Mazulu, you state that you can entertain idea(s). Is it at all possible that maybe you can entertain the idea that it just may be that "The Big Bang Theory" is just that - a Theory!
Mazulu, it is not called "The Big Bang Fact"!
You are able to state metaphorically, your perceived "cosmologist dogma" - how is possible that you cannot "entertain the idea" that the BB theory just may be "religious dogma" dressed up as Science.
Scientists had to do a lot of "fudging or adjusting of fundamentals" to get the theory to fit the observed data or vice versa to be able to represent the current model. Including a "built in ignorance or blindness of anything PRIOR or BEFORE"!
Mazulu, does that in any way remind you of another "story" that people are more or less told and expected to believe without questioning any PRIOR or BEFORE?
I only ask Mazulu, because you seemed to say that you could entertain ideas...
The scientific community is very very certain that the big bang happened. I like to pick fights I can win. When you say that the big bang is just the religious dogma dressed up as "science", I don't think that is the case. In fact, I think that scientists are zealously eager to disprove the existence of God. The fact that the big bang sounds a bit like "God said, let there be light", that is a sore spot for atheist. Atheists would love nothing better than to destroy Christianity. But atheists have more problems doing that than they realize.
God takes credit for creating the universe and everything in it. And according to cosmological facts, the big bang came from nothing, that nothing existed before the big bang. If you step back and think about it, than maybe God DID create the universe?
But part of creating the universe is that you need to create the laws of physics and you need to implement them. You have to create space-time geometry. And you have to create the physics constants. Such acts of creation are far beyond anything demonstrated by man or by nature. In that sense, we are facing the existence either of GOD, or of some kind of supernatural/paranormal existence, neither of which is at all pleasing to atheists.