Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

Via antibodies
Viruses can also be removed from the body by antibodies before they get the chance to infect a cell. Antibodies are proteins that specifically recognise invading pathogens and bind (stick) to them. This binding serves many purposes in the eradication of the virus:

  • Firstly, the antibodies neutralise the virus, meaning that it is no longer capable of infecting the host cell.
  • Secondly, many antibodies can work together, causing virus particles to stick together in a process called agglutination. Agglutinated viruses make an easier target for immune cells than single viral particles.
  • A third mechanism used by antibodies to eradicate viruses, is the activation of phagocytes. A virus-bound antibody binds to receptors, called Fc receptors, on the surface of phagocytic cells and triggers a mechanism known as phagocytosis, by which the cell engulfs and destroys the virus.
  • Finally, antibodies can also activate the complement system, which opsonises and promotes phagocytosis of viruses. Complement can also damage the envelope (phospholipid bilayer) that is present on some types of virus.
The above quote tell antibody induced immune response esp related to Virus. It also suggests 4 functions of antibodies for virus before their entry into host cells.
Good! Next step - do you understand that some adaptive immune responses target bacteria, and aren't really effective against viruses?
No, I do not know. But one antibody generation and function come under humorol immune system. As my quote in my last past, such sntibodies act before infecting the virus to the cells.
That's a good thing to work on next.
I simply understsnd, whatever which support phagocytosis of virus in phagocytes also support possibility of getting ADE and one is antibody.
I also do feel that covid specific antibodies as generated due to whole virus and due to just spike protein, simply differ in quantity not in quality. Not so?
Can there be some caveat or protection from already generated antibodies against Covid 19 virus to its ADE capable variant if unfortunately it is evolved?

I think yes. Probably these Antibodies may be obsolete or ineffective for the new such variant to carry its phagocytosis finction. Not so?