Becoming a Whore?

Baron Max

Registered Senior Member
When, at what point, does a woman become a whore (or slut or whatever term you wish to use)?

I mean, if a girl fucks two different men over a two year period, is she a whore?

If she fucks twenty men over a two year period, is she then a whore?

How 'bout if she fucks 405,236 men in two HOURS, is she then a whore?

There must be some cutoff, some measure, of whoredom ...but in all of my 60-some years, I've never known what it is. And now that I'm totally surrounded by some of the smartest people on the entire planet, I'm hoping to find the answer to this perplexing question!

Baron Max
When does a man become a man-whore? Is the "cutoff" point higher than when a women becomes a whore? If so, why?
Well first off lets use the term slut, whores get payed, sluts give it away.
When does a man become a man-whore? Is the "cutoff" point higher than when a women becomes a whore? If so, why?
Unfortunately society seems to still have this double standard, and women use that to sleep with more people and proclaim "guys do it why shouldnt we", so really the cutoff point is entirely personal perception of how many partners you're happy being with or having your partner previously been with and for how long etc.
You become a whore when you accept money for sexual favors. You become a slut when you give sex away for fun instead of love.

Double standards ftw, eh?
Whores are awsome
Guys This Is Such a Ignorant topic, but yet interesting...
The term "slut" is a derogatory term used to express an opinion.

Saying "She is a slut" is really just code for "I don't like her or approve of her behaviour."
The term "slut" is a derogatory term used to express an opinion.

Saying "She is a slut" is really just code for "I don't like her or approve of her behaviour."

Im tempted to agree with you although many people do 'enjoy their company' shall we say? These people dont always refer to them in a derogatory way when using the term slut.

I had hoped a thousand posts would have left a wise proverb or two somewhere along the way, im sadly disappointed in myself....
Lemming3k said:
Well first off lets use the term slut, whores get payed, sluts give it away.

Interesting. I've always considered "whore" and "slut" as a derogatory term for women who had sex without being paid for it. "Prostitute" is one who is paid for sexual favors.

I realize that there is some cross-over in modern definition, but in all of the legal descriptions/offenses and in newspaper articles that I know, a woman is arrested and charged for "prostitution". Have you ever heard of a woman arrested for being a "whore" or a "slut"?

But just from reading the posts above, I'm led to believe that it's all just whatever anyone wants to call it. If one likes a girl, and then he discovers that she's had sex with someone ELSE, then to bolster his own ego, he calls her a "whore" or "slut", right?

And are those terms loosing their "derogatory-ness" in modern western society? I.e., we have tv shows and movies where the heroine of the show has sex with several people ...and the shows are popular, and the actress is popular. Am I just too fuckin' old for this era?

Baron Max
Sluts are disgusting, male or female.

Hell at least a whore gets paid, and they are pretty nasty as well.
Interesting. I've always considered "whore" and "slut" as a derogatory term for women who had sex without being paid for it. "Prostitute" is one who is paid for sexual favors.

I've always considered whore and prostitute to mean the same, since brothels were long called whorehouses, though you're correct the modern definitions do cross-over slightly, whore is merely more of a slang/derogatory term for the profession IMHO. Perhaps it depends how and where you were brought up? :)
yah you are veeeeeeeery old and crusty bmax, and i bet you've known many hos...

regardin the question tho. i think many men fear women who enjoy sex. they see it as a threat. especially if they feel or have been told they aint good in bed

but sex IS goood isn't it. and man would like to experiemntwit lots of different partners

'whores' means women who take money for sex. and men who take money for sex

is thiw bad? no. if people want it there is a demand to be fulfilled. and is theoldest known profession, cause this is primal urge

but men arehypocrites. dig this. in our press media recetly, a prominent MP was found to havehad kinky sex with two young lads. tis MPwas married with two children, but secretly he liked to be have'humiliating' sex with lads dressed in football strip-s.

only relatiovely short time before he got exposed, he had publicly put down a judge who'd been caught with rent boys!

so, what men say and do are two completely differnt things

a man mayt want a virginal wife who is so good nd putre, yert secretly lust after bopys or women who do blow jobs and 'around the word' and all kinds of stuf his mrs wouldn't---at least not with HIM

so much hypocrisy. and actually i havekown postitutes in my time as friends, ad they can be the most real no-bullshit pople you can trust. they really learn about human nature
Baron Max said:
When, at what point, does a woman become a whore (or slut or whatever term you wish to use)?

I mean, if a girl fucks two different men over a two year period, is she a whore?

If she fucks twenty men over a two year period, is she then a whore?

How 'bout if she fucks 405,236 men in two HOURS, is she then a whore?

There must be some cutoff, some measure, of whoredom ...but in all of my 60-some years, I've never known what it is. And now that I'm totally surrounded by some of the smartest people on the entire planet, I'm hoping to find the answer to this perplexing question!

Baron Max

- A woman who has sex before marriage or actively looks for sex!

- a woman who has sex outside of marriage (with a few exceptions!)

- a woman who hangs around with men rather than with women (especially for all the wrong reasons!)

- a woman who shows off her breasts or other private parts in public!

- a woman who uses sex to gain favours from people!
James R said:
The term "slut" is a derogatory term used to express an opinion."
James, why do you think 'slut' is a derogatory term and 'homosexual' is not?

Is that because a group of people has appropriated the word 'homo'?

If a group of sexually active women proudly call themselves 'slut' will you then approve of it?
Buddha1 said:

- A woman who has sex before marriage or actively looks for sex!

- a woman who has sex outside of marriage (with a few exceptions!)

- a woman who hangs around with men rather than with women (especially for all the wrong reasons!)

- a woman who shows off her breasts or other private parts in public!

- a woman who uses sex to gain favours from people!

LOL, sometimes I wonder if this is really the year 2006.
QuarkMoon said:
LOL, sometimes I wonder if this is really the year 2006.
This is 2006 alright! The only difference is that you live in an anti-male society that indulges its females and encourages them to be 'sluts' (by making it a common practise), while discouraging same-sex activities by calling them 'homosexuals'.
The basic essence of a 'heterosexual' woman is that of a 'slut'. Just like that of a 'heterosexual' man is that of a wimp. Most men and women are not heterosexuals.

(Note: just a woman loving a man in itself doesn't make her a heterosexual woman!)