But as I've read, studied and prayed about the Book of Mormon, it is undeniably true
translation: i don't have empirical evidence or proof, so i will say that i had devine inspiration and that is good enough to trump logic, evidence and common sense in my world
But if you never even read the Book of Mormon it will likely remain "nonsense" to you, and that's a crying shame. Only those who seek shall find. If you do the will of God, then you will know the doctrine -- John 7:17. "Do" is a verb.
i've read religious texts from more beliefs than just yours...
what they all have in common:
1- never, ever challenge the leadership to provide evidence of a claim
2- belief over evidence
that tells me that it's a con job - and that someone wants to control me and manipulate me. if this were not about your belief or religion then you would automatically argue against it as fraud
EXAMPLE - someone asks you to just take them on faith with regard to the stock market or putting large amounts of money into an "investment" of some sort
if you're a church or true believer, this is OK to do - but if you're not of the "faith" then it's a con (AKA-Fraud)
JS gave the plates back to the angel
what the holy horsef*ck does an illusory being need golden plates with historical knowledge for?
there is absolutely no evidence for angels existing, but now you say that said delusion took away the only physical evidence that possibly could have validated the leaderships position???
... yeah, like i said: fraud
The mainstream LDS church excommunicates all who practice polygamy today
calling bullsh*t on this one: i know two in my area that are polygamists that also have the blessing of the church, being leaders of the local and all...
you telling me the home office doesn't know about this?
it's not like it aint on their official paperwork, bubba... it's condoned for them because they make the church lots of cash. period
we aint as stupid as you think
I know many Mormons including those in my family who hold prestigious college degrees such as blah blah braggadocio blah Mormons are pretty darn smart!
i can make the same claim about serial criminals...
so what's your point?
this is like saying people who like the colour black are super-intelligent. there is no correlation between liking any random colour and their education or likelyhood of intellectual prowess.
in fact, i can also state that 100% of all serial killers are exposed to dihydrogen monoxide. does that mean every person exposed to dihydrogen monoxide is going to be a serial killer? i can truthfully state that every mormon is also exposed to dihydrogen monoxide as well... so will they all become serial killers?
The Church of Jesus Christ is a fast-growing missionary religion
because they learned that targeting the illiterate, unexposed, youth and underprivledged is the best way to spread the disease of religion... it's taught in every other religion as well, from the other Abrahamic religions to Druidism
I for one am offended that you think I'm gullible and incapable of rational, objective thought just because I'm LDS.
for the record - i
don't think you're "gullible and incapable of rational, objective thought just because I'm LDS"...
i think you're gullible and incapable of rational, objective thought just because you've demonstrated the complete lack of logic, evidence based learning or common sense in this thread alone.