Britain: crime and punishment


convince me or convict me
Registered Senior Member

oh lord, kevin hazelwood - previously convicted paedophile - allowed out of prison under 'supervision' and then terrorised this innocent young girl.

he repeatedly raped a 9 year old girl, a devious paedophile he was allowed to commit his crimes over a 3 and a half year period.

I am sickened by this 'man' i am sickened by his crimes, and i am sickened by the state of the law and justice services that continue to let society down, specifically the victims of these evil people.

Evil people, i use that term purposefully, there is no known cure for evil, in my book it is a given that this bastard, roy whiting, paul gadd, myra hindley, ian brady are EVIL.

They do not contribute in any productive fashion whilst free, they provide nothing useful whilst locked up at the tax payers expense (see also paedophile wings in prisons - regarding paedophile safety) i put it to the sciforums board that these despicable animals should be executed - live on television - as a detteroent to other would be offenders.

Evil will not be tolerated, Evil will not be payed for and looked after.

Bring back the death penalty - lets make justice actually mean JUSTICE.
What about the many cases in which people on death row have been found innocent?

You can't take back a death if you find you've made a mistake.
Crime and the death penality, can you spell D N A, it dosen't lie, it's time for sickos like Lord Kevin Hazelwood to pay the due. If you have the DNA, I see no problem.
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if adolf hitler was alive, and the decision was yours, would you execute him (or have him executed if you dont like dirty hands)
i wouldnt contribute towards his upkeep, and i can think of a few other people that might not want to either.
On the whole I would rather pay for the upkeep of Hitler than of Quagmire, since the former had some charisma and was an interesting character.
Ophiolite said:
On the whole I would rather pay for the upkeep of Hitler than of Quagmire, since the former had some charisma and was an interesting character.

comedy genius, how long had you been preparing that gem.

alternatively if you being serious, then it seems that your analysis of character leaves much to be desired if the architect of the holocaust gets your vote of approval. :eek:
Quagmire said:
comedy genius, how long had you been preparing that gem.
I believe it took under 0.75 seconds. That's an approximation.

Quagmire said:
alternatively if you being serious, then it seems that your analysis of character leaves much to be desired if the architect of the holocaust gets your vote of approval. :eek:
You seem to have missed the point. The choice was between preserving a charismatic, intelligent, dynamic, yet ultimately deeply flawed and misguided individual, or preserving a deeply flawed and misguided individual. That doesn't require much thought. (So it's the kind of decision that should appeal to you.)
you seem to have missed the point, why would you prefer to preserve the architect of the holocaust?

anyway, you are quite welcome to preserve whoever you wish, its your choice, and your reasons are your own, but please dont expect me to chip in for such an individuals upkeep. something tells me you might be in a minority with your pro-criminal stance.

that evaluation didnt require much thought, but then what did procrastinating ever accomplish.
Quagmire said:
you seem to have missed the point, why would you prefer to preserve the architect of the holocaust?
You still don't get it. I have great distaste for Hitler and the havoc he wrought on Europe. Nevertheless, I should prefer to pay for having his sorry ass in jail than yours, since he had the single saving grace of being interesting. I don't want to preserve Hitler: but faced with the choice between yourself and Adolf, Adolf wins Panzers down.
Ophiolite said:
You still don't get it. I have great distaste for Hitler and the havoc he wrought on Europe. Nevertheless, I should prefer to pay for having his sorry ass in jail than yours, since he had the single saving grace of being interesting. I don't want to preserve Hitler: but faced with the choice between yourself and Adolf, Adolf wins Panzers down.

how petty and sad.