Australian Concentration Camps


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Not many people realize how xenophobic Australia is. So strong is their fear of Asian immigrants making the white majority a minority (or just smaller majority) that they have actually begun putting illegal Asian immigrants into concentration camps, or Detention centers as they are calling them.

These people are apparently held against their will, for an indefinite period of time, can be prosecuted for attempted escape, and even face time in another jail. On top of this they are apparently fined by the day for their troubles, as well.

A few articles about these Detention Centers, and about Australia's foreign policy, look at the links below!Open

Appalling, isn't it!?

Being an American I can hardly understand such treatment of illegal aliens, after all, here in the good ol' U.S. of A. we go to lengths such as setting up water stations to facilitate Mexicans who are attempting to illegally cross our borders, hey they may be criminals, but we don't want the poor people to die out in the desert!
These detention centres are not necessarily the best way to deal with illegal immigrants. The UN has criticised Australia's treatment of asylum seekers. However, it should be borne in mind that prior to Australia getting tough there was a huge trade in illegal immigration, particular by boats from Indonesia. That has essentially stopped now.

On the matter of detention, the US also has a far from clean record. Look at all the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, who have been held without trial for over a year.
Yet, at the same time there is a slight difference between holding terrorists and holding refugees. Not that everyone in Guantanamo Bay is a terrorist, but that’s kind of the pretense. Oh well, either way they were trying to kill Americans so on some small level there is a distinction.
we go to lengths such as setting up water stations to facilitate Mexicans who are attempting to illegally cross our borders,

i doubt the typical aussie would ever understand this

These people are apparently held against their will
They were uninvited what would you expect the red carpet?
I don't have a problem with "illegal immigrants" being detained, however that isn't to say I agree with the conditions/quality of these centres or the length of time the people spend in them.
I don't think there is an easy answer, but surely it isn't to just let them go free when they get here.
I don't know what would be so horrible about letting them in, maybe set up some processing facilities, like America had with Ellis island, or the like. Australia is not an overcrowded nation, I don't really see the big deal.
Australia is not an overcrowded nation, I don't really see the big deal.
But if let anyone & everyone in, whoever wanted to come we'd soon be overcrowded! What irks me is a lot of these people have paid thousands of dollars to get here. What about the people that have applied in the proper manner? They're the ones that miss out. It has also been Australia's policy to detain for some time, I find it hard to believe that none of the "boat people" bothered check this before they left.
can i just say this

MOST OF THE FREE SPACE IS BLOODY DESSERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The asylum seekers are treated horribly. Funny that we don't get much media coverage isn't it?

What were told is that the number of illegal immigrants coming into Australia has drops to zero. I suppose this is good but then I don't know why most of those people would want to come to Australia in the first place, that is, what is their situation in their home country?

I read an article in the paper a few weeks back which reported on ex-employees of the detention centres who had made claims that the managers of the centres had falsified reports, allowed abuse of the detainees to continue after reports, intentionally understaffed the centres, did nothing when they knew that a riot or escape was going to occur, all to boost profits. Apparently, one of the former employees presented a manager with a report on the abuse of a child and the manager read it then put it straight though the shredder. :eek:

This is digusting and if this is true, then it is absolutely unacceptable.

Why are dention centres privately owned? Shouldn't they be owned by the Government? If they were, wouln't it be easier to moderate what was happening within them? Shouldn't all agencies such as this be owned by the Government? I heard that in the US prisons are privately owned too. All seems a little screwed to me. A new and bigger issue is unveiled.
privatisation in itself is not at fault here. as long as adequate regulations are in governing the conduct and operations of these places, there should not be a problem. of course that is the ideal. what actually happens is corruption/lowest bidder/lax bureaucracy/profiteering/blah

heres another strange and alien concept for aussies. in quite a few large cities in the us, sanctuary is given to illegals in the sense that in most cases when these people deal with the various govt depts, questions are not asked about their immigration status. a prominent example would with the cops.

perhaps in a few years a general amnesty would be implemented. millions of illegals would be given citizenship/right to work and play.

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Originally posted by Asguard
can i just say this

MOST OF THE FREE SPACE IS BLOODY DESSERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in a bloody desert, it's 110 degrees in the shade!
Originally posted by Dudeyhed
Why are dention centres privately owned? Shouldn't they be owned by the Government?

I agree, this is rather ridiculous. As much as I am for private ownership and a government that minds it's own business, there are just some things which the private sector should not be involved in, the judicial system, and certainly corrections facilities chiefly among them! I’d feel much better living in a world where it’s not in anyone’s best financial interest to ensure that people are being locked up!

Originally posted by Dudeyhed
I heard that in the US prisons are privately owned too. All seems a little screwed to me.

:eek: That sounds rather screwy to me, too, and it's certainly the first that I've heard of it. To the best of my knowledge prisons are run either by the state or the federal government (meaning that there are both state prisons and federal prisons, not that I am unsure as to weather the state or federal government runs a prison).
Originally posted by spookz
perhaps in a few years a general amnesty would be implemented. millions of illegals would be given citizenship/right to work and play.

That certainly isn't something I'd be against. After all, how can a person be illegal?

In times of economic downturn people will often complain that an immigrant has stolen their job. . . but then if the immigrant got it, and you didn't I'd say that that's an immigrant's job and not yours :p
Originally posted by Mystech
I’d feel much better living in a world where it’s not in anyone’s best financial interest to ensure that people are being locked up!

cops/lawyers/judges/prison guards need crime, doctors need sickos..........
in a perfect world, entire industries would be out of business
Well, perhaps I should have said people not being charged for a crime.
Well, perhaps I should have said people not being charged for a crime.
I have no idea what the law actually is, but IMO entering a country illegally (i.e without permission) is a crime. What's the difference to homeless people setting up camp in your house & then demanding you feed & support them?

There are many private prisons in the United States.

Two of the big providers are Wackenhut and the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). I'm sure they have a web presence.

These companies build new prisons pretty much continuously, knowing that whenever they do so the US government will soon send prisoners there.

Recently, the US prison population surpassed the 2 million mark. In other words, 1% of the population is in jail. This would be equivalent to locking up the entire indigenous population of Australia.
This would be equivalent to locking up the entire indigenous population of Australia.

As opposed, James R, to systematically discriminating against them for years? ;)
As opposed, James R, to systematically discriminating against them for years?
I suggest the indigenous people of Australia rise up & take the Top End and create their own country:D