Alien Abductions - Analytical Perspectives


Registered Senior Member
Throughout history we've seen a wide range of views in regard to unknown aerial objects in our skies. These have changed over the centuries and currently percieved is the idea EBE or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities are the cause.

After going through many books on the subject and even asking some experts in fields like, genetics, biology, etc. I've come to conclude certain things about this subject.

1. Alien Abductions are happening, although covertly.

2. Any contact we might have with another species from a different world would likely exhibit the kind of technologies which we see them demonstrating. This would be due to the fact development of them would be required so they could actually make the journey here.

3. The abductions began around the 1890's as David Jacobs has suggested. He traced family lines and found that the initial selection of abductees was likely random. His logic is that stories of unusal phenomena like "seeing ghosts" and "meeting dead loved ones" are really screen memories, and thus would have an origin point in the families history (when these began occuring).

4. UFO's can be attributed to alien craft, although sightings cannot all be classified in this way. I would suggest only if activity of an alien nature is found to have occured should one classify craft around the event this way.

5. The abductions are part of a program as David Jacobs has discovered, and he's correct in his assertions that there is an end in sight for it. The end most likely being integration into society on some level.

6. The Greys aren't actually alien, they're more mixed then that. Originally Jacobs was able to determine that the Greys aren't a natural byproduct of evolution on another world, but instead are initial hybridization attempts between us and the real aliens, insect like beings. This sheds light on various confusions surrounding why any alien being would appear humanlike. Biologists all say it's impossible and they'd be right, these Greys are nothing more then earlier stage hybrids.

Conclusions: You be the judge, but I suggest to you evidence can be obtained through forensic means if only the proper attention is given. Jacobs work in my opinion is breakthrough, and he has managed to make logical sense of an otherwise illogical phenomena. He doesn't have any real hope however that we can stop this, because unless drastic action is taken it's basically going to. Sadly I find myself agreeing with him..
emusquire said:
Throughout history we've seen a wide range of views in regard to unknown aerial objects in our skies. These have changed over the centuries and currently percieved is the idea EBE or Extraterrestrial Biological Entities are the cause.

After going through many books on the subject and even asking some experts in fields like, genetics, biology, etc. I've come to conclude certain things about this subject.

(((Hi and Welcome emusquire))

1. Alien Abductions are happening, although covertly.

me)))))yes, i agree

2. Any contact we might have with another species from a different world would likely exhibit the kind of technologies which we see them demonstrating. This would be due to the fact development of them would be required so they could actually make the journey here.

me)))))not sure. maybe they alreay LIVE here. i mentioned in anoter tread about Indiogenous peples experience with the 'Ant People' whose description bears uncanny resemblance to 'our Greys'!....according to tis older experience of 'them' they live underground. to i amaware of othr descriptions of contatctees, tho isn't it true when it is 'abductions' we usually get the 'Grey' descriptor scenario??

3. The abductions began around the 1890's as David Jacobs has suggested. He traced family lines and found that the initial selection of abductees was likely random. His logic is that stories of unusal phenomena like "seeing ghosts" and "meeting dead loved ones" are really screen memories, and thus would have an origin point in the families history (when these began occuring).

me)))))dont see why it sould all be mono-explained? whay should seeing ghosts and mettting dead loved ones all have to be connected to tis phenomena. also , hasn't Jaques Vallee calimed that the reprts and /or experience of abduction go way back into folklore, for example abduction by 'faeries' etc?

4. UFO's can be attributed to alien craft, although sightings cannot all be classified in this way. I would suggest only if activity of an alien nature is found to have occured should one classify craft around the event this way.

5. The abductions are part of a program as David Jacobs has discovered, and he's correct in his assertions that there is an end in sight for it. The end most likely being integration into society on some level.

me))does he mean negatively or positively?
and as i suggest, older tradition laimes they already ARE ...minglin wid us. actually they dont view these beings as being hostile like our culure sometimes does. though Dr Mack leaned more over to tey being like shamanistic-type eperiences

6. The Greys aren't actually alien, they're more mixed then that. Originally Jacobs was able to determine that the Greys aren't a natural byproduct of evolution on another world, but instead are initial hybridization attempts between us and the real aliens, insect like beings. This sheds light on various confusions surrounding why any alien being would appear humanlike. Biologists all say it's impossible and they'd be right, these Greys are nothing more then earlier stage hybrids.

me))and how would this be proven then? how does he come to this conclusion?

Conclusions: You be the judge, but I suggest to you evidence can be obtained through forensic means if only the proper attention is given. Jacobs work in my opinion is breakthrough, and he has managed to make logical sense of an otherwise illogical phenomena. He doesn't have any real hope however that we can stop this, because unless drastic action is taken it's basically going to. Sadly I find myself agreeing with him..
do you have any sources of his main arguments regarding tis....and i sense he IS seeing this phenomena as negative?
you))))) not sure. maybe they alreay LIVE here. i mentioned in another thread about indiogenous peoples experience with the 'Ant People' whose description bears uncanny resemblance to 'our Greys'!....according to this older experience of 'them' they live underground. I am aware of other descriptions by contatctees, though isn't it true when it is 'abductions' we usually get the 'Grey' description scenario??

me))))) Yes it is true, the primary reason for that is because whatever these insect like beings are they have limited contact with abductees. I suspect this is because there are a limited number of them in this area of space, although they seem to be correcting that by creating hybrids.

you))))) I dont see why it should all be mono-explained? Why should seeing ghosts and meeting dead loved ones all have to be connected to this phenomena. Also, hasn't Jaques Vallee calimed that the reports and or experience of abduction go way back into folklore, for example abduction by 'faeries' etc?

