allah the liar?



I was just checking out the Net for some info on whether allah was the cresent moon god & found that muslims are trolling every site they can to defend themselves after 9-11. While there is nothing wrong with defending yourself, at least tell the truth, islam is about world domination, its in the quran. OBL wants all the world to be Islamic & those that do not surrender into islam; (islam=surrender), will need to surrender to islam (Christian=dhimmi in most muslim countries). It’s funny, but I even found muslims on a Puerto Rican site, since Borinquenos have seen first hand what it means to be conquered by 2 empires bent on world domination. And now islam, that forces people to learn the Arabic language (the so-called language of god), to become Arabic, (both culturally & socially (Jose Padilla is now Abdullah Al Muhajir???)), that wants to come to their fair shores?

!Yo soy Chicano y les digo a todos, que el dia que un latino deja a su cultura para una mentira, es el dia que ese latino se a hecho el mismo un esclavo, ciego y menso. Que lastima!
!I am Chicano & I tell everyone, that the day a Latino leaves his/her culture for a lie, is the day that Latino has made him/herself a slave, blind & stupid. What a crying shame!


Dhimma is the policy of treatment of Jews and Christians living in Islamic countries. Therefore a dhimmi is a Jew or a Christian living in an Islamic country. This policy does not apply to other peoples or religious groups, such as Hindus, for whom a strict policy of 'conversion or death' exists.

Attorney General John Ashcroft said Al Muhajir -- who was born Jose Padilla -- was captured May 8 as he flew from Pakistan into O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois.

Lying is permitted in islam
Allah is a deceiver:
The Hypocrites - they seek to deceive Allah but it is Allah who deceives them. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance (Surat Al-Nisa 4:142).
Allah is a torturer:
Fight them and Allah will torture (literal translation) them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you [to victory] over them, heal the breasts of believers (Surat Al-Tawbah 9;14)
Allah is the best plotter:
And when those who disbelieve plot against thee [O Mohammed] to wound thee fatally, or to kill thee or to drive thee forth; they plot, but Allah [also] plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters (Surat Al-Anfal 8:30 MPT)
Who cares if the god lies? If he created ppl to be alike him, and they lie, surely he does. I would expect no less. Randolfo, a liar?
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Who cares if the god lies?

If he created ppl to be alike him, and they lie, surely he does.
I would expect no less
. Randolfo, a liar?
If you don't care, then why should anyone believe anything you say? This sounds like an episode of "Star Trek", were someone admitts to being a liar, then says he is lying (I think Spock). It overloads some robot logic, if you believe in a lying god, then what is truth?
Randolfo said:
If you don't care, then why should anyone believe anything you say? This sounds like an episode of "Star Trek", were someone admitts to being a liar, then says he is lying (I think Spock). It overloads some robot logic, if you believe in a lying god, then what is truth?


It appears that the muslims are unable to challenge your comments.

Silence speaks volumes.

Vienna said:

It appears that the muslims are unable to challenge your comments.

Silence speaks volumes.

Challenge what exactly? He hasn't made any comments worth challenging. He's only posted up a couple of hatesites as a sort of trophy in the hope of flaming the people on here. Never have I seen such hate sites and they should be treated as such. You just want them to challenge these disgusting sites so that you can preach your hateful crap. This thread should be closed. It's racist, full of hate and frankly, beneath contempt.
This thread does not display the kind of tolerance one would expect from good Christians, and I think it says more about them than about Muslims.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to limit the right to free speech, so I won't close this thread just yet.

I will, of course, be quite happy to allow anybody who wants to to start a similar thread with the title "Jesus the liar?" Go to it!
Isn't this worth challenging Bells

"I was just checking out the Net for some info on whether allah was the cresent moon god & found that muslims are trolling every site they can to defend themselves after 9-11. While there is nothing wrong with defending yourself, at least tell the truth, islam is about world domination, its in the quran."

How is this statement racist???

How is it full of hate????

Why is it beneath contempt???

Can you prove this statement to be false???

And what gives YOU the right to judge whether a thread should be closed, just because it doesn't suit your agenda???

Randolfos above statement is FACT.
What's with all the ???...?

Vienna, it is obvious that you absolutely love these little hate sites. You live on them. So of course you don't find those sites to be hateful. Hell, they're what you read in your spare time. And my right to judge whether it should be closed? I was stating an opinion. You know what that is don't you Vienna? You state them all the time. And I read through those sites Vienna, and I am yet to find one piece of fact in them.

And my agenda? LOL..
Bells said:
What's with all the ???...?

