Can math and physics explain the human soul?


Valued Senior Member
I'm curious if the hard sciences experts can or has already put its collective mind to this discovery.
Assuming a soul even exists, we need to know it's properties before one can even begin to describe it through mathematics or science.
Actually, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf did a good go at explaining the soul from a scientific point of view, in his book, 'Spiritual Universe'.
I'm curious if the hard sciences experts can or has already put its collective mind to this discovery.

Why would scientists waste their time chasing religious assertions?
I'm curious if the hard sciences experts can or has already put its collective mind to this discovery.

If you think on it just physically, it's a snapshot of the state of a brain. You can perfectly describe it is you have the correct tools.
I'm curious if the hard sciences experts can or has already put its collective mind to this discovery.

Many scientists have confronted that idea and found that although they

cannot prove that a soul exist they can believe it exists through their own

faiths in their religious beliefs. As long as they kept things separate then

there's a way to live with both ideas. That's what faith is all about. There

are other scientist that now are only atheists for they gave up their beliefs

long ago and accepted reason beyond belief. Whatever the choice is made

they have their rights to believe in anything they want either provable or
