Are "Trigger Warnings" Now Required?

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5655 posts and counting.
It is rare for me to agree with Yazata, but I certainly do here. As a longtime fan of the Matrix, I've seen memes on this for 15 years and never heard of it in a specific context of sexism.

Now, the moderators may well be right that Bowser had a particular "Red Pill" Moment" in mind, but he did not say it, so that is their assumption, not his specific sexist statement. The moderators are, of course, entitled to moderate the forum how they want, but this ready-fire-aim style is not acceptable in most legal/ethical situations in the real world. It is, itself, bigoted and unfair. But it is par for the course here.
But, as we all know, our tiny lady brains aren’t capable of deciding what they want. We might think we want to be treated with kindness and consideration - but we’re wrong.

Enter 'red pill' theory. This is the belief that what women really want from men is a bit of good old-fashioned subjection.

Rather than focussing on the very real issues affecting men today such as mental health stigma, suicide and the under reporting of sexual abuse, the activists focusses on how women 'should' behave instead.

Literacy, anyone? God damned lame-assed "gender studies" majors that can't spell or understand that what they just typed is unintelligible to anyone but another simple-minded limp-wristed asshole with an opinion.

Yep. I'm getting sick and tired of snowflake whining myself. There's no science here any more, just the lamentations of the dispossessed and weak.

James R gave me "infraction points" for telling an obvious troll to fuck off, but he allows trolls uninterrupted access to the floor.

The floor here is filthy, so until someone sweeps up, I'm out.

Or maybe I can get out this way: Fuck Farsight, Sylwester, and many others for their idiocy. Fuck the ghost hunters, fuck the goddamned sjw halfwits, and fuck this place.

Good luck to the rest of you.

James, does this post earn me enough of your fucking stupid points to graduate?
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James R gave me "infraction points" for telling an obvious troll to fuck off, but he allows trolls uninterrupted access to the floor.
Crazy cursing ranting aside, a recent example of this is a set of recent posts by Magical Realist. Anyone who has spent much time talking about "UFOs" with him knows that he has a twist on the normal definition/usage of "UFO", so any time a discussion turns toward discussion of the term itself, you can bet he's setting up a bait-and-switch troll. He did this recently, and predictibly was called-out for it. But the point is, even though everyone knew or should have known it was coming, he was still allowed to do it.
Crazy cursing ranting aside, a recent example of this is a set of recent posts by Magical Realist. Anyone who has spent much time talking about "UFOs" with him knows that he has a twist on the normal definition/usage of "UFO", so any time a discussion turns toward discussion of the term itself, you can bet he's setting up a bait-and-switch troll. He did this recently, and predictibly was called-out for it. But the point is, even though everyone knew or should have known it was coming, he was still allowed to do it.

My recommendation would be for anyone and everyone who notices such behavior to report it instead of replying to it.
Whose? MR and several others that I haven't deigned to name have been guilty of serial trolling, to the point that they have more topics than I have posts.

Farsight's offensive egotism and incurable misapprehension of the god Einstein is tolerated, among other fuck cranks. Reporting stupidity or false representation of facts doesn't work. Calling out the stupidity of the argument in more than a prim tap-dance around the factual issues in someone's post doesn't work, but just say "oppression" or "safe space" and see what crawls out to defend the position that some speech is freer than others.

Animal Farm and 1984 rolled up into one joint: Shitty and toxic at once.

My "free speech" will soon be curtailed here. Funny how that works, eh?
Crazy cursing ranting aside, a recent example of this is a set of recent posts by Magical Realist. Anyone who has spent much time talking about "UFOs" with him knows that he has a twist on the normal definition/usage of "UFO", so any time a discussion turns toward discussion of the term itself, you can bet he's setting up a bait-and-switch troll. He did this recently, and predictibly was called-out for it. But the point is, even though everyone knew or should have known it was coming, he was still allowed to do it.

Definition of bait and switch
  1. 1: a sales tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one

  2. 2: the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor (as political support) then thwarting expectations with something less desirable and switch

Support your claim. Show where I have performed that tactic anywhere in my posts. Direct quotes are preferred.
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Definition of bait and switch
  1. 1: a sales tactic in which a customer is attracted by the advertisement of a low-priced item but is then encouraged to buy a higher-priced one

  2. 2: the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor (as political support) then thwarting expectations with something less desirable and switch

Support your claim. Show where I have performed that tactic anywhere in my posts. Direct quotes are preferred.
How Trumpian of you.
Support your claim. Show where I have performed that tactic anywhere in my posts.
ok - that's easily done, actually... even knowing full well that this thread isn't about you

start here:

you specifically argue that you're not a quack and that you "use reasoning and facts on paranormal topics just as I do in science topics and philosophy topics."

and yet when asked to provide said "reasoning and facts" with the same level of evidence that science would require to validate a claim you argue instead from anecdote, eye-witness delusions, mass hysteria and personal opinion.

that is called a bait and switch - the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor then thwarting expectations with something less desirable
baiting with reasoning and facts and intellectual scientific discourse while then providing only a trolling delusional Dunning-Kruger afflicted opinionated soliloquy on why mainstream is bad and only you pseudoscience cranks are able to see the truth

pseudoscience (and conspiracist ideation) is not a victim-less crime
ok - that's easily done, actually... even knowing full well that this thread isn't about you

start here:

you specifically argue that you're not a quack and that you "use reasoning and facts on paranormal topics just as I do in science topics and philosophy topics."

and yet when asked to provide said "reasoning and facts" with the same level of evidence that science would require to validate a claim you argue instead from anecdote, eye-witness delusions, mass hysteria and personal opinion.

that is called a bait and switch - the ploy of offering a person something desirable to gain favor then thwarting expectations with something less desirable
baiting with reasoning and facts and intellectual scientific discourse while then providing only a trolling delusional Dunning-Kruger afflicted opinionated soliloquy on why mainstream is bad and only you pseudoscience cranks are able to see the truth

pseudoscience (and conspiracist ideation) is not a victim-less crime

All I provide is compelling evidence and logical argumentation. And I don't promise anybody anything I don't provide. My posting history speaks for itself.
All I provide is compelling evidence and logical argumentation
nope. sorry sparky... that is empirical evidence proving you provided absolutely no evidence that can be considered compelling or even reputable

IOW - absolutely proven evidence of bait and switch using your own words and posts to validate the claim

And I don't promise anybody anything I don't provide. My posting history speaks for itself.
except in that thread where you promised to "use reasoning and facts on paranormal topics just as I do in science topics and philosophy topics" and provided absolutely no facts, let alone logic, evidence or reasoning (unless you mean reasoning as in: justification of a delusion and/or mass hysteria as being factual )

you asked for evidence of bait and switch - i provided that
it is further validated by the fact that the thread had to be locked because of you

can't be any more clear. and it is your history, so that speaks for itself
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