Vienna, it is obvious that you absolutely love these little hate sites. You live on them. So of course you don't find those sites to be hateful. Hell, they're what you read in your spare time. And my right to judge whether it should be closed? I was stating an opinion. You know what that is don't you Vienna? You state them all the time. And I read through those sites Vienna, and I am yet to find one piece of fact in them.

And my agenda? LOL..
OK, so you can't be bothered proving that these sites are actually hate sites. That's fair comment.

My opinion is that Islam is the most evil influence on mankind ever produced. Islam is false, it is evil and is the force behind terrorism today.

Just an opinion. ;)
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Who cares if the god lies? If he created ppl to be alike him, and they lie, surely he does. I would expect no less. Randolfo, a liar?

Muslims, if your god is a deceiver, if your god is a torturer, if your god is a plotter, can you really trust your god? Oh! muslims, who can read arabic, check the following verses from the quran, read them, tell us if this is an accurate translation. Truth please, don't fudge on the truth, do not be like your god is accused of being
Allah is a deceiver:
The Hypocrites - they seek to deceive Allah but it is Allah who deceives them. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance (Surat Al-Nisa 4:142).
Allah is a torturer:
Fight them and Allah will torture (literal translation) them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you [to victory] over them, heal the breasts of believers (Surat Al-Tawbah 9;14)
Allah is the best plotter:
And when those who disbelieve plot against thee [O Mohammed] to wound thee fatally, or to kill thee or to drive thee forth; they plot, but Allah [also] plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters (Surat Al-Anfal 8:30 MPT)
James R said:
This thread does not display the kind of tolerance one would expect from good Christians,
James, look up the word "dhimmi", look up the fatwa you have against you, just because you are a Westerner, issued by OBL. islam claims that they are tolerant, lets see the evidence, look up the 500 year jihad against Hindus, look up the 800 year battle to reconquer Spain. Find out what happened in Indonesia, why do you suppose that a Hindu Bali sits right in the middle of thousands of muslim-held islands? should we tolerate an oppressor?

and I think it says more about them than about Muslims.
The Hindus suffered a 500 year genocide, look up Copts, look up Sudan, better yet, since you soo much want to give them the benefit of doubt, just for an experiment, go live in Iran, tell everyone you meet, that you are "an atheist, allah's a myth, Mohammad's a fool", lets see what tolerance you are afforded. Now, you have the luxury of living in a Western democracy, where you can say just about anything
Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to limit the right to free speech, so I won't close this thread just yet.
Thank you, "First Amendment", thank you "marketplace of ideas"

I will, of course, be quite happy to allow anybody who wants to to start a similar thread with the title "Jesus the liar?" Go to it!
Josh McDowell already wrote the book, available in a bookstore near you. But first, I'd like muslims to prove or deny that their god is a liar
World Domination.

It is in the Quran, I agree.

What does it mean?
I'll tell you.

In the Quran it is said that Islam will rule the world. NOT BY THE SWORD. Does it ever mention sword. NOOOOOO!

Islam will be in dominating postion because most people will turn into muslims.

How? I'll share some prophesy which both Christians and Muslims believe.

Jesus's Resurrection.
Jesus will come back, Right?. He will tell the his people what the true religion is. If you look from the Quran's point of view which you are, then Jesus will obiviously say Islam is the true religion of God. Now tell me if all Christians turn in to Muslims, then what do you expect. Islam will obviously turn in to dominting postion. This is the meaning of world denomination.

I ask you if all the Christians turn into Muslims, doesn't that Make the West into a Islamic state. Christians are the largest religion in the World. If the Largest Religion (Christrianity) is merged with the second largest religion which is Islam, obviously Islam will be dominant over the world.

Dude you need to study and take everything into mind when you talk about religion. You are like a forum extremeist.

When you talk of Plotting, tell me who is a better Plotter God or humans. Do you seriously think that you can out smart God. Don't take Allah for example we'll say the Christian God (even though they are the same, taught by our religion). Do you think you can out smart your God. In the verse you present, God is claiming that he is the best plotter, which is obvious.

When you talk of deciveing.

Diceive-To cause to believe what is not true; mislead.
Can you mislead God. I don't think so. Keep this knowledge in mind. In the verse you presented God is claiming that it is not he(God) who is being decieved but it the deciever himself. Don't you get it. If you go against God, then obviously you are mislead, Right. For God is the right. So if someone is trying to go against God, isn't it obvious that, that someone has been mislead. Another example is right in the verse you presented. Let me explain it to you, for I think you didn't get it, that is the reason you posted this thread. Read carefully.

