Cancer: Has a cure been found?

Mitochondrial DNA energy mutation could be the key , to solving the essence of cancer , all cancers .
As would bee venom if we can find a properly targeted delivery system. Perhaps CRISPR might apply also.
How does Bee venom matter ?
You may want to watch the NOVA presentation of "How to make things smaller".

Bee venom is a highly effective destroyer of cancerous cells. Unfortunately it is not selective what cells to destroy. Thus science is currently working on a nano torpedo which is able to select cancerous cells (which have a specific chemical signature) from healthy cells. The smaller the cancer the less of these torpedoes would be needed.

But the real problem is the malfunction of the mitochondra .

Mitochondra gives engergy to the Nucleus of the cell , the RNA , if the communication between the two is distorted , then the replication of cell is mutated , hence then cancer .

But the real problem is the malfunction of the mitochondra .

Mitochondra gives engergy to the Nucleus of the cell , the RNA , if the communication between the two is distorted , then the replication of cell is mutated , hence then cancer .
Very interesting. You may well be right.
In addition to supplying cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in other tasks, such as signaling, cellular differentiation, and cell death, as well as maintaining control of the cell cycle and cell growth.