Valued Senior Member
but when you divert someone reporting suicidal ideation away from mental health professionals your the one taking control.
and such people MUST be held accountable
the book Transformed By The Light by a Dr. Melvin Morse....
he referred to a study done on people who had attempted suicide recently.....
i worked closely with a christian married hetro father of 2(may have been 3) for a year or soo who had clinical depression
he had been diagnosed(i also clearly identified his personality type and underlying condition & personality)
was on anti depressants and some anti psych meds(very short time)
but had weened himself off the anti-depressants on church advice
i counseled him a few times privately on a personal level
he believes he is stronger without the medication
the placebo effect is often critical in CBT function to some extents
medications are likes brakes in a car
who would go driving without them ?(not many)
he needs to have brakes in his car so he can use them
but he thinks he is better without them
his change in adapting to apply mental health behavior and mental tools to adjust to cater directly to his personality and condition make a HUGE difference
effectively i was an atheist counseling a weekly church going christian married father of 3
on critical mental health that would impact his wife & his children and his church
Can Jews, Christians and Muslims cooperate more? Can Atheists assist them?... He concluded that simply seeing some evidence that there is a purpose in our lives can reduce tendencies toward suicide.
i would like to think i helped
i have never spoken to anyone about our personal conversations(personal morals)
and would never disclose his identity(personal morals)
i did not try and change his religious beliefs(personal morals)
i did not try and take any money off him (personal morals)
i did not exploit the situation to try and force him to pay me a favor in return (personal morals)