me))))) Yes he does, and at first I was drawn into his world of analysis and scientific theory, however after seeing Jacobs work I began to see that looking at this phenomena through the eyes of legend is not how it can be solved. Even though these bere striking similarities the nature of the encounters is much different. These have purpose, while older folklore is not indicative of any real reason.

you)) Does he mean negatively or positively? And as i suggest, older tradition claimes they already ARE ...mingling with us. Actually they dont view these beings as being hostile like our culure sometimes does. Though Dr. Mack leaned more over to them being like shamanistic-type eperiences.

me)))))) I am aware of Dr. Macks feelings regarding this. My main thinking here is simple, to place human-like emotions on something that is by it's nature not human limits the scope of understanding it. I assure you these beings are not shamans, nor are they magical entities that have helped humanity throughout history, no they are very real. The proper method to view it is this way... Beings from another world with no concept of human society encounter us, the abduct us, they are seperate from us and society, however because we can only view these contacts through the prisim of our society these events take on emotional and spiritual meaning. There in fact is none and the beings are simply aliens that are doing what their society wants.

You)) And how would this be proven then? how does he come to this conclusion?

me)))))) He came to this conclusion after carefully analysing the testimony of one abductee. Appearantly she was told by a hybrid that initially there were only these insect like beings, but in order to pursue their objectives they decided to mix their genes with ours to create hybrids of us an them. Their entire society is telepathic and they have no ears or digestive systems, these insects are really the aliens. It's unfortunate that we don't fully understand how telepathy works, they seem to have an ability to control humans even though we cannot perform telepathy on eachother. Confusing yes, but troubling as well.

I see the main danger being these insect beings, a hybrid told one abductee "they only thing they want, the only thing they care about, is that no matter what they control".

You))))) Do you have any sources of his main arguments regarding this....and i sense he IS seeing this phenomena as negative?

me))) If I were you I'd read his Website articles at and you will better grasp his theories. I would like to say that although I believe right now in this phenomena it's also possible it might be something entirely different. Mind control is something we cannot rule out, but the logical nature of the activities and events in abduction cases lends some credibility to them, thus making it important to take them at face value until something requires that we not.
very interesting.
sorry i cant reply by quote but my system cant cope with too much text in single posts, but i think i can remember the stuff i wanna inquite more about

so, when you say take this phenomenon at face value. ..btw, aint read that link yet

you see, some here have commented as to how absurd some of the procedures the abuctors carry out are.....these constanr samples, and descroptions of crude 'larders' of bodies etc....its all so surreal. and actually very faery like to not your walt disney variety

implats that when checked turn to a kind of usual stuff...bit like fiary dust....errrrm however. a recent docu i watched a surgeon claims to have solid evidence implants made of material so impenetrable surgical knives cant cut it. te skeptic here do not beoieve his because he will not hand tese pieces of solid evidence over te the scientists. let me ask your opinion on this. way would you think he would refuse this. IF true. ie., if he realy HAS refused.?? i forgot to demnd the skepics show me te evidence for this --now common--asertion....hah
Well here's what I would say, although he won't turn over the implants for verification it doesn't mean the abduction phenomena is really false. It does however mean he may be lying or that he simply is a fool! Implants alone don't fully indicate an alien presense anyways, but I do think arguments are used that sometimes attempt to discredit logical analytical viewpoints. For this example you can take the idea:

"He won't turn over the implants therefore they can't be alien".

If we look at this statement we see it's not based on any kind of real knowledge, only on opinion. The knowledge we have of abductees however is based on some experience, hypnotic regression, etc. Therefore it is not itself questionable although it can be suspect.

If he did turn over the implants and nothing came of it, those that don't believe in Alien Abductions would likely say:

"There, see, the implants are nothing abductions aren't real."

In fact this only means the implants themselves aren't alien, but it doesn't immediately suggest all alien abductions should be seen as false. I urge people to use critical thinking outside of societal influence in order to better view this issue.
Emusquire--Beautiful. Thank you. I particularly like the thoughts about mind control. Perhaps these beings surf the human collective unconscious as we do the internet and have the ability to delete entire blocks of information and insert what they want. Something like the screen memory of the lone abductee, could be played out, en masse, this way. Imagine the ability to tweak the unconscious this way. This is the real predation, if there is anything going on at all. We are the host and the parasite has attached itself to our belief systems. They don't have to be physically present at all. This goes for whether they are actually physical beings or etheric multi or other dimensional creatures.

Have you thought much about this yourself? Do you find it unsettling?
I would think my constant replies and comments would indicate I do indeed think about this alot myself. I do find the abductions unsettling because they are a danger to humanity. This is somewhat silly though because humanity is also a danger to itself, so in logical analysis you can ask "which is the greater danger?" Right now I'd say the abductors are!

Be careful to ascribe human concepts or beliefs to something not human. The idea they surf the consiousness of humanity much like the internet sounds nice, but it doesn't follow with physical reality. From what we can tell and from what David Jacobs has determined these beings somehow block short term recall so that it leads to an inaccesability of longterm recall. Meaning...

You're abducted at 10:00 PM
They block short term recall from 10:00 PM
You're returned at 1 AM
Your short term memory returns
You cannot recall that portion of short term memory which they blocked because it now has entered into long term memory. A bit like a bridge, without the short term trigger you can't really figure out you're missing any memory at all. You might see it slightly but not really.
SkinWalker said:

That's superb SkinWalker.

Q: do you know when an abduction is taking place?
A: Great question Gary. There are many telltale signs.

Of course there is the excessive high-pitched mooing. Many farmers refer to it as 'meeing' rather than 'mooing'. Farmers claim they hear the 'meeing' one moment, then the next moment there is silence. Cow abducted.

Right out of a Monty Python sketch...