Are We Asleep ???


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The truth is that a one whole structure, which we call the “universe,” continuously makes its countless qualities manifest in a new and ever-changing ways within a program.

This basic and wavelike nature of the universe is therefore regarded as 'imaginary' by the standards of our physical world and our perception of ourselves as physical beings.

Mohammed (pbuh) has likewise explained that this world of materials is an “illusion”, whereas the actual substance of the universe is “nothing other than a luminous origin”. Stating that our life in this physical dimension is on a par with a “dream” (rûya), he added that:

Men are asleep but will awaken by death!”

Basic meaning of the statement above is as follows:

When a person passes from this current state of living where we live with a physical body within the limits of the five senses, into the frequency-based dimension of life beyond the physical, that person is now in a state of awakening. Thus all his life in this physical world feels to him like a “dream” he once experienced. His actual world of reality becomes the frequency-based life dimension once he entered for there, in which one remains until Doomsday. On the day of the Resurrection, however, everybody is revived (baa'th) within a new bodily form for the third time, and that body serves everyone as a permanent body from then onward.

A second meaning of the sentence, “Men are asleep but will be awaken by death” is:

In accordance with the hadith: “Die before you die,” we should prepare ourselves for the life beyond this physical life by ceasing our acceptance of ourselves as physical bodies. We should prepare ourselves for death before it actually occurs, namely before we depart our bodily form and relinquish the functions of our brains, so that we may discover that we are in fact “ideational beings” [spiritual beings or beings of consciousness]. We should do this because it is impossible for a person to acquire anything for his “spirit” in the next world in addition to what he could already acquire in this world before his brain ceased to function.

A third meaning for the sentence could be as follows:

Die in the way of coming to the understanding that in reality your “selfhood” —that is, what you call “your own self” (nafs)— did not exist at all. Hence you might be resurrected with the ultimate “self” that creates your existence, because “selfness” is but Allah's merit!

The only being that may refer to itself as “I” is in fact “Allah”. No other real “selfhood” exists at all. If it were possible for a second selfhood to exist, such a second being would be a god; but let us immediately remember the Word of Oneness: la ilaha ill-Allah “there is no god, only Allah.”

If I may put it this way, “Allah”, the only one that ever exists with no other beside, has just imagined or thought up all those existing forms within Hu's “knowledge” (ilm).

To put it even more simply, Allah dreamt up them all. Everything in the Universe we perceive to be real, is simply Allah’s imaginings.

It should however be pointed out again that such verbs as think up or dream up will always fall short when used in relation to “Allah”, because they can in no way reflect the pure truth and they tend to downgrade Allah's divinity (uluhiyyat). However, we have to use such phrases in our verbal communication, inadequate as they are, in the hope of making it easier for readers to understand certain points and to come closer to the truth.

All of the friends of Allah of highest degree [spiritual masters of the highest] (awliyaullah), who have attained the essence of matter, are in agreement on the fact about the way the universe and all that dwells therein have come into being as that “all of the universes are originally imagery”.

Abdul Karim Jali, one of the true saints of essence, great Islamic scholar and Sufi (13th century) who wrote about “ALLAH” as well as the dimensions, beings and affairs of life through a deep knowledge in his book “UNIVERSAL MAN” (Insan-i Qamil), explains therein in detail how “all of the universes are originally imagery.”

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Oh well, it might be that we are dreaming and will someday wake up. But do we know the difference between reality after death and the dream we are living now? Also, you might fall asleep again once you awoke.

I think we all walk in a dream (No, really?) but I do not know if we will ever awake.
Sufi said:
Everything in the Universe we perceive to be real, is simply Allah’s imaginings.[/B][/URL]

Does that include the Teletubbies? If so, this Allah fellow has indeed a sick, twisted imagination.
Must be, Teletubbies, Michael Jackson, Bush, all this is just Allah´s imagination. That guy must be really sick...

But can you proof that the universe is not just my imagination? I don´t think so...
"The fishes in an ocean made up of illusion (khayal) are nothing more than illusions." :D
For those having hard time with the concept of 'illusion'.. Take it as 'creation', and there will remain no problem for you. :D
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Sufi said:
For those having hard time with the concept of 'illusion'.. Take it as 'creation', and there will remain no problem for you.

But this is ridiculous. Not only do you have no evidence that these material things are illusions, but the word 'illusion' completely loses its meaning when you identify it with everything.
TheERK said:
But this is ridiculous. Not only do you have no evidence that these material things are illusions, but the word 'illusion' completely loses its meaning when you identify it with everything.

Heh, you think that's going to deter him? Check out any of his other threads and perish the thought. Total absence of evidence is no obstacle at all for the amazing, the incredible, the astonishing Sufiman!
TheERK said:
But this is ridiculous. Not only do you have no evidence that these material things are illusions, but the word 'illusion' completely loses its meaning when you identify it with everything.

Imagine we remove the ceiling of the room you are in now and place it onto the slide of an electromicroscope with a capacity of 60 million times' magnificence. And then you went up to have a look through that microscope down to the room you were inside just a while ago.

What would you be seeing there then?

No any physical objects any more after they are magnified to a billion times. But instead, their atomic components would be observed then on. Imagine what would happen if this magnification reached up to 60 billion times?

