All Vaccines are contaminated !

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Round-up is NOT in the genetics of the plant , my mistake .
Very good! You are making progress! You took the time to educate yourself. Now let's see if you can do the same with the DHMO issue.
Just ban DHMO , period .
You have said this three times now. So it must be very important to you, and you must know what DHMO is. What is it, in layman's terms? And how will we remove it from everything?
Now back to vaccines .

Vaccines are contaminated and the important thing is that more can be done to have less contaminated vaccines
so , how does this make DNMO safe ?
DHMO (dihydrogen monoxide, which is 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen) has been around forever. Fish swim in it. You drink things that have lots of DHMO in them. Most of your food contains it. And that's been true since the beginning of life on Earth.

Your fear of it, or more accurately your knee-jerk response of BAN IT! indicates your approach to this sort of thing - without thinking you immediately demand it is banned because of something you read on the Internet. You are easily fooled - and as a result are an easy mark for various special interests to manipulate. Education and knowledge can help prevent you from being a pawn. In this case, knowing even grade school chemistry would have prevented you from making this foolish and silly error.
DHMO (dihydrogen monoxide, which is 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen) has been around forever. Fish swim in it. You drink things that have lots of DHMO in them. Most of your food contains it. And that's been true since the beginning of life on Earth.

Your fear of it, or more accurately your knee-jerk response of BAN IT! indicates your approach to this sort of thing - without thinking you immediately demand it is banned because of something you read on the Internet. You are easily fooled - and as a result are an easy mark for various special interests to manipulate. Education and knowledge can help prevent you from being a pawn. In this case, knowing even grade school chemistry would have prevented you from making this foolish and silly error.

Yet the site I mentioned , or gave a link to ( post # 142 ) , shows that it is not kind to Human health .
Yet the site I mentioned , or gave a link to ( post # 142 ) , shows that it is not kind to Human health .
Geez, are you really this dense? IT IS WATER. DHMO is dihydrogen monoxide. Two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of oxygen. H2O. Water.

Are you really going to try to get water removed from all your food, drink and vaccines?

That site you linked to was posted as an experiment to see how gullible people would be. Again, just a little education can keep you from being such easy prey.
hmm but DHMO is also . . . Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid
Yep. All of which are - water. H2O. It makes up most of our bodies. We drink it every day. We bathe in it. If there is one chemical in the world you should NOT be concerned about ingesting, it's water.

But you fell for it because they use the same language as all your other scare sites do. "highly reactive radical" "atoms found in caustic, explosive, poisonous compounds" "you should be concerned about DHMO" "86 percent of the population supports a ban." And even though all of that is 100% true, you fell for the deception and announced you wanted to ban water.

So the next time you read some scare piece in your favorite conspiracy blog, think twice about accepting their claims without thinking. Because people with agendas can make up stories that make even water sound like a deadly toxin.
Yep. All of which are - water. H2O. It makes up most of our bodies. We drink it every day. We bathe in it. If there is one chemical in the world you should NOT be concerned about ingesting, it's water.

But you fell for it because they use the same language as all your other scare sites do. "highly reactive radical" "atoms found in caustic, explosive, poisonous compounds" "you should be concerned about DHMO" "86 percent of the population supports a ban." And even though all of that is 100% true, you fell for the deception and announced you wanted to ban water.

So the next time you read some scare piece in your favorite conspiracy blog, think twice about accepting their claims without thinking. Because people with agendas can make up stories that make even water sound like a deadly toxin.

so it seems
back again to contaminated vaccines

They are contaminated and who knows what is injected into you or your child , beyond what the vaccine was intended to protect you against .
They are contaminated . . .
No, they are not. (Beyond very rare failures in the QC process.) The proof of this - their amazingly good record in protecting people from disease.
and who knows what is injected into you or your child , beyond what the vaccine was intended to protect you against .
I do. If you don't, then by all means, educate yourself. And this time don't go to the conspiracy sites that tell you that water is a deadly toxin.
No, they are not. (Beyond very rare failures in the QC process.) The proof of this - their amazingly good record in protecting people from disease.

I do. If you don't, then by all means, educate yourself. And this time don't go to the conspiracy sites that tell you that water is a deadly toxin.

yes they are . the proof that vaccines work is not the issue here , they do . it is what else is in the vaccine that is the problem .
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