And here LIES the human heart!


Valued Senior Member
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">
And here <b>LIES</b> the human heart!<img src = "">

I'm having a thought attack... sorry.<img src = "">
<img src = ""> Forgive me, for I too have sinned... <img src = "">

Sme things we all have in common.
Nothing that each of us should already know. But I'm thinking outloud. Once again...sorry.
I'm not sure I understand but I' wont intrude any further. Let me know If theres anything. Ok? :)
I believe I see the makings of a new riddle coming to light--but enough thought for one day.
Thought comes to mind why your thought was: And here lies the human heart.

Just a thought...:) :)
I suppose religion is like medicine.

It can be good for you but it's open to abuse
Yes, I think it is the latter as well. It is ultimately MAN who does the wrong. Religion is not a physical entity.

However, what I was trying to get at was that, religion, in the hands of man - can be a hindrance for social progress. Perhaps it's even a tool for social stagnation and regress (as we are seeing in our modern world).

If religion ceased - would all problems and differences cease? No. But, if religion ceased - it would help put us on the right path, in my opinion - personally - I really liked Cris' response to my post - the fact that the basis of believing in this sort of thing is rediculous.....and not keeping with progress....
Religion is like opium for mankind. It seems to me that humans need religion to have something they can hold on to. They act and react out of religious points of view and then think they can justify everything by it.

So a lot of people abuse it, to do harm to others. Then the problem lies in the heart of men yes. Religion plays a big part in this world. It takes a lot of lifes too.

In my opinion, people better leave the strict rules from the holy book alone and act from out theirselves. Guess it's a whole different world then, without the beliefs and justifying their religious actions just because it is said so in that holy bible.

Humans like to follow the herd, like sheep. It's much safer to do that then to make your own decisions, based on your own experiences in life.

In the case of religion, the lie lies in the heart of men. They blind themselves on purpose and then convince theirselves it's the right thing to do. Ridiculous!

If you think about it, without religion, there should be less to fight about. Guess it's a lot better to rely on yourself, not on some book. Oh well, I don't like this talking about religion, it's a waiste of time...

I don't think it is possible to abandon religion. Spirituality is an integrated part of the human mind. Even where they have tried to destroy its practice, it still surfaces. The communist couldn't stop it, and I doubt that anyone could. At best, it might be replaced or channeled.
Originally posted by Bowser

I don't think it is possible to abandon religion. Spirituality is an integrated part of the human mind. Even where they have tried to destroy its practice, it still surfaces. The communist couldn't stop it, and I doubt that anyone could. At best, it might be replaced or channeled.

Who knows what the future holds? Perhaps your idea will prevail, maybe mine will - it shall be interesting to find out. The human mind is not a static entity - it is capable of change. Just think about the societal changes that have occurred because of the Internet and new communication technology...I'd say it helped globalization along...Perhaps something unrelated would do so for religion.
<i>"The human mind is not a static entity - it is capable of change."</i>

But what if the spiritual metaphor is hardwired in the human mind--a function as basic as any other social interaction? It's been with us for so long. Could it be as strong an impulse as say...eating?
Could be, but I sincerely doubt it. It's definately not programmed into my mind. I've always know religion as a farse.
You have no <b>sense of spirituality</b>? Nothing whispers in your ear fromwithin? I can understand your disliking of traditional religion, but certainly everyone possesses some sense of magic.
Sense of spirituality doesn't necessarrily mean you have to believe in god. The whole godbelieving issue is highly overdone. Humans hang on to it literally with their lifes.

Originally posted by Bowser
*but certainly everyone possesses some sense of magic.*

Yes, and that's good. It keeps your mind open if you handle it the right way. Spirituality makes you more aware of other peoples thoughts and needs. It takes away the tunnel vision in which a lot of humans are captured by their selfishness and material wellbeing.

"Feel The Peace, Talk About It, Open Heart, Talk About It...Everyone, Dream About it...Sowing The Seeds Of Love...Time To Eat All Your Words, Swallow Your Pride, Open Your Eyes...Every Day And Every Hour, I believe In The Sunflower...I Believe In Love Power..."
<i>"Spirituality makes you more aware of other peoples thoughts and needs. It takes away the tunnel vision in which a lot of humans are captured by their selfishness and material wellbeing."</i>

Aah, but you see, you are walking a fine line here. We are talking about individual perceptions, now. How might a group of people share those like perception and when does that group become a cult or, later, a religion?

<i>"Sense of spirituality doesn't necessarrily mean you have to believe in god. The whole godbelieving issue is highly overdone. Humans hang on to it literally with their lifes."</i>

But what if it does mean exactly that for others? Are we to discriminate based on our own individual beliefs?
Why does it have to become a cult or a religion? That's typical human behaviour en masse what you say here. Humans like to place a mark on everything. Jesus, can't you see every human as an individual? Why does one feelings on life and spirituality needs a sticker on which is written: This human is a such and such believer, thus belongs in that or that cult/religion?

BS, my friend, BS, sorry to say so. It's people's habit to put a sticker on everything.

*But what if it does mean exactly that for others? Are we to discriminate based on our own individual beliefs?*

No, I just say that religion is like a drug. People get addicted to it. It is easier to walk with the herd then to stick at your own Inner Feelings and carry that out, without the need to convince others and take them with you in your view on life and spirituality.

I have avery good friend. She is a godbeliever and goes to church twice every Sunday. I have no problems with her. I leave her in her worth and she does the same with me. We have good discussions though. And the greatest fun when we go out dancing. So you see, not every godbeliever is as 'bad' as the other. Even in Religion, there are (luckily) differences and I am very well aware of that fact. It's the crowd which makes Religion dispicable...
Aut-postius ...

... religion, in the hands of man -

Like, who else's hands?

- can be a hindrance for social progress.

What 'social progress' are you talking about?
(... tain't seen none in near seventy years!)

Please, I'm confused enough.

Take care ;)