Alright, this is too weird...


Registered Member
I know I've always had more "electricity" in my body than most people, I guess you could say. I don't know if electricity is the right word, but we'll see. For the past several months to a year, I've had this..... occurrence.. where, when I drive under a streetlight, it goes out. Initially I thought it was kind of funny and just a mere coincidence, but it has happened more and more. Now it probably happens 5 or more times a night if I'm out driving. First I thought it was maybe my car, but I have ruled that out. Sometimes it happens even if I'm just walking, though it happens more when driving. I love weird stuff like this, but since it's personal it has me pretty freaked out. I also shock myself ALL the time. Light switches, car doors, plaster walls, you name it. I live in Los Angeles so it's not like I live in a particularly dry area.

What's going on?

Also, I do frequent haunted places with a couple other people and I seem to pick up on presences really really easily. I haven't SEEN anything yet, and it's not just out of anticipation but I'll be totally relaxed and then stop dead in my tracks in almost a panic from feeling something. Sometimes I can even smell it.

But yeah, just thought I'd put that out there and see what people have to say...

You're on the verge of spontaneous combustion. Stay away from propane tanks, fuel freightliners and any friends or relatives you're particularly fond of.
Your heatlights(or reflected light from them) are hitting the light sensor on the lamp telling it it's day time so it goes out for a while.
Spontaneous combustion... funny! How can it be coincidence if it happens every time I'm out when it's dark enough that that the lights are on/go out? If I was to go out every single night, it would happen several times each night. And maybe my car accounts for the times that I'm IN it, but what about when I'm walking? Cause it happens then too. There doesn't have to be a car involved.
If you can do this every single night - document it with a camera, get your ass on the news, you'll be famous!
I know I've always had more "electricity" in my body than most people, I guess you could say. I don't know if electricity is the right word, but we'll see. For the past several months to a year, I've had this..... occurrence.. where, when I drive under a streetlight, it goes out. Initially I thought it was kind of funny and just a mere coincidence, but it has happened more and more. Now it probably happens 5 or more times a night if I'm out driving. First I thought it was maybe my car, but I have ruled that out. Sometimes it happens even if I'm just walking, though it happens more when driving. I love weird stuff like this, but since it's personal it has me pretty freaked out. I also shock myself ALL the time. Light switches, car doors, plaster walls, you name it. I live in Los Angeles so it's not like I live in a particularly dry area.

What's going on?

Also, I do frequent haunted places with a couple other people and I seem to pick up on presences really really easily. I haven't SEEN anything yet, and it's not just out of anticipation but I'll be totally relaxed and then stop dead in my tracks in almost a panic from feeling something. Sometimes I can even smell it.

But yeah, just thought I'd put that out there and see what people have to say...


have you ever heard of the idea of an aura?

or the term 'chi'?

how about what an infrared sensor captures?

Your eyes 'see' by capturing electromagnetism........ as well your body gives off electromagnetic waves (resonance/heat).

Does it exist and does your body interact with everything? Yes.

Contact or perhaps read up on Valerie Hunt in malibu, she's owns a publishing firm and knows enough folk throughout the world who can directly assist you. She's an old gal who is extremely intelligent on the subject of molecular interactions of biological systems. She may come across cranky just be short and concise until she understands what you are coming to her for.

Now if you are that sensitive and can do this in a reoccuring basis, then call a Ripleys or university for testing as any of them will pay you huge amounts to document and study the phenomenon.

You will never have to work again as well will be helping others comes to terms with the same sensitivities.

you special to face up to that and it is good to see the confidence to even talk about it.

most will call you nuts but if you straight, then be confident.... it's real

welcome to the future :)
You sound like an idiot no offense.
Unless you can discover a concrete answer, your just a subject to things happening around you. nothing more, it has nothing to do with you as a person.
nietzschefan I was really upset to know that firstly you aren't the man displayed in your avatar and secondly that the man in the avatar isn't as good looking as I once thought.
I know I've always had more "electricity" in my body than most people, I guess you could say. I don't know if electricity is the right word, but we'll see. For the past several months to a year, I've had this..... occurrence.. where, when I drive under a streetlight, it goes out. Initially I thought it was kind of funny and just a mere coincidence, but it has happened more and more. Now it probably happens 5 or more times a night if I'm out driving. First I thought it was maybe my car, but I have ruled that out. Sometimes it happens even if I'm just walking, though it happens more when driving. I love weird stuff like this, but since it's personal it has me pretty freaked out. I also shock myself ALL the time. Light switches, car doors, plaster walls, you name it. I live in Los Angeles so it's not like I live in a particularly dry area.