Verse is: "The Hypocrites - they seek to deceive Allah but it is Allah who deceives them. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold Allah in remembrance" (Surat Al-Nisa 4:142).

Earnestness means Marked by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness

In the verse it say "without earnestness". Now keep this in mind.
Now for example if you stood up to pray without earnestness, then you are trying to mislead God. How? Just keep reading. You would think that God doesn't know that I'm just doing a fake pray. So in other words you are trying to mislead (deceive) God into beleiving that you are praying sincerely. But the thing you don't know is that God knows everything.

Now tell me who is decieving who? The person praying is trying to decieve Allah but infact that person has mislead himself.

When you talk of Torture. When you kill someone aren't you torturing them. Or does that person die, saying "it feels good". In that verse you presented that God will lead his believers to victory. Thus making his believers stronger than the opponent. When you are in a war, either you get killed(tortured) or your opponent, lucky if you get captured. In the verse God will help his followers, isn't that obvious. For example if Christians, then wouldn't they expect God is on there side. How will God help? Will he come down and fight for them, NO!. He helps through people. So if his followers kill thus meaning they are torturing the opponent. Exactly said in the verse you presented.

"Fight them and Allah will torture (literal translation) them by your hands, and disgrace them, help you [to victory] over them, heal the breasts of believers"
(Surat Al-Tawbah 9;14)

You put torture in red, but didn't put "them by your hands" in red. Why?

You are a literate person but still illiterate. You see one thing and just say it. I don't think you read the verses with any interest. You saw the words: plotter, torture, deceive. And then you posted them. I think you need to go to school again.
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"James, look up the word "dhimmi", look up the fatwa you have against you, just because you are a Westerner, issued by OBL. islam claims that they are tolerant, lets see the evidence, look up the 500 year jihad against Hindus, look up the 800 year battle to reconquer Spain. Find out what happened in Indonesia, why do you suppose that a Hindu Bali sits right in the middle of thousands of muslim-held islands? should we tolerate an oppressor?"

Above is what you said. Now let me explain.

You talk of hindu's. Now listen to this.

Go ask a Muslim living in India, how are they living. Ask them what is the government doing to the Muslims? Go ask the Kashmiris what the government is doing to them. Pakistani government said let the Kashmiris choose, but the Indians government refused. The Pakistani government said let Kashmir be an independant state. Why do they refuse? Now I ask you who is being oppressed. Muslims or the Hindu's.? Why don't the Kashmiris have the right to choose. Why don't the Kashmiris have the right to make their independant state. You don't know anything, you are only a loud mouth.

I don't know anything about Spain or anything else so I won't mention anything. But I will do some study on it. And if I get something I'll definitely share.

Lets get back to Oppression.

When Jerusalem was in Muslim control, they didn't oppress the Jews. ASK A HISTORIAN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME.

More and More Jews started to settle in Jerusalem. When the city was filled with Jews then they attacked the Muslims. Now tell me what did the Muslims to do them. Ok. I get it that they wanted to get Jerusalem back. Now tell me who is being oppressed? Muslims or the Jews? The bombings are not encourged by Islam so I will be on your side on that issue. Hamas and other groups are claiming to be Muslims. There is a verse in the Quran which states that people like these will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise.

Groups like these have made Islam a terror's religion in the society when It is the religion of peace. When Muslims were kicked out of Mecca, their things were stolen or put on the market. Tell me who was being oppressed. God tells us that don't get oppressed and don't oppress others. If a Muslim has oppressed someone than they are mistaken, but Islam doesn't allow oppression. The Muslims who are oppressing others, are committing a sin. So don't mention Islam as an oppresing religion. KKK Clans was not a good group and they were Christians. Does that make all Christians like the KKK clan. NO!. People who have chosen to oppress others have committed a sin, even though they do it under the name of Islam. This is the same story with the KKK clan. They did it under the name of Christianity.
Am I correct in saying that Muhammad did not accept the testimony of Jesus to be TRUE, because Muhammad did NOT believe that Jesus was granted ALL POWER and AUTHORITY in heaven, and on the earth, Jesus said, "ALL POWER is given unto ME in heaven and in earth" (Matthew 28:18). --- "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but MY WORDS shall not pass away." -(Matt 24:35)

Jesus, the speaker I, introduced himself to John saying, "I am Alpha and Omega ---" - (Rev.1:8) --- "Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore ---"

Muhammad also did not believe that Jesus has been granted the position/office of THE ALMIGHTY from his FATHER

Also, am I correct in saying, that Muslims don't believe that Jesus has been granted the position/office of THE ALMIGHTY from his FATHER?

