An experiment in Atheism


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Lets have some convincing arguments for atheism, that do NOT involve any talk about theism, theists or morality.

Why is atheism the better option?
This thread makes no sense because I don't really think you can convince someone to be an atheist, it is a realization you come to alone.

I think that you are trying to trap atheists in a corner here by forcing them to defend their beliefs, and as soon as they do, you will criticize them for their attacks on theism.

Clever sam, make us choose between looking like idiots who can't justify our beliefs or looking like militant atheists. Nice try, someone close this thread please.
I wasn't offended by it at all. It made me think.

If I was ever going to have to argue for atheism I would say you don't have to answer to anyone in atheism. Just yourself. Atheism is about self.
I wasn't offended by it at all. It made me think.

If I was ever going to have to argue for atheism I would say you don't have to answer to anyone in atheism. Just yourself. Atheism is about self.

If atheism is abouth onself then theism is abouth nobody. Common isn't it better to be nice to people out of good wil then to avoid getting your ass burned in hell?
Lets have some convincing arguments for atheism, that do NOT involve any talk about theism, theists or morality.

Why is atheism the better option?

the better option as apposed to the one we arent allowed to mention?

with atheism comes the ability to accept that there are things that you dont understand at the moment,but will work on to solve with satifying results and things that you will probably never understand.
the satisfaction of working things out for yourself never gets old.
with a lack of certainty you can learn lots of interesting things and come to semi solid conclusions over time which hold up to reality.

however i would imagine the denial of things that dont fit into a rigid belief system would get very tiring.
The only thing I get so far is that atheism is about being cool and self-centered; I'd say a lot of theists are already cool and self-centered.

What else? What makes atheism the better belief?

From I believe there is God to I believe there is no God?
i thought we werent talking about that.

theism is the search for easy,convenient answers.

No don't tell me about theism, I'm a theist, I already know what theism is. Tell me about atheism.

I don't want the easy convenient answer.

What makes it better?
how so? your magic book gives you all the answers and if all else fails, pray to sky daddy for the answers. I don't consider praying searching for answers.
No don't tell me about theism, I'm a theist, I already know what theism is. Tell me about atheism.

I don't want the easy convenient answer.

What makes it better?

Well for me, it is satisfying to take something vast and complex and mysterious, like a rainbow for instance, and to use all my ability to figure out how it works when I know that millions of others just dismissed it as a mystery that god made.
Well for me, it is satisfying to take something vast and complex and mysterious, like a rainbow for instance, and to use all my ability to figure out how it works when I know that millions of others just dismissed it as a mystery that god made.

Was the man who discovered the rainbow workings an atheist?
Um, the bible, christians, the rainbow was a sign from god, a promise that he would never flood the earth again, becasue people noticed that after it rained there would be a rainbow. This was the commonly held belief until science showed what the real reason is.

Same when people couldn't figure out what the sun was and why it rose and set, so they concluded that it was a flaming chariot driven by zeus across the sky.

Knowledge enriches my life. I love learning. I love learning about things of this world and how they work. Maybe its just me.
Why is atheism the better option?

Better? I don't have a belief in gods, (I'm an atheist).. whether that's better than anything else or not is entirely irrelevant to that fact.
<rant on theism skipped>

Knowledge enriches my life. I love learning. I love learning about things of this world and how they work. Maybe its just me.

Thats not exclusive to atheism, love of learning or knowledge has nothing to do with a belief that there is no god. What else?
Better? I don't have a belief in gods, (I'm an atheist).. whether that's better than anything else or not is entirely irrelevant to that fact.

Unless you have evidence it is a belief that there is no God. And if its not better then why should anyone consider it?