What's going on?

Also, I do frequent haunted places with a couple other people and I seem to pick up on presences really really easily. I haven't SEEN anything yet, and it's not just out of anticipation but I'll be totally relaxed and then stop dead in my tracks in almost a panic from feeling something. Sometimes I can even smell it.

But yeah, just thought I'd put that out there and see what people have to say...


seek out people who understand you

you have an ability you just need to understand what it is

it could be telekinetic

its Natural for some
You sound like an idiot no offense.
Unless you can discover a concrete answer, your just a subject to things happening around you. nothing more, it has nothing to do with you as a person.

I disagree ( and don't call people an idiot for something you , yourself ,can not explain or experience get with it )

it could be all to do with her as a person and her natural abilities
Sarah, I think I agree with thinking although I admit I don't know too much concerning things to do with telekenesis. I know a bit more concerning psychic abilities, thanks to reading Jim Marrs' book "Psi Spies", which you can buy at amazon or read online here. In terms of paranormal things, there's one thing that I think many people can attest to- if you look at someone intently, but in such a way that they can't actually see you, many will turn towards you. Sometimes they won't turn (they may be thinking, this is silly, why should I turn?), but it's almost as if they're restless and would -like- to turn if their upbringing didn't admonish such things. Yes, this is something that I have experimented with many many many times; i think more as the one viewing then the one being viewed- these days, I put up what you might call a wall towards outside distractions when in stationary crowds (public transit)- I read. This activity also keeps me from looking around too much and curiously looking at people, wanting to know everything about some of them but will probably never meet them again.

I'd advise you to be careful in terms of going to the media; the mainstream media is rather fickle and in my view, it's no wonder- it's mainly controlled by people who, I believe, want to keep the population docile, not think that reality isn't what they say it is.

I'll put in a word or 2 for you in the thread you started, but my advice to you is, if what you say is true, be careful with who you tell- there's a passage in Jim Marrs' book that is very revealing as to what people think of people who seem to have paranormal powers:
As late as World War II, sensitive military information was being received by psychic means, and in England, this meant jail time for an otherwise nondescript Scottish housewife.

Helen Duncan had spent a quiet life raising a number of children and occassionally demonstrating her psychic talent through local séances. But in wartime Britian, she quickly came to the attention of the authorities after twice reportedly telling of ships skinking before the news was made public. In January 1944, Duncan was arrested during a Portsmouth psychic reading and charged with vagrancy. Fearful that she might talk about the upcoming plans for the invasion of France, British authorities whisked her off to stand trial in Old Bailey and upgraded the charge against her to conspiracy to violate a 1735 law against witchcraft.

Despite numerous witnesses who testified to the reality and accuracy of her psychic powers, and representatives of the law societies in both Scotland and England terming her trial a travesty of justice, Duncan was found guilty and served a nine-month prison term, keeping her under wraps until long after D-Day.

Even Prime Minister Winston Churchill futilely tried to intercede for Mrs. Duncan. In his memoirs written years later, Churchill credited psychic guidance in leading him to a friendly home during his escape as a prisoner during the Boer War.

In late 1956, Duncan was again seized by police and died less than a month later, many believed as a direct result of the trauma of her arrest. In 1998, the British news media reported continued efforts to have Mrs. Duncan pardoned posthumously.

"Until this very day, psychic viewing is looked on by the British establishment with horror", noted Tim Rifat in his 1999 book Remote Viewing. "A country such as the UK, obsessed with secrecy, cannot allow remote viewing to become public knowledge...."

The book goes on, about a military man who never did any remote viewing coming up with some pretty impressive remote viewing when given what I think were the right circumstances to do so. In the ending, perhaps some people don't do any of those types of things not because they're unable to but because they don't know they're able to; and perhaps some because they know, consciously or unconsciously, that society prefers them to be more 'normal'.
Sorry not a literal idiot to the extremist sense.
This sometimes happens to me, but its just happening.
Everybody has the experience of street lights going off when they walk under them.

For one other example, see here:

There is one street light in my neighborhood that always goes out when I walk under it, but it goes out whenever anyone walks under it. But it on other lights it only happens once in a blue moon. If it really happens that often, I think that's pretty interesting and might be more than just mere coincidence. It might be paranormal, but it might just as easily be scientifically explained.
Sarahh, get a video camera.

Video tape this event happening on SEVERAL different occasions.

Then lets see the tapes.