Peace be with you, Paul
Hi, I don't know why you are posting this here but I'll answer your question to the best of my ability.

I'll tell you what we believe.

Jesus was a prophet.
Jesus had the Gospel.
Jesus was able to do miracles by God's will.
Jesus is not the Son of God.<-- Big difference between Islam and Christianity
Jesus will come back to earth near the end days. (Jesus's Resurrection)
786 said:
World Domination.

It is in the Quran, I agree.

What does it mean?
I'll tell you.

In the Quran it is said that Islam will rule the world. NOT BY THE SWORD. Does it ever mention sword. NOOOOOO!

Islam will be in dominating postion because most people will turn into muslims.

How? I'll share some prophesy which both Christians and Muslims believe.

Jesus's Resurrection.
Jesus will come back, Right?. He will tell the his people what the true religion is. If you look from the Quran's point of view which you are, then Jesus will obiviously say Islam is the true religion of God.

Now tell me if all Christians turn in to Muslims, then what do you expect. Islam will obviously turn in to dominting postion. This is the meaning of world denomination.
any so-called christian that converts to islam will be lost, decieved by the greatest deciever, the Father of Lies. BTW, you don't want Jesus to come back before you convert to Christianity, otherwise you will be eternaly condemmed

I ask you if all the Christians turn into Muslims, doesn't that Make the West into a Islamic state. Christians are the largest religion in the World. If the Largest Religion (Christrianity) is merged with the second largest religion which is Islam, obviously Islam will be dominant over the world.

Dude you need to study and take everything into mind when you talk about religion. You are like a forum extremeist.
man, you are a dreamer, but I got to hand you that at least you got your math right, extremest? me? I don't go bombing people, hijacking planes, cutting their heads off, video-taping the gory details. I don't demand people to do my bidding or else. I do not support those actions, do you?

You put torture in red, but didn't put "them by your hands" in red. Why?

You are a literate person but still illiterate. You see one thing and just say it. I don't think you read the verses with any interest. You saw the words: plotter, torture, deceive. And then you posted them. I think you need to go to school again
and you saw the words too, what do you think they mean? are you also 'blind', as you accuse me of being? is allah truthful? are the quran & Mohammad to be trused with our eternal lives? I think not, but you read, then decide
I have already told you that people bombing innocents, is not the way of islam, don't you know how to read, I have already explained that. I have already explained the deceiver part too. I don't think you understand so I'll let others comment on my message.
What's wrong with Moslems wanting to rule the world? Isn't that what most people do when it comes to their way of thinking, that there's is the correct one otherwise they wouldn't be following it in the first place? If they believe it's perfect, why wouldn't they want others to join in their perfect way of religious life? Everyone does it. Hey, I just tried these vitamins and they make me feel real good, you should try it too! Hey, these fat-burning pills made me lose 20 lbs, you should try it! Our scientists just discovered such and such, you should believe it.

- N
I think you are disputing the domination of Muslims. If it is God's Will then nothing can stop it. Only time will tell if the prophesy in the Quran comes out to be true or not.
786 said:
I have already told you that people bombing innocents, is not the way of islam.

You will continue to lose the Propaganda War on this one. Why? Because every night on the Evening News we see footage of Islamic guys bombing innocents.

You know how the Buddhists protested the Vietman War and got the World's attention? They went to the Town Square, sat down, poured petroleum over themselves and set themselves on fire. After they did that the mood in America swung around -- the War took years to wind down, but on that one day it stopped going forward. A few Fiery Monks stopped the Hawk's forward momentum.

But what do Millions of Muslims all over the world do? They toss bombs into day care centers. Yeah, that will change our minds. I know this nice peaceful girl at work who think nothing about politics. She hears the latest story about Muslims shooting babies and she just says, "Why don't we just Nuke them all and get it over with". You know, even with all the love in my heart that I feel for Islam -- the boneheaded way Islam has with dealing with Politics, it seems clear they will never be responsible political partners with the rest of the World or even with each other. So I have a plan. We can give you a big Nuclear Weapon and you can all kind of think of it as your one last Suicide Bomb. 'Now you all gather in close and get ready to smile. Say 'Allah''. BOOOOOOOM And suddenly the world would not be quite so conflicted and quite so complicated. And those babies in the day care centers wouldn't any longer have to sleep with one eye open looking out for you killer muslims.