Registered Member
I just had a very disturbing idea. The growth of bacteria in an organism can be simplified to a model composed of 4 stages: lag (slow growth as the bacteria gets used to surroundings and knocks down immediate defenses), log (ideal exponential growth, fast!), stationary (due to overcrowding + lack of resources, deaths=births, sort of a maximum), and finally, decline. What if the existance of man on the planet Earth follows this? Imagine, initally civilization starts out slow, as we discover fire, start agriculture, etc. Now we've reached optimal growth conditions, and the population of Earth is growing exponentially. There are concerns though, of depletion of various resources. What happens if we are like bacteria? How far _will_ humanity get before this happens? Where are we along the curve? Will we discover our planet is being destroyed, and find we must go to another (like bacteria leaving an organism)?
Just some happy thoughts for your sleep.
Just some happy thoughts for your sleep.