside... Wont the forum software automatically ban someone eventually?
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