calculated to kill!


Valued Senior Member
Ever notice how many religions have this clause whereby, if you question the beleif *poof* suddenly you are in danger (usually of going to hell). Just the act of "thinking" the forbidden thought "Hey, you know, this is all bullshit" and wham - to hell with you. People are so scared of hell they can not even admit they might be wrong. Even this could endanger their mortal soul, best to not even think about it.

Can any of you remember reading any specific text where it say NOT to question that there is a God? Or that questioning this beleif is bad?

I remember my Baptist friends' sister just started repeating bla bla bla bla bla and ran from the room (true story) because she suddenly started getting worried she was going to question her faith. She was scared to even think anything new that might lead to her losing her beleif. Best to remain ignorant.

There's one (or many) monotheist on these boards who can not admit even the possibility could exit there is no God. Not even the possibility can exist, so much for the reality.

Anyway, I came across this about Scientology:

Xenu, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, was the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Scientology holds that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.

These events are known within Scientology as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire.

The story of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that this material was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it."

Now, it may seem funny to us, actually, it's sad. Scientologists really are worried that even thinking too much about the Xenu Space Opera can cause you to DIE. Well, it's really no different with monotheists if you think about it. They're JUST as scared.

Here Watch: In Xianity there is the concept of the eternal SIN. It is UNFORGIVABLE. Blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost.

Do it.

Deny the Holy Spirit.

For me, I can easily, I deny the Holy Spirit. THAT my friends, sent one hell of a shiver up the back of many a Xian. Some are, right now, thinking, poor poor fool.

Now, back to Xenu: I question the Xenu Space Opera. IMO it's bullshit.

Yup, still not worried one bit.

Funny that,
I believe everyone should question their faith and should question the authority

That doesn't mean go against it, but analyze and question it
That is amazing. Where did Hubbard get this shit from?

There *is* an actual hypothesis that earth is a "Farm". An experiment like mice in a maze. It sure would help us justify some of the crap we've done to each other.
That actually makes sense, nietzschefan

Michael, if I may ask, what is the logic behind Hubbard's conclusions? I understand the logic behind suggesting intelligence, but this goes too far.
I'm thinking more of the fear, I mean, would anyone here really truly FEAR to thinking about the Xenu Space Opera?

Not one bit. No way. It's just silly to even think that thinking about the Xenu story is going to bring harm to your body in some way. It's not going to happen. I think we can all agree to that.

BUT, when it comes to our own beliefs... well now, that's all together different.

I just can not imagine living in a world where I would fear to think. It's really child abuse to teach a child this fear - if you think about it.

Perhaps 2000 years ago, yeah, people were uncivilized barbarians, yeah, they probably needed the fear to rule them, but, not now.

Xenu Space Opera anyone?
That is amazing. Where did Hubbard get this shit from?

There *is* an actual hypothesis that earth is a "Farm". An experiment like mice in a maze. It sure would help us justify some of the crap we've done to each other.

There's gotta be those who know it. So what positions are they in? Posting anonymously about the internet? Teaching college courses? Physicists? High ranking government officials?
I'm thinking more of the fear, I mean, would anyone here really truly FEAR to thinking about the Xenu Space Opera?

Not one bit. No way. It's just silly to even think that thinking about the Xenu story is going to bring harm to your body in some way. It's not going to happen. I think we can all agree to that.

BUT, when it comes to our own beliefs... well now, that's all together different.

I just can not imagine living in a world where I would fear to think. It's really child abuse to teach a child this fear - if you think about it.

Perhaps 2000 years ago, yeah, people were uncivilized barbarians, yeah, they probably needed the fear to rule them, but, not now.

Xenu Space Opera anyone?

hence fear of god is not indicated as perfectional - in fact it is simply the default position of persons who remain caught up in sinful reactions

B 18.66 Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.
I'm thinking more of the fear, I mean, would anyone here really truly FEAR to thinking about the Xenu Space Opera?

Not one bit. No way. It's just silly to even think that thinking about the Xenu story is going to bring harm to your body in some way. It's not going to happen. I think we can all agree to that.

BUT, when it comes to our own beliefs... well now, that's all together different.

I just can not imagine living in a world where I would fear to think. It's really child abuse to teach a child this fear - if you think about it.

Perhaps 2000 years ago, yeah, people were uncivilized barbarians, yeah, they probably needed the fear to rule them, but, not now.

Xenu Space Opera anyone?

IOW, people react to their own beliefs, but not to those of other people. Wow, thats some epiphany. :D
Poor poor fool :(

Let me guess, these are also your friends.
OH SAM, just tell me your ideas on the Xenu Space Opera.

Why do you suppose Ron Hubbard wrote that people should not think to hard about it.... or they could be in danger of dieing.

Why would he write that?
Kind of like the classic "If I'm lying, may God strike me down now"

They know it won't happen but they use it to their advantage
Dunno, I don't think about it at all. Much like I have no interest in atheism.
IOW, people react to their own beliefs, but not to those of other people. Wow, thats some epiphany. :D

The point is to see the Xenu Space Opera, then ... stop ... think ... stop again ... think somemore .. see one's own beleif ... think about the space opera .. think about the similarities.


HEY, Ron Hubbard was just copying what all the other religions have done! Which means .. which means ... maybe, just maybe.... .... .....
That atheists have nothing to say and keep digging into religions for lack of anything to think about?
Don't worry the population of the world is just too large for people to be dominated by religion. Even Islam I think is loosing it's grip, people are becoming slaves to something much more subtle and weaker in actual power, but with a lot longer range(like say gravity). Globalism, economic globalism. Obedience tied to being able to "trade" to be able to complete for the scarcity of resources. Religion has fuck all to do with that now. If you are not bondable, have a criminal record, etc in about 5-10 years, you will be completely fucked beyond all hope. That's when we are gonna see the really heavy laws get passed, that will give us the inquisition part deux.
Sure, like I talk about George Bush/Americans a lot, one has to watch out for the nuts.
Nietzschefan I wouldn't mind if we reject religion as long as we replace it with something more powerful. The world is in need of strong leaders and most people are too stupid to think for themselves, so people like us, need to do it for them.