Atheists here


God must exist in at least form. [ I] Do not deny it. [A]thiests deny any of gods existance. You do not understand religion, you do not seem to .. care at all! Have you refuted Berkley? No? Then you should probably not profess god does not exist. Have you refuted God? No? Well you should probably not be refuting him.
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Which of the myriad of gods purported throughout all of history do YOU deny exists?
I'm just saying. I believe in god because your ignorances probably haven't refuted him yet. Besides, what is god? Something none of you probably know. It's just a saying [Deleted]?


If you believed in his third toenail, you would probably believe also in his other toenail.
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I don't have to prove 100% that there is no God, only that it is sufficently without reason that it's silly to believe it. It evolved out of the need to control society after it advanced beyond the tribal level. In a small tribe, social control was easy. The size of the human brain is due to an adaptation of infantile traits into adulthood, note the size of the infant's brain compared to it's body. Along with such advantageous traits, we are also left with the gullibility of children, although some of us can transcend this.
I'm just saying. I believe in god because your ignorances probably haven't refuted him yet. Besides, what is god? Something none of you probably know. It's just a saying "you stupid athiest" ya know?

The burden of proof is on you, not us. Prove your (insert deity here) exists. You're making the claim it exists, you prove it.

And it's spelled atheist. If you're going to insult something, at least take the time to learn to spell it correctly.
God must exist in at least form. Do not deny it. [Deleted] deny any of gods existance. You do not understand religion, you do not seem to .. care at all! Have you refuted Berkley? No? Then you should probably not profess god does not exist. Have you refuted God? No? Well you should probably not be refuting him.


I agree atheists enjoy pretending that theism is so irrational when they possess the same evidence of absence, no reasoning why God doesn't exist, they think unverifiability = false, they will say that they will believe if there was evidence but cannot give an example of what can be considered as evidence, and really think that a Flying Spaghetti Monster has anything to do with existence or non-existence of can atheists being fools say anything that is not foolish?
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I don't have to prove 100% that there is no God, only that it is sufficently without reason that it's silly to believe it. It evolved out of the need to control society after it advanced beyond the tribal level. In a small tribe, social control was easy.


With a lack of "law and order" what better way to control the masses. You can try to beat them into submission...but that takes manpower and costs alot....I know...we'll tell'm if they don't do what we say... they'll burn for eternity after they die...that'll scare 'em straight...and the best part...theres no way for them to tell if we're lieing...since no one knows what happens after we die. It's perfect! :)

With a lack of "law and order" what better way to control the masses. You can try to beat them into submission...but that takes manpower and costs alot....I know...we'll tell'm if they don't do what we say... they'll burn for eternity after they die...that'll scare 'em straight...and the best part...theres no way for them to tell if we're lieing...since no one knows what happens after we die. It's perfect! :)

The only problem with your theory is that if you can do the right thing with out belief what makes you think other people cannot?

Tribal level? We still have a violent society, i cannot see it being more violent considering that we also have established law enforcement. What else do we do that the cave men used to?
I don't have to prove 100% that there is no God, only that it is sufficently without reason that it's silly to believe it. It evolved out of the need to control society after it advanced beyond the tribal level. In a small tribe, social control was easy. The size of the human brain is due to an adaptation of infantile traits into adulthood, note the size of the infant's brain compared to it's body. Along with such advantageous traits, we are also left with the gullibility of children, although some of us can transcend this.

Yes you do, scientists don't say that the ether doesn't exist because "oh it just doesn't seem so, it's silly" (argument from personal incredulity), they say so because of evidence of's not sillly to believe in the many-worlds interpretation even though there's no evidence because a lack of evidence is caused by unverifiability...just as with God...

As for the concept of God coming from the need to control society even if this is true (which it isn't) it still tells us nothing about the existence or non-existence of God...
Yes you do, scientists don't say that the ether doesn't exist because "oh it just doesn't seem so, it's silly" (argument from personal incredulity), they say so because of evidence of's not sillly to believe in the many-worlds interpretation even though there's no evidence because a lack of evidence is caused by unverifiability...just as with God...

As for the concept of God coming from the need to control society even if this is true (which it isn't) it still tells us nothing about the existence or non-existence of God...
1. What was the evidence for the absence of ether?
2. What evidence could prove that your magic god does not exist?

Yes, it is humorous. Would you care to elaborate or give any link to dis-prove any of the statements presented thusfar?

Given the ridiculous nature of the OP, and its ad hominem conclusion, I have little to say beyond this: both parties should respect each others' beliefs, while paying attention to the fact that the question of the existence of god is ultimately moot.
Glaucon. Well said here, but not there (below):

Given the ridiculous nature of the OP, and its ad hominem conclusion, I have little to say beyond this:

First of all, there is no rediculous nature in the opening post. It is perfectly natural as it should be. You should not be saying such things when what has been presented is clear enough.

You know... to say a little more? I am still in the progress of re-configuring my life. Getting criticism from people, is pretty expected.
Evidence, obviously, claiming that God does not exist. Simple.
The first question is relevant to VitalOne's post.

2. Could you be a little more specific on the nature of this evidence?

The point I am heading towards is that I think it's impossible and illogical to try and prove that god doesn't exist.
I think it's just funny how both sides basically stand that it's the other's problem to prove or disprove it :)...obviously no one really knows and it's not up to proof, because 'proof' in a form that is acceptable for both sides at once, is not going to come. The existence or non-existence of a deity does not seem like a scientific issue :) I have no idea why people would try to apply scientific methods for the discovery of truth to such an issue.

With a lack of "law and order" what better way to control the masses. You can try to beat them into submission...but that takes manpower and costs alot...
.I know...we'll tell'm if they don't do what we say... they'll burn for eternity after they die...that'll scare 'em straight...and the best part...theres no way for them to tell if we're lieing...since no one knows what happens after we die. It's perfect! :)
not so perfect apparently, since those evil atheists seen right thru it,
I guess it takes a genius to figure OUT that dead people are actualy DEAD.
and they cant realy go anywhere be it heaven or hell ;)
The point I am heading towards is that I think it's impossible and illogical to try and prove that god doesn't exist.

shaman_ is correct here: there can be no such thing as 'negative evidence', which is what is being asked of him.

Also. Glaucons post points out that the beliefs of athiests should be respected. Which is interesting, given their conclusions.


How so?

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you seem to be implying here that the only beliefs an atheist can claim are those that pertain to the existence of a deity...
1. What was the evidence for the absence of ether?
Scientists performed many innumerable experiments to detect if the ether existed and detected nothing...this is evidence of absence...

shaman_ said:
2. What evidence could prove that your magic god does not exist?
Well right now nothing can prove the existence nor non-existence of God because it's unverifiable...