Blessed Are the Liberals

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Blessed Are the Liberals

I find it incredibly remarkable to the extent that Conservative Republicans – The Religious Right – act in total contradiction to the Teachings of Christ. Yes, it becomes clear, in the light of their Doctrines, that they are indeed followers of Paul and not of Jesus.

Where Jesus was profuse with Blessings upon The Meek, Blessings upon the Poor… The Humble… The Downtrodden; what does the Religious Right proclaim? Blessed are the Powerful, The Rich, The Exploiters, The War Mongers.

And where Christ exhorts us to “sin no more” and to “be Perfect even as Our Father in Heaven is Perfect”, the Religious Right finds it convenient enough to rest complaisant in the Forgiveness for Sins which the Murder of Christ purportedly purchased for them.

Christ Prophesized that Many would go the Wide Way which would lead to Destruction, while only a Few would struggle on the Narrow Way of Truth. So the Odds are against anybody who makes this Choice. Most will choose wrongly. But the choice is still there.
Blessed are the atheists. Who even though they don't believe in god, jesus or religious dogma are "most that I know" liberals anti-bush patriots. Not only because they see the deception of this present administration, but because they know that this war came about under false allegations of wmd, which they have not found none.


Godless said:
Blessed are the atheists. Who even though they don't believe in god, jesus or religious dogma are "most that I know" liberals anti-bush patriots. Not only because they see the deception of this present administration, but because they know that this war came about under false allegations of wmd, which they have not found none.



Yes, many American Atheists are still flowing in the Moral Inertia of our Religious Traditions.

To understand the True Nature of Atheism, you need it to progress for a few generations. It is only then that you get your Bloodthirtsy Materialists, your Communists, your Nazis. What about those of Effectively Atheistic Religions who have taken on the Worship of Money and whose Temples are now the International Banks. Heartless Exploiters.

You speak of Bush as an advocate of Religion. You need to understand that Protestantism established itself as a Denial of Church, and advanced not Righteousness but Forgiveness. Protestants are an Anti-Religion. Yes, it does have a superstitious edge to it which must bother the Atheist, but still, Atheists should learn to discriminate between Moral Religions and Anti-Moral Religions.

Remember, you Athiest Liberals, that nobody has done more for American Liberalism then the Roman Catholics.
Yes, many American Atheists are still flowing in the Moral Inertia of our Religious Traditions.

Well the reason for this Leo, is many atheists come from religious backgrounds. Me for example. ;)

o understand the True Nature of Atheism, you need it to progress for a few generations. It is only then that you get your Bloodthirtsy Materialists, your Communists, your Nazis. What about those of Effectively Atheistic Religions who have taken on the Worship of Money and whose Temples are now the International Banks. Heartless Exploiters.

No!! your confusing the issue, it's mysticism (not atheism) that is a fault here. Mystics wether be "religious" or statists, turn to the worst of human morality. BTW, Hitler was not atheists, he was a christian, as was Napoleon Bonaparte, and now Bush, the three anti-christs.

Atheists should learn to discriminate between Moral Religions and Anti-Moral Religions.

There lies the problem Leo, there's no such thing as a "moral religion" they are all based on mysticism, thus advocating "truths" witout having emperical proof that their doctrines is the word of god, or what god is, it's all made up to control the gullible masses. There's no morality in any kind of deceptive religious agenda. Which is to have again "total political power" the church really hated the Renessanse. It was their end to political power. (being regained slowly by sob's that are presently in office).

I with you godless.
all atheist believe life to be sacred, A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
Humanity's first sin was faith, the first virtue was doubt.
A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence, Leo.
it is monstrous, immoral, and perhaps even impolite to accept a belief for which you have insufficient evidence.
Whoso would deserve well of his fellow in this matter will guard the purity of his belief with a very fanaticism of jealous care.
if a belief has been accepted on insufficient evidence, the pleasure is a stolen one. Not only does it deceive ourselves by giving us a sense of power which we do not really possess, but it is sinful, stolen in defiance of our duty to mankind. That duty is to guard ourselves from such beliefs as from a pestilence, which may shortly master our body and spread to the rest of the world.
And finally it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.

blessed are the atheist's, for they shall inherit the earth.
Godless said:
BTW, Hitler was not atheists, he was a christian, as was Napoleon Bonaparte, and now Bush, the three anti-christs.


Atheists are a proud lot and drum out of their ranks any Atheist who becomes an effective Politician. And every Effective Politician will co-opt Religious Support by pandoring to various Religious Communities.

But there is no shortage of sources which tell us what these Famous Atheists actually believed when they weren't issuing press releases for popular support.

And you already know this. Your arguments amount to intentional lies. Are you a lawyer, or are you just a naturally proficient liar?

Atheists are a proud lot and drum out of their ranks any Atheist who becomes an effective Politician.

I think Jesse Ventura has been the only atheist elected to a significant political position in the USA, but even then his atheism wasn’t known until after he was elected.

There is currently significant discrimination against electing atheists to political office in the USA. At the present time one must clearly show that they are theistic to become elected.

At the moment American Atheists are hoping that at some time in the future atheists will one day be elected to office in the USA. For the moment it hasn’t happened in modern times.

And every Effective Politician will co-opt Religious Support by pandoring to various Religious Communities.

I agree since the majority of people say they believe in a god of some type and they form the bulk of the electorate. That’s the nature of politics. But no politician has openly declared they are atheists unless you can show otherwise.

But there is no shortage of sources which tell us what these Famous Atheists actually believed when they weren't issuing press releases for popular support.

But Hitler was a Christian, much like you since he believed the Jews murdered Jesus and that led him to attempt to exterminate all Jews. From what I have read of your posts you appear to want to rid the world of murderous Jews as well, right? What’s the difference between you and Hitler, apart from you not having any political or military force on your side?
Cris said:

But Hitler was a Christian, much like you since he believed the Jews murdered Jesus and that led him to attempt to exterminate all Jews. From what I have read of your posts you appear to want to rid the world of murderous Jews as well, right? What’s the difference between you and Hitler, apart from you not having any political or military force on your side?

Hitler believed in Aryan Supremacy. He only acknowledged the Protestant
Reformation as it was in instance of German Aryans again defeating a largely Latin Civilization. Hitler again and again persecuted Catholics, opposed the Bishops and defied the Papacy. So he obviously was not a Catholic. But I can't see how he could have been a Protestant.

Hitler identified with being an Aryan. He did not talk about Catholics ruling the World, or Protestants ruling the World. He did not speak in Religious terms but in Racial Terms.

We know exactly who and what Hitler was. But unfortunately today everybody finds it easier to insult their enemies if they can somehow wedge Hitler in with them. I do the same thing... I say that Zionism is only another version of a Master Race trying to conquer the World. "Heil Sharon". It may make a point, but it is by using cheap and gratuitious logic... which is what you are doing when you call a Highly Focused Aryan Racist a Christian.