Calling spuriousmonkey


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
By the powers bestowed upon me, I "see" spuriousmonkey is with us in spirit.


*mike check 1, 2, 3, 4*

Spurious, spurious, are ye with us?

Please give us a sign.
Come back? He answered within three minutes of your posting! How embarrassing.
The spirit of spurious is no longer with us *weeps*

*pees on the rug*
Come back? He answered within three minutes of your posting! How embarrassing.

I knew he was there, I could see him online, plus, it was a compliment to me, you <insert creative French epithets that idiomatically refer to cleansing the vagina post coitus>

And I can chat with him elsewhere, I mean come back to sciforums as our resident biologist cum spoofer.
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We know that he suffers from a symptom or condition without being pathologically or morphologically genuine.
I knew that, silly; being moderator and all. As to your reference for a french phrase you might be looking to insult me with (with class of course): mange la merde.
I knew that, silly; being moderator and all. As to your reference for a french phrase you might be looking to insult me with (with class of course): mange la merde.

If I was looking for class I may say T'as une tête a faire sauter les plaques d'egouts!

But I'm not, so I won't. Instead I will assign you <insert creative Arabic phrase referring to tiny insects in pubic regions for an indeterminate length of time>

Besides scatological ingestion is a part of modern civil society.
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Well, I don't know any arabic, so I'll leave the bugs in your pants to deal with.

Anyway, my point was I knew you could see him online but the impression you inadvertently gave was that he was snooping around, and when called upon, he didn't hesitate to trip at your side, wide-eyed and eager—with a brand new avatar too! And here we all thought that he was through with Sciforums.
Well, I don't know any arabic, so I'll leave the bugs in your pants to deal with.

Anyway, my point was I knew you could see him online but the impression you inadvertently gave was that he was snooping around, and when called upon, he didn't hesitate to trip at your side, wide-eyed and eager. And here we all thought that he was through with Sciforums.

Actually I indicated that I was aware he was there (snooping around??? Its a bloody forum for heavens sakes) and I wanted him to participate rather than just read.

This is to clarify the OP for anyone else who reached the same conclusions as the self declared mange merde.

In fact, I used the picture to give that very impression, of someone communicating (or attempting to) with a spirit.

Are there other superior ideas on how to communicate with the spirits? :p

<insert German phrase referring to coitus and masturbation>
HOLY SHIT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

look who came back ! ! ! !

trudging across 1000's of miles, fighting the fierce northern winters, defending his young against the most dangerous predators ! ! ! ! !

enters the sacred shrine of sciforums like a god ! ! ! !

your radiance blinds the senses, numbs the brain ! ! ! !

welcome back oh exalted one. :D :cool: :)
Gott, du bist eine unanständig Frau!

Actually I indicated that I was aware he was there (snooping around??? Its a bloody forum for heavens sakes) and I wanted him to participate rather than just read.
Not quite, my dear: you exposed him. Case closed.
Thought I sensed a disturbance in the force; at the time, I thought it was just gas, but the East Korea page has been experiencing an unusual resurgence.
I knew he was there, I could see him online, plus, it was a compliment to me, you <insert creative French epithets that idiomatically refer to cleansing the vagina post coitus>

And I can chat with him elsewhere, I mean come back to sciforums as our resident biologist cum spoofer.

are you sure it was him?
Who else could post such a witty, erudite epistle so concisely?