Atheist Miracles



I think you just proved how values often take the forefront of such discussions

Light, lets look at the evidence.
There is nothing cuter than a little kitten, and if even little kittens choose Dawkins over the Bible then it's a done deal... Dawkins is cooler than Jesus.

Now if you can find me a picture of a baby seal reading the Koran we could have an interesting debate on our hands.


"Fellow CAT'olics, don't believe the rhetoric, none of our esteemed vicats would ever sodomise, buggerise or otherwise fuck the eyes out of the defenceless choirboys. It didn't happen! They repented anyway, they'll still go to heaven. Now make sure you donate to the collection plate, we've got some Irish Paedophiles,*cough* priests to relocate to an orphanage for deaf minors in the antipodes"

Ahhhh! religion, spreading the word and the joy!
I have every Simpsons episode on my computer, my girlfriend had watched one at random the previous day, I did not know which one. Then the next day I picked an episode to watch at random, my gf was there with me, and it amazingly was the exact same episode she had just watched!!!

That's about a 1 in 400 chance!

This is obviously some sort of divine miracle!
I have every Simpsons episode on my computer, my girlfriend had watched one at random the previous day, I did not know which one. Then the next day I picked an episode to watch at random, my gf was there with me, and it amazingly was the exact same episode she had just watched!!!

That's about a 1 in 400 chance!

This is obviously some sort of divine miracle!

Jesus wanted you to see the same episode. FACT. ;)
I have every Simpsons episode on my computer, my girlfriend had watched one at random the previous day, I did not know which one. Then the next day I picked an episode to watch at random, my gf was there with me, and it amazingly was the exact same episode she had just watched!!!

That's about a 1 in 400 chance!

This is obviously some sort of divine miracle!

That is true and i dont know why that happens. Another example is watching the same episode two or three times when you only watched a show two or three times. That is very strange.
I have every Simpsons episode on my computer, my girlfriend had watched one at random the previous day, I did not know which one. Then the next day I picked an episode to watch at random, my gf was there with me, and it amazingly was the exact same episode she had just watched!!!

That's about a 1 in 400 chance!

This is obviously some sort of divine miracle!

Church of the Doughnut.