Agnostic is the only true form of explaining religion


Registered Senior Member
I am agnostic, but athiest in some respects... I'll explain...

I don't believe in god because I can't say for certain he is real, therefore I chose not to believe because it is a waste of time....
You live your life the best way you think you can, and whatever unknown event happens at the end of your life will happen regardless, whether it be just blanked out and cease to exist or some other weird "drug induced??" things religious people think happen when you die...But logic tells me when my brain dies so do the brain cells and all my thoughts disapear.......So I could not give a shit what happens when I die.

And because I prefer logic, I respect everyone else to think what they like about what they believe... we have free thought remember?

But my free thought on Religion is nothing but a human illusion to create power and control over sheep/people..........

I am content in my thoughts and I will never change.....
if you are content in your thoughts then you shouldnt be posting on these boards, that is the biggest mistake you will ever make.

I don't believe in god ....

That is the definition of an atheist, i.e. absence of belief in a god. You are an atheist - have no doubt.

if you are content in your thoughts then you shouldnt be posting on these boards, that is the biggest mistake you will ever make.

Why? I am content with my outlook but it is still fun to discuss it and hope to convince others.
Why? I am content with my outlook but it is still fun to discuss it and hope to convince others.

By doing what you (assuming, if not, then..) hate Christians for doing? Spreading one's beliefs on others?

- N
This is a discussion board Neildo, not a door to door bible sales pitch. As you will probably know, outright preaching isn't really wanted or allowed - but discussion of beliefs is.

"I believe in god because..." is discussion, whereas "you're all going to hell unless you grab the bible and beg for forgiveness, so sayeth the lord, amen, hallelujah" is preaching.

In the same context:

"I don't believe in god because..." is discussion whereas "You are all going to a non existant hell unless you grab 'the origin of species' and beg for forgiveness, so sayeth Darwin, amen, hallelujah", is preaching.

In either case you rarely see such preaching here, but more discussion and debate concerning beliefs, opinions and views, (much like the thread starters post).

There is a difference. Well, in my opinion anyway.

By doing what you (assuming, if not, then..) hate Christians for doing? Spreading one's beliefs on others?

The difference of course is between healthy mutual voluntary debate and despicable unsolicited evangelism.
Dug-T said:
I am agnostic, but athiest in some respects... I'll explain...

I don't believe in god because I can't say for certain he is real, therefore I chose not to believe because it is a waste of time....

d__wwhat you just said there is almost word for word what i read another poster say yesterday, which inspired me t reposnd. where you say "I can't say for crtian HE is real" (my emphasis)
What i wold suggest is to KNLW what it Is you are disbeliving. get me? it is one thing throwing out a belief, but another knowing how that belief relates to much more ancinet beliefs.
For example, the very notion of a MALE creator god is a patriarchal concept. previous t that was the idea of Goddess, who was considered androgynous, and embodying matter. so there was no idea of a split between mattter and spirit.
So when that's not realized, and the dissenter believes they have gotten rid of a belief in a 'god' and 'spirituality', then can't you see that withOUT knowing the mythology that came FROM you haven't got the whole story?

You live your life the best way you think you can, and whatever unknown event happens at the end of your life will happen regardless, whether it be just blanked out and cease to exist or some other weird "drug induced??" things religious people think happen when you die...But logic tells me when my brain dies so do the brain cells and all my thoughts disapear.......So I could not give a shit what happens when I die.

And because I prefer logic, I respect everyone else to think what they like about what they believe... we have free thought remember?

But my free thought on Religion is nothing but a human illusion to create power and control over sheep/people..........

I am content in my thoughts and I will never change.....

it is important we feel connection with Nature, with our ancestors, with all the people to come. The whole reason i've said what i've said above--and asking you about it--is that if you accept scince as THe truth now, and we know that mainstream science is materilaistic, beliving consciousness is a product of complex matter etc. then this itself is a myth. for science doesn't REALLY know what came before death or is after death, and is struggling to understanding the mind/body 'problem'. Thus if you accept all that and imagine you are some kinda fluke who has some kind of life and then that's it. why should you GIVE a shit about Nature?
Dug-T said:
... Religion is nothing but a human illusion to create power and control over sheep/people..........
as silly as religious beliefs are there seems to be a reason why evolution allowed some people to be mindless unquestioning followers...sheep,
it used to be a convenient way to unite,control a bunch of individuals into one strong fighting unit in order to survive,
by destroying the other tribe,
today with all peoples rights to life and happines guaranteed by every goverment(well all democratic ones) religion is totaly unecesary
hard to give up though,I suppose, by all those greedy churches and televangelists who make a handsome profit from the gullible ones ;)
There's a short and simple saying (it was originally a song lyric I believe) that speaks volumes on the stranglehold that organized religion has on reason and motives…

“There’s nothing as pure as the kindness of an atheist.”

(I may be paraphrasing but the meaning is still evident.)<P>