Case no. 5 O'Hare Incident


UFO's have shown an interest with airliners and other commercial air craft, but sometimes they show interest in air ports themselves.

I remember when this incident happened, hard to believe sometimes it happened 6 years ago. We have all the nice things we would want in a UFO case, we have a cover up (or at least refusal of interviews concerning employee's and some information about the case was kept quiet for a while.

The year is 2006, Chicago, O'Hare, control get's phone calls from staff about a ''flying saucer sitting stationary over O'Hare.''

In this case, we have multiple witnesses, the object was first spotted by a ramp employee - several indepedent witnesses outside of the airport also observed the object. One described it as a ''blatent'' disc shape, with a blue metallic tinge. It remained there for a while, with more staff being involved... that was, until the object suddenly climbed many feet in a sharp ascent even punching a hole in the clouds, revealing a blue sky above.

This made big headlines, it got even stranger when there appeared to be a cover up. The FAA denied any knowledge of the sighting, that was until a swift freedom of information act was cited - the FAA then ordered an internal review of air-traffic communications tapes to comply with the Tribune FOIA request. The air-traffic communications, the audio was astounding. We clearly have staff not taking it seriously at first, but then as time goes on, you start to hear the worry in their voices.

you can find original audio on youtube'Hare_International_Airport_UFO_sighting

"The disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it."[2][3] So far, no conclusive photographic evidence of the UFO has surfaced, although it was reported to Hilkevitch that one of the United Airlines pilots was in possession of a digital camera at the time of the sighting and may have photographed the event.[4]''

My thoughts

One of the skeptics arguments is that we never have photographic evidence... that's probably because in many cases it ends up being confiscated, just like what happened in Westall, or that the information is intentionally kept from public eyes, such as what happened in Washington when the Blue Book press spokesman stopped anyone from obtaining information about the radar anomaly.

In this case, we might actually have some evidence in the way of photographs as well, but the agency responsible for the employees have strictly told them not to interview about their experiences.

We also have multiple witness accounts all over this story and an object, unconventional to say the least, seemed also to move at incredible speeds. We don't seem to have radar confirmation, but saucers are very slim-lined, just like some of our stealth air craft we have today. It is possible the radar never got a sufficient hit. It may have been too low for the radar system... it's hard to tell. But sometimes these objects are seen and radar cannot confirm it.
One of the skeptics arguments is that we never have photographic evidence... that's probably because in many cases it ends up being confiscated, just like what happened in Westall, or that the information is intentionally kept from public eyes, such as what happened in Washington when the Blue Book press spokesman stopped anyone from obtaining information about the radar anomaly.

Typical woo-woo, when the evidence is not on your side drag out the conspiracy theories...:rolleyes:

Do you seriously not realize how absurdly silly this all seems to a logical thinking person?