Anyone think I should help out this "devout Christian"?


Registered Senior Member
An email I got the other day.


It is by the grace of God that I received Christ,
knowing the truth and the truth have set me free.
Having known the truth, I had no choice than to do
what is lawful and right in the sight of God for
eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of
God?s mercy and glory upon my life.
I have the pleasure to share my testimony with you,
having seen your contact from the Internet. I am
Barrister Phillip Nduka, the legal adviser to late Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Brown, a British couple that lived
in my Country Nigeria for 25 years before they both
died in the plane crash late last year. These couples
were good Christians, they so dedicated to God but
they had no child till they died. Throughout their
stay in my country, they acquired a lot of properties
like lands, house properties, etc.
As their legal adviser, before their death, the
husband Mr.Ben Brown instructed me to write his
WILL. Because they had no child, they dedicated their
wealth to God. According to the WILL, the properties
have to be sold and the money be given out to a
ministry for the work of God. As their legal adviser,
all the documents for the properties were in my care.
He gave me the authority to sell the properties and
give out the fund to the Ministries for the work of
In short, I sold all the properties after their death,
as instructed by Mr.Ben Brown before his death.
And as matter of fact, after I sold all their
properties, I realized more than $30,000,00000 (Thirty
million US dollars plus), and what supposed to be the
percentage interest of my right legal fee was firstly
deducted by me out of the total amount realized from
the sold properties, this was base on the initial
agreement between me and the owner of the properties
before his death. Therefore the total amount left to
be invested into God's work as instructed by the
owner, is $30,000,000.00 (Thirty million US dollars)
only. But Instead of giving the main fund out for the
work of God as instructed to me by the owner before
his death. I converted the fund to myself with the
intention of investing the fund abroad for my personal
use. I was afraid of putting the fund in the Bank,
because I have to give account to the bank on how I
got the money. I then packaged the fund in
consignments and deposited the consignments with a
security company. I did not want the management of the
Security Company to know the content of the
consignments, therefore I registered the content of
the consignments as Gold Bars. Now, the security
company believes that what I deposited with them was
Gold Bars.
I had encounter with Christ when Pastor Benny Hinn was
preaching on television concerning Ananias and Saphira
in Acts 5:1-11. After hearing the word of God, I gave
my life to Christ and became a born again Christian.
As a born again Christian, I started reading my bible
and one day, the Lord opened my eyes to Ezekiel 33: 18
and 19 where the word of God says: "When the righteous
truth from his righteousness, and committee iniquity,
he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from
his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right,
he shall live thereby". From the scripture, I
discovered that the only way I could have peace in my
life is to do what is lawful and right by giving out
the fund as instructed for the work of God by the
owner before his death.
I have asked God for forgiveness and I know that God
have forgiven me. But I have to do what is lawful and
right in the sight of God by giving out the fund to
the chosen ministry for the purpose of God's wok as
instructed by the owner before his death.
After my fasting and prayers, I asked God to make his
choice and direct me to a honest Christian or the
chosen ministry that deserves this fund by his Grace.
I then came across your address on the Internet as I
was browsing through a Christian site, and as a matter
of fact, it is not only you or your ministry that I
picked on the Christian site initially, but after my
fervent prayer over it, then you were nominated to me
through divine revelation from God, so these are how I
received such a divine revelation from the Lord, how I
got your contact information, and I then decided to
contact you for the fund to be used wisely for things
that will glorify the name of God.
I have notified the Security Company where I deposited
the consignments that contained the fund, that I am
moving the consignment abroad and the security company
has since been waiting for my authority for the
consignment to leave my country and move to abroad.
So if you know that you will use this fund honestly
and wisely for things that will glorify God's name,
then do contact me back first through this my email
address:, for more details.
You should also forward to me your physical contact
address were you will like the consignments delivered
to you,your direct telephone and fax number for easy
communication and to fax you the documents concerning
the consignments.
Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Yours in Christ.
Barrister Phillip Nduka.​
Apologies for the length on the page. So what y'all think?
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M*W: It's an email scam that's been around for years. I get similar ones all the time. Delete as fast as you can!
All He is seeking is your account details so He can access your bank account and empty it. There are a few different versions of this letter doing the rounds. He probably has produced a hindu and a muslim version also. I have seen the athiest one already. LOL

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But I'd never seen one with so much serious religious stuff in it before! Most of you have probably guessed that I had my tongue in my cheek when posting it; of course I knew it was a scam.

Adstar said:
He probably has produced a hindu and a muslim version also. I have seen the athiest one already.
I've never seen an atheist-specific one! What does it say? (Adstar, aren't you a believer? Seems to me the guy might do better sending the Christian one to Christians and the atheist one to atheists! :p)
I've never seen an atheist-specific one! What does it say? (Adstar, aren't you a believer? Seems to me the guy might do better sending the Christian one to Christians and the atheist one to atheists! :p)

Yes i am a believer but the guys who sent me one did not know that. It looks like they have become more advanced in their marketing technique. LOL Targeting specific audiences with tailor made sales pitches. They must have searched for religious forums on the net saw your name on the members list then copied your contact details. They probably sent this one out to thousands.

The one i got was more basic. It talked of an opposition figure in the ivory coast that had been arrested and executed and His next of kin trying to get His money out of the country. They where offering a percentage of the money if they could transfer the amount to my bank account. I think the amount was somewhere around 10 million and i would get 500,000 out of it LOL

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ah, not atheist-specific then (I did wonder just exactly what that would look like), just non-demoninational. Yes I've got hundreds of those.