All the objects in our sight such as chairs, tables, people and everything in the room would entirely disappear, so would our brain’s commentary on its surrounding prior to the microscope experience.

And unconsciously we would utter the following in astonishment:

"Hey! What is going on? There is nothing here! Look! Nothing but atoms with nuclei and electrons moving around them! Well, but, where have all those people and objects gone?"

It means that a brain’s assessment of its environment alters as the capacity of its sensory means transform. In our example, the brain’s determination connected with the condition of its normal sensory means that "there are many objects and people in the room" altered to such a different discernment after the change that "there is nothing but only atoms present, countless numbers of electrons orbiting nuclei."

What would happen if we were to live on such a series of powerful lenses like those in an electromicroscope, and perceive the world through it all through our lifetimes from birth to death? What would be real to us?

Would we still be able to claim the existence of what we currently determine out there??? Or, would we defend the idea that everything around us, the world we live on, the space and everything we perceive is just a whole, one absolute substance composed of atoms???

Still further, if our brains were to be in a condition of observing the universe through an electromicroscope with a capacity of 10 trillion time magnification instead of that of 60 billion times, would we still be speaking of separate, independent "things" and people any more?

Or would we perceive the existence of the unseparated, undivided, ever-abiding, limitless and infinite ONE?

More available at "Sufism and Science"
Oh my. Are we asleep. No, we just want to be like ... what was her name, the girl that slept for a hundred years ... so that a prince would come and save us fom our misery. And then we'd get married and live happily ever after. Huh.
Looks like another dumb religion that claims you'll understand everything when you no longer exist.

Sufi - wake up - when you die there is nothing left that can understand anything.
I want to travel to far far away, slay a dragon, and save a princess. It'd beat working at the supermarket. Plus, I'd be successful because all the stories say so, well, except Shrek 2.
There are many prophesies which have been proven. Like the expansion of the universe, the creation of the universe. These couldn't have been proven at that time, but are proven now. What do you think people who lived at that time said? They would probably say what you said Cris. Another religion which people will understand when they no longer exist. But the prophesies have been proven. That is different that this particular prophesy can not be proven, in this life. But after death. But God has presented others that have been proven, so people will understand the religion.
When you are having a dream sometimes it feels so real that it seem like you are in it. But when you wake up you see it was all a illusion. This is the same case except you will wake up when you die.

There are many prophesies which have been proven. Like the expansion of the universe, the creation of the universe. These couldn't have been proven at that time, but are proven now.

Please show me a prophecy that describes the expansion of the universe specifically in the way science means it, and not some ambiguous statement open to multiple interpretations? Also the creation of the universe has not been proven, what did you have in mind here? Hopefully not big bang theory.

That is different that this particular prophesy can not be proven, in this life. But after death.

An afterlife concept and souls and spirits were imagined in ignorance long before we understood anything about the functions of the brain. We now know they are just silly ideas, the false hopes of ignorant dreamers.

But God has presented others that have been proven, so people will understand the religion.

Show me an unambiguous and specific prophecy that has come true.
In the Qur'an, which was revealed 14 centuries ago at a time when the science of astronomy was still primitive, the expansion of the universe was described like this:

"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
(The Qur'an, 51:47)

The word "heaven", as stated in this verse, is used in various places in the Qur'an with the meaning of space and universe. Here again, the word is used with this meaning. In other words, in the Qur'an it is revealed that the universe "expands". And this is the very conclusion that science has reached today.

Until the dawn of the 20th century, the only view prevailing in the world of science was that "the universe has a constant nature and it has existed since infinite time". The research, observations, and calculations carried out by means of modern technology, however, have revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning, and that it constantly "expands".

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann and the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre theoretically calculated that the universe is in constant motion and that it is expanding.

This fact was proved also by observational data in 1929. While observing the sky with a telescope, Edwin Hubble, the American astronomer, discovered that the stars and galaxies were constantly moving away from each other. A universe where everything constantly moves away from everything else implied a constantly expanding universe. The observations carried out in the following years verified that the universe is constantly expanding. This fact was explained in the Qur'an when that was still unknown to anyone. This is because the Qur'an is the word of God, the Creator, and the Ruler of the entire universe.

"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
(The Qur'an, 51:47)

How did we construct heaven and how are we expanding it?

The word "heaven", as stated in this verse, is used in various places in the Qur'an with the meaning of space and universe. Here again, the word is used with this meaning.

Are you sure? The wording doesn’t corroborate that. The only way I could interpret that would be to say that more and more are following Islam and hence more are eventually going to heaven and hence expanding heaven. This does not appear to be a reference to the universe, but specifically about heaven.

You seem to be on weak ground here. Do you have any better references that support your claim that “heaven” refers to the universe or space?

The research, observations, and calculations carried out by means of modern technology, however, have revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning, and that it constantly "expands".

Well maybe not a beginning but infinite after all -

Like I said it has not been proved that the universe had a beginning and with the new theories on dark matter and energy the cyclic infinite universe appears to be a more likely scenario.

Try the bubble theory as well –

The big bang is not a proof since it only indicates the current limit of our observational abilities. We do not know what came before it or how it started or whether it was a first event.

This fact was explained in the Qur'an when that was still unknown to anyone.

So let's see this unambiguous factual explanation then please.