Staff member
How strange and unusual.I beg to disagree.
What "agenda" would that be? Equal rights? How horrific for you.The system is depicted as racist by people who have another agenda entirely.
Alternatively and based on reality, the system is described as racist because it actually is racist.
I mean, it's easier to simply deny its existence when you aren't on the receiving end of it.
Some actual data.. Unlike yours that you seem to have picked up from a KKK website and considered it factual. You know, stuff like this:Whites are more frequently killed by police, and by percentage, more whites are killed by police than are blacks.
Yo, Grand Wizard, aren't you even at least marginally embarrassed for posting this kind of crap?If black lives matter, why do they persist in killing their children, neighbors, and random strangers in a far higher proportion than whites do? It isn't racist to point these things out, but the left chooses to ignore facts and skew "statistics", a la Mark Twain, to push fucking morons into the corral. Ever heard of a Judas goat?
While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data imply a much stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration.[69] The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity.[70][71] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible.[70][71] A 1996 study looking at data from Columbus, Ohio found that differences in disadvantage in city neighborhoods explained the vast majority of the difference in crime rates between blacks and whites,[72] and two 2003 studies looking at violent offending among juveniles reached similar conclusions.
But in your reality, systematic racism isn't really a thing..
When you look at poverty rates, access to employment and housing and education, and how minorities are discriminated across the whole frigging board, it does actually make sense.
You could, I suppose, look at how white society locks minorities into living in cramped urban areas and the ultimate goal there. Just as you could look at how access to employment, housing and education outside of these areas become so difficult for African Americans (racism in the real estate industry is obscene and African Americans end up not moving upwards and moving out of these areas when they get better employment because they are locked out by discriminatory practices in the real estate industry)..
We get it.And now, I'll say what first came to mind when reading your post: Bullshit!
It doesn't have enough white supremacist right wing stereotypes to make you feel